Yeah, 2010 Attendance at Origins, Gen Con, and (I believe) Dragon*Con were all outstanding.
Origins has started opening up gaming on Wednesday all day, and I had a Noon game on Wednesday, and I had a full table. Several other tables I ran over the weekend had between 6 and 8 players. The only game I had that wasn't full was effectivly a pick-up demo I ran for a couple guys because Origins screwed up the game I had scheduled, and got it mixed up with a mini's event, so we have no idea what happened to anyone who signed up.
Gen Con was reportedly packed, as Sinthlax said. Several GMs I talked to were overburdened because we had far more players than we could adequately handle> GMs took as many as they could, but this lead to a bit of overcrowding at times.
We're actually increasing the number of events run this year, and hopefully going to broaden our GM pool some more. If you're looking to go to Gen Con, Origins, or Dragon*Con and are interested in GMing (It has it's benefits!), drop a line to