Cost of Qualities question

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« on: <05-24-22/0929:25> »
Hey all!  I'm new to 6E and was playing around with making some characters to help get used to the rules. 

In the section for Qualities, it says to pick your Qualities and total up the costs both positive and negative.  The only restrictions are no more than six qualities total and no more than 20 bonus Karma.  But where does the Karma come from?  Let's say I take two positive qualities; one costs 12 Karma and the other 8.  I also take a negative quality that gives 12.  I'm 8 points in the hole now but where do I pay that Karma cost from?  At first I thought it was from the 50 points you get near the end, but that Karma is specifically called out as using the character advancement rules (where the Quality costs are doubled).

I get the feeling that I've missed something obvious but I can't figure out what.

Michael Chandra

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« Reply #1 on: <05-24-22/1039:03> »
After chargen quality costs double, during chargen the hole indeed comes out of that 50 customization karma. And vice versa, if you get qualities that cost 24 and give 44 combined, you now have 70 karma to spend.
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« Reply #2 on: <05-24-22/1125:56> »
After chargen quality costs double, during chargen the hole indeed comes out of that 50 customization karma. And vice versa, if you get qualities that cost 24 and give 44 combined, you now have 70 karma to spend.

Can't purchase Negative qualities with karma after chargen (pg 69).  That's pretty exploity.  Earning positive and negative qualities is always free (that's why they're earned). 
Edit - sorry I realize you weren't claiming that, I was just adding.
« Last Edit: <05-24-22/1128:18> by MercilessMing »