6E Sticker Shock!

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« on: <06-10-22/1837:05> »
I just returned from my local game store, and I picked up the 6E core rule book, Seattle Edition.  I was glad to see they had three available.  It cost $49.99, which is fair for a hardcover rule book.

Then, I picked up the Seattle resource book, and thought I might pick it up, too.  I flipped it over to see the price....  $49.99!!!  HOLY COW!!  This thin resource book costs the same as the core rule book?!  So, I picked up the other books they had, and all were $45 or $50 USD!!


This is prohibitive for new users, especially since you've specifically held out on some core rules for publishing in the supplements (addiction rules, I'm looking at you).  I would have rather paid an extra $10 for the CRB if it included these "to be continued" rules.  Not sure if it's worth an extra $50 just to get the rigger or Magic book.

Please, please bring down the price!  This game cannot survive at this price, especially with the issues in this edition.

 - Chris

P.S. Before anyone suggests I buy the electronic copy, I did so in the recent Bundle of Holding offer, and I'm glad I did, as my desire for paper is unsustainable at CGL prices.


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« Reply #1 on: <06-10-22/1931:58> »
I just returned from my local game store, and I picked up the 6E core rule book, Seattle Edition.  I was glad to see they had three available.  It cost $49.99, which is fair for a hardcover rule book.

Then, I picked up the Seattle resource book, and thought I might pick it up, too.  I flipped it over to see the price....  $49.99!!!  HOLY COW!!  This thin resource book costs the same as the core rule book?!  So, I picked up the other books they had, and all were $45 or $50 USD!!


This is prohibitive for new users, especially since you've specifically held out on some core rules for publishing in the supplements (addiction rules, I'm looking at you).  I would have rather paid an extra $10 for the CRB if it included these "to be continued" rules.  Not sure if it's worth an extra $50 just to get the rigger or Magic book.

Please, please bring down the price!  This game cannot survive at this price, especially with the issues in this edition.

 - Chris

P.S. Before anyone suggests I buy the electronic copy, I did so in the recent Bundle of Holding offer, and I'm glad I did, as my desire for paper is unsustainable at CGL prices.

You issue with pricing may not be with Catalyst, but just a sign of the times.
Check when they were printed (as in the year, should be on the first page next to edition).
If the book was printed post 2020, then yea.... welcome to Covid inflation!
When you shut down everything from the loggers that cut down the trees, to the truckers that haul the wood, the pulp mills that turn wood to paper, the mines for the ink, the refineries that turn raw materials TO ink.... all the way down to the guy putting the book on the shelf, well prices go up!.

Oh, and $50 for a book isn't that bad, depending on where you are. The 5e core book cost me $80 when i picked it up in 2015(?).... because, Canada.
Where am I going? And why am I in a hand basket ???

Remember: You can't fix Stupid. But you can beat on it with a 2x4 until it smartens up! Or dies.


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« Reply #2 on: <06-11-22/1103:16> »
I feel like the price is pretty standard.

Take for example Monte Cook's Numenera 2, which (relatively speaking) just came out too. The core rules are actually in 2 books, both $60. And most supplements are $40.

Eclipse Phase is another $60 core book, but supplements are much smaller and cheaper at about $20 a pop.

Vampire the Masquerade 5e is $55. Supplements are between $45 and $50.

I too would like to pay less (which is why I only buy pdfs), but it does appear to be competitively priced with other RPGs on the market.


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« Reply #3 on: <06-12-22/1348:19> »
Another thing to keep in mind is that core rule books typically have larger print runs because core rule books sell better than supplements.  Not just Catalyst, pretty much the same with other publishers as well.

