Sixth World Companion errata

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« Reply #30 on: <03-25-24/1738:36> »
Didn't see ghoul and vampire errata yet:

Pg 108, cost of Ghoul quality is 29.
Pg 111, cost of Ghoul quality is 27.

Non-Human vampires have conflicting stats:

Pg 109, Non-Human Vampires box:
"If you want one of these atypical expressions in your game, simply apply the same attribute modifiers to maximums as per a vampire to a human: +1 BOD, STR, WILL, and +2 REA and CHA.

Pg. 113, Vampire Quality description:
"If anyone besides a human becomes a vampire, there are no changes to their attribute maximums from their base metatype."

Non-Human vampires have conflicting Quality cost:

Pg 109, Non-Human Vampires box:
The primary difference is that the template costs an additional 5 Karma, for a total cost of 32, as opposed to 27."

Pg. 113, Vampire Quality description:
Cost: 27 Karma (+10 Karma for non-humans)


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« Reply #31 on: <03-26-24/1012:34> »
What we set for for SRM was 29 Karma as the cost for Ghoul.

