Shadowrun Release Schedule - 2022

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« on: <05-05-22/1833:00> »
Upcoming Release Schedule for the rest of 2022:

Sixth World Companion

We just got word that this has hit the warehouse, so it will be making its way to stores (both online and brick-and-mortar) in the next few weeks! We’re excited for this book, as it’s packed with options to add fun to your Shadowrun game. It has new character creation options, a whole bunch of qualities, a wide range of metatypes, and more! It even has some optional rules that you can choose from in a la carte fashion to make your Shadowrun game the way you want it to be. So get ready to put a range of options into your Shadowrun game! (May)

Best Laid Plans
A Shadowrun novella by Anton Strout:

Billy and Cheveyo are a pair of shadowrunners laying low in Chiba City after their last job for a megacorporation. But when they uncover evidence that their recent employer might just want them off the payroll—permanently—they saddle up to get to the bottom of what might be a deadly corporate double-cross. (May)

Blackbird One
Base of Fire/Combined Exercise/Hollow Point

A Shadowrun trilogy by Russell Zimmerman

The Blackbird series is a short novel trilogy with strong military, NAN, and shamanic themes, featuring an ork combat-summoner. Providing familiar territory for longtime Kincaid fans will be complications with mentor figures, long-running contacts/enemies, and the shadow community (all approached from a more paramilitary/shadowrunner direction), conflicted relationships with magical and mundane authority figures…and plenty of action, of course!

The main story takes place during the NAN invasion, particularly near Bismarck.  Our hero, Dashiell Riggins, and his small mercenary squad will be trying to hold off the invading NAN military and their own merc allies under a contract that forces him to fight against his own people…not only in the abstract (orks and Native Americans), but literally; he’ll encounter characters from his past, met during his long years of service, amidst skirmishes and war games. (May/July/August)

Corporate Business
A Shadowrun Novella by Dylan Birtolo

Maria is a corporate cleaner and is very good at her job. Working for Ares, she handles jobs too sensitive to bring shadowrunners in on. Of course, being on call for a megacorporation comes with its own issues as well. And when Maria is assigned what appears to be an uncomplicated tech extraction job,  all seems to go well on the initial run…until she gets the idea that her target was just a distraction for the real job—an assassination. Now Maria has to find out how deep her corp is in this mess…and how much they know about her looking into it…before her own head is next on the chopping block. (June)

Shadow Cast and Rogues Lineup
If the Sixth World Companion is about providing a options to make a wide range of Shadowrun characters, Shadow Cast is there to help you explore that range. The book features twenty character archetypes that go off the beaten path, people like an academic mage, a Dissonant technomancer, or a street doctor. For each archetype, you get information on how people might get into that line of work, with ideas on how to build skills and attributes for that character. There are also plot hooks for that archetype, quality paths, and advice on playing that archetype. (Summer)

To accompany Shadow Cast, we made a deck of character cards called Rogues Lineup with two sets of stats for each archetype. Whether you need quick pre-generated PC or an NPC for a wide range of game circumstances, this deck has options!

Art Portfolio
Remember a few weeks ago when we had a poll where you could vote for some of your favorite Shadowrun art pieces throughout the whole history of the game? Well, the selections have been made, the pieces have been laid out, and the book is at the printer! With 40 large, sturdy, detachable prints, this book is a collection of great posters under a single cover. (Late summer/early fall)

Shadowrun Calendar
Two things we like keeping track of are when major gaming conventions are happening and important dates in Shadowrun history. The Shadowrun sixteen month calendar helps with both purposes! Running from September 2022 to December 2023, this calendar has important dates pre-printed on it. What’s more, each month features a map of a Sixth World location and a brief write up of an adventure for that location. So you get your important dates and Shadowrun fun all in one package! (Late summer/early fall)

Hack & Slash and Program Deck
The Matrix that most people know is strictly ordered and controlled, but hackers know the secret: behind all that is chaos. Resonance, Dissonance, the Deep Foundation, and more can introduce elements of chaos to orderly surface.

Hack & Slash is the core Matrix rulebook for SR6, and it has tools and rules to explore the full range of the Matrix. With new programs, complex forms, qualities, and much more, this is an essential book for anyone hacking the Matrix—or even using it.

To accompany Hack & Slash, we have the Program Deck, and easy reference deck of dozens of programs and commlink apps to help any hacker remember what programs they can use and what they do. (Late summer/early fall)

Sprawl Stories II: Old School
Collecting 5 classic SR novellas, including in a POD edition for the first time:

1. The Vladivostok Gauntlet by Olivier Gagnon

2. Nothing Personal by Olivier Gagnon

3. Another Rainy Night by Patrick Goodman

4. Sail Away, Sweet Sister by Patrick Goodman

5. The Seattle Gambit by Olivier Gagnon (Fall)

The Chimera Complex
By Michael J. Ciaravella

The Global Overwatch Division, known as GOD, polices the international Matrix, identifying and addressing threats to the megacorporations to maintain the fragile peace. When a series of seemingly impossible murders occur, blurring the lines between virtual and actual reality, the source seems to trace back to an apocryphal legend from the earliest days of the Matrix. Quietly enlisting a team of shadowrunners to work in parallel with their Right Hand Black Operations division, GOD G-men must race against time inside and out of the Matrix as they rush to identify the killer. With all signs pointing to a chimera from the deepest depths of the Matrix itself, and with the death toll rising, can they stop the threat before without bringing about a new Crash? (Fall)

Mercy Street
A Shadowrun novella by Bryan Young

Shimura is a troll living in the worst of Seattle’s slums, getting by as a street doc. The folks around his clinic jokingly call it Mercy Street. He helps everyone he can and gets paid as often with booze as he does in nuyen.  One day a decker arrives with an injury—and a paydata package—that pulls Shimura back into the shadows…and the megacorps cast very long, very deep shadows indeed… (Fall)

Null Value
With Hack & Slash providing more information about the current state of the Matrix, Null Value looks at some of the threats and other people and groups who inhabit the virtual world. From eco-terrorists to artificial intelligences to creepy creatures from the deepest Foundations, this book discusses ten people and groups that can give the Matrix aspect of your Shadowrun game a new jolt.

The cover’s not laid out for this one yet, but you better believe it features a member of the Null Sect! (Late fall)

Edge Zone: The Upgradeable Card Game
Now we get to the item that isn’t presented in the order of release. Some of you likely remember the Shadowrun trading card game from back in the ’90s. Well, we’ve been updating the graphics, putting in some new art, tweaking a few game elements here and there, and getting it ready for re-release! It will come in two boxes, the Magic deck and the Machine deck, that lets you choose your area of emphasis. You can build two decks and get playing with either deck, or you can get both boxes to make your deck exactly the way you want it to be! Look for more details coming soon!

Scorpion’s Bane
A Shadowrun novel by Mel Odom

The sequel to Mel’s acclaimed “Tower of the Scorpion” novella, this full novel continues the adventures of Rashida bint Tariq bin Feroze al-Nazari as she continues to search the Arabian Caliphate for answers to what happened to her family—and her missing brother—all while resisting the subtle machinations of her totem, Scorpion. But can she find her brother before her own totem drives her to her doom?

In Development
And that’s not all the things coming! We’re working on things including virtual tabletop support and a new board game that you’ll hear about soon! And next year, get ready for the augmentation book Body Shop, the critter book Wild Life, and much more! Keep your eyes on this blog and social media for more updates!


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« Reply #1 on: <05-09-22/1739:08> »
Excellent - thanks for the heads up!  8)


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« Reply #2 on: <05-25-22/0549:25> »
The Companion is a great read! Keep up the good work ^_^


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« Reply #3 on: <10-14-22/1915:50> »
I need that critter book bad.  Glad to know that the matrix book is coming soon. 

But really, I could really use some kind of generalized comparison for professional rating to PC's earned karma.  If i want them to have a 50/50 chance of success, what's the balance?  Even if its just a guideline with a disclaimer of "individual results may vary" that'd be fine. 


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« Reply #4 on: <11-25-22/1413:26> »
Any idea yet if the Blackbird Trilogy will be released as an Anthology or not?  I think I asked Mr. Helfers at Gen Con (because they had 1 and 2 there), but at the time I was told they didn't know yet (or weren't sure yet).  Was wondering if they'd made a decision yet, or still trying to decide. =D 


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« Reply #5 on: <01-01-23/1309:48> »
Hey - any news on the release schedule for 2023?