Heavy Metal (OOC)

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« Reply #30 on: <04-06-11/0556:05> »
....  Its called post or die.  you should check it out....

seems like a good principle for my Auburn campaign :)


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« Reply #31 on: <04-06-11/0735:27> »
Okay, I will tell you the story of the girl who is now know by the alias Kraken. But telling Kraken's tale is telling part of the not so fortunate story of Chakan.

When someone emerges, life can get pretty strange. Angela knows that's when she discovered she was a biological computer, it showed how the Sixth World could be a bizarre place, but she also know that in fact it all started a little later.

Angela Brasico, an Argentinian girl living at Córdoba, thought all her life she would be a archeologist, or maybe a historian or a linguist working for some of the big corporations that infest the city. Working with data, not people; she always had an easy way to the former and difficulties with the latter. When suddenly machines started to respond to her presence and she could reprogram things just by way of thought, this prospect became unlikely.

Afraid of her new abilities, she went in hiding, as stories about people who showed strange abilities that soon disappeared
where common. The only way she communicated with the world was through the Matrix, and even so, by the use of a commlink.
Then she knew the one who taught her who she was, and what was the purpose of her powers.

Chakan - By birth, named Fausto Küsch, by nationality Amazonian, and by line of work, eco-terrorist. A shaman who was also a hacker (and a very competent one), found her, and although he was no technomancer, his beliefs helped the girl to create a discernible framework that organized her mind sufficiently for her to control her powers. He held an Incan faith - three planes of existence, the material, the supernal and the land of the dead, which the shaman should be able to access. He managed to do it by implanting himself with a commlink, a sim module and a data jack, the Matrix was the land of the dead, and he worked this way.

Angela learned from him, his beliefs and his skills. By transporting some of his abilities of summoning spirits from the upper planes, she devised the way to compile sprites in the lower plane. She was soon to become a Shadowrunner too, and probably an anarco-terrorist - her world-view was very influenced by her master, but she started having divergences.

She read a lot while not training, and in old books (Asimov's, Gibson's) she discovered a secret that is intrinsically tied to her abilities: the Matrix was already prophetized. Probably, the Resonance was already acting in the world for a long time now, and the internet just superimposed itself upon it. The Resonance was alive, and was colonized by men. By reading the so-called "fiction", she thought she could gain insights of the Resonance.

All her study came to a sudden stop when her teacher disappeared. It happened almost a year ago, and everything says he is dead. He had made a lot of enemies in his time, and lately the group he was running with was being chased by unknow individuals. But something deep inside her tells Angela, now Kraken, that there's more to it than meets the eye, and she went on a search. Alive or dead, she would discover what happened to him.

Maybe it was her questions, maybe she was already aimed for something, but she had to left her former city, nation and continent hiding. During her trips on the Matrix, she made contact with a strange entity, a Paragon, with whom she is now in communion. Flux, this particular paragon, warned her that she was being chased and needed to flee. And that the place that could brings answers to her questions was Seattle. From Mendoza she embarked to Seattle, where some friends (now unreachable at South America), provide her with a contact of an employer.

Name: Angela Brasico
Alias: Kraken
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Nationality: Argentinian
Lifestyle: Low



Positive Qualities
Technomancer (5BP)
Paragon (5BP)
Analytical Mind (5BP) - Runner's Companion [pg 96]

Negative Qualities
Lost Loved One (-5BP) - Runner's Companion [pg 105]
Combat Paralysis (-20BP)
Allergy - Carbon Monoxide [Common, Mild] (-10BP)

Active Skills
Data Search3
Software3   Threading +2
Hacking5   Exploit +2
Eletronic Warfare4

Knowledge Skills ( [Logic + Intuition] x 3 free points)
         Linked Atributte - Intuition
Last Century Sci-Fi Fiction4
Data Havens3
Digital Art3
          Linked Atributte - Logic
Computer Theory4
Matrix Theory4
Recording Systems1
Communication Systems2
Language Skills

Complex Forms
Analyze (Computer) 5
Browse (Data Search) 3
Scan (Eletronic Warfare) 3
Exploit (Hacking) 6
Medic (Computer) 5
Spoof (Hacking) 4
Stealth 6
Shield 4

Technomancer Info
Fading Test     Charisma + Resonance

Paragon Advantages+2 dice to Threading Tests
+1 die to Data Sprites
Paragon Disadvantages    -1 to Cybercombat Attack Tests

Living Persona
Response (VR)5(6)
Biofeedback Filter5
VR Matrix Initiative    11
VR Matrix Passes3

Gear  5 BP - 25000¥
Shock Gloves200¥
Morpheus (modified Defiance Protector)1000¥
           Smartgun System
           Smartgun Camera Vision Enhancement 3
           Smartgun Camera Thermographic Vision
Hypnos (modified Yamaha Pulsar)700¥
           Smartgun System
           Smartgun Camera Vision Enhancement 3
           Smartgun Camera Thermographic Vision
Ammo: 36 Taser Darts 180¥
2 Concealable Holsters 150¥
Armored Vest600¥
Urban Explorer Jumpsuit500¥
Hermes Ikon3000¥
OS Iris Orb1000¥
      Programs 1650¥
Analyze 3
Browse 3
Command 3
Edit 3
Encrypt 3
Purge 6
Reality Filter 3
Scan 3
       Other Softwares
Datasoft 660¥  - Huge collection o Sci-fi Fiction
Datasoft 660¥  - Huge collection of Sci-Fi Fiction
Seattle Mapsoft 6 60¥
15 Datachips15¥  - She uses it as jewelry
Eletronic Paper20¥
15 Standard RFID Tags15¥
6 Stealth RFID Tags30¥
Googles 6 300¥
         Low-Light Vision100¥
         Thermographic Vision 100¥
         Ultrasound Vision1000¥
         Flare Compensation50¥
         Vision Enhancement 3300¥
Glasses 4 100¥
         Low-Light Vision100¥
         Thermographic Vision 100¥
         Vision Enhancement 4300¥
         Vision Magnification100¥
Earbuds 3 30¥
         Audio Enhancement 3300¥
         Select Sound Filter 3600¥
         Spatial Recognizer 100¥
Tag Eraser 150¥
Biofabrics 100¥
Cyberspace Designs Dragonfly 2500¥
MCT Fly-Spy 2000¥
Fake SIN 4 - "Ada Lovelace" 4000¥
Trance (Awakened Drug) - 3 doses 360¥
Medikit Rating 6 600¥
Low - 1 month 2000¥
Total Amount of Nuyen Spent25000¥

Woody (Fixer) 1/3

Build Point totals:  400BP = 190 BP (Atributtes)  + 65 BP (Resonance) + 124 BP (Active Skills) + 15 BP (Positive Qualities) -  35 BP (Negative Qualities) + 5 BP (Resources) + 4 BP (Contacts) + 32 (Complex Forms)

Contact info:
Woody - The man commonly called Woody is a small time fixer at Seattle Streets. Usually making his contacts through the Matrix, when in public presence he usually try to hide his childish and wood-like appearance (he is a Chageling, Class III Surge). He has some public connections with the Cereal Killers and the Reality Hackers (usually testing new members in their skills), and some say he might have ties with the Choson Ring, but nobody knows for sure and woody remains silent about it. He seems to circulate a lot for someone who would be tied to such an organization.
His relation to Kraken is thin. He made some favors in getting a place to her (a friend for another friend), and she worked well some jobs that
he get her. Even though she can be a little absent minded and too focused in chasing ghosts, most of the time, she works really good - she is not valuable to him yet. Let's see what time will tell.

Well, that's the character I wanted to play in your game. Chakan was one of the most fun character I ever played, and I'd like to make this one related to him this way... I will flesh the contact later and also choose the starting gear...
Before I forget, I'll post the qualities I took from the Runner's Companion, and you tell me if it's acceptable:

Lost Loved One
Bonus: 5 BP
The character is obsessed with the unexplained disappearance of someone near and dear. The person (defined when the quality is taken) vanished in mysterious circumstances and hasn’t been seen or heard of since. The character with this quality feels compelled to find the missing person at any cost. She must succeed in a Willpower + Logic Test (2) to resist following any lead the gamemaster may wish to throw in her direction (be it a solid lead or a red herring). The effects of this quality are intended to be resolved through roleplaying. If desired, the resolution of this quality can even become the subject of an entire subplot.

Analytical Mind
Cost: 5 BP
The Analytical Mind quality represents the uncanny deductive and logic ability some individuals possess to intuitively crack ciphers, solve puzzles, and sift through data. This quality gives the character a +2 dice pool modifier to any Logic Tests involving pattern recognition, evidence analysis, clue hunting, or solving puzzles. This quality also provides a + 2 dice pool modifier to any Data Search and Software Tests.
« Last Edit: <04-25-11/2017:44> by Netzgeist »


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« Reply #32 on: <04-06-11/0745:03> »
Good point about summer, though. I didn't consider that. What exactly do you do, in the event of a player just vanishing or jumping ship?

I NPC the runner till the end of the mission, than make a replacement. Other than that you might try to find someone to jump into existing runner.
Sorry for a small delay ;)

Denver Missions
concluded 01 02 03 04 05 10 09 11
running 13
runners: Caretaker Jerry


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« Reply #33 on: <04-06-11/1055:54> »
Allow me to introduce Ernesto Garcia aka Juan "el trampa" Castro
Born in Bogota Columbia as the first son of Juan Garcia, a surgeon to the Bogota general hospital and Carmen Marques, his loving wife.  It where better times back then, before the conflicts started and teared the city apart.  As his father was a rich man by Columbian standards his mother never had to work in here live and could dedicate all her time in raising Ernesto.  And a fine job she did at that.  She learned him to throw is heart in all he does, helpt him understand the value of a good meal and good coocking (something they did a lot together).  Ernesto's youth was a happy one.  Aside from some bully's at school who picked on him for beeing a dwarf he had nothing to complain about.  When his father heard about the bullying he bought his son a nice piece of cyberware called a skillwire system and a Knight errant self defence cluster.  Once installed the bully's quickly changed their minds as the little dwarf was now able to fight back.
After finishing high school Ernesto moved on to college.  Once again he got a gift from his father to help him succeed in his carreer.  Not that he needed the cerbral booster to be the first of his class but hey it was a welcome adition. 
Ernesto finished college five years later with a phd in architecture and one in physics.  The future was bright and nothing could go wrong, at least that's what he thought.
And then things took a turn for the worse.  Aztlan and Amazonia started to make their moves into Columbia and Bogota became a warzone. 
During a war Architects aren't in much of a demand so Ernesto loses his job.  When his parents are killed bij Aztech troops during a raid in the hospital Ernesto joins a local rebel group called CFC or Columbia for Columbians.  Here he first learns how to use explosives, he gets some basic weapon training and takes part in several missions against Aztech and Amazonian invaders.  Ernesto still knows a few of his fathers former co workers and is able to provide the group with second hand bioware's.  Wich he also uses to upgrade himself. 
Three years later the aztech forces do a raid in the CFC headquarters and the group is disbanded.  Ernesto is able to flee and joins MET2000 to escape from Aztech.  He is send to Germany for advanced training and modification.
His missions for the MET bring him to all parts of the world.  And lead to him meeting the mirror man, this mysterious man, who no one has ever seen offers him a job aside from MET.  While in Lagos, on a MET mission, Ernesto dissapears for a few days from his team to place a bomb in the car of a local warlord.  This is his first succesfull mission for the mirror man.  A few others follow, and soon he finds himself in a nasty position, as his superiors are getting sucpicous.  With the help of the mirror man he


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« Reply #34 on: <04-06-11/1107:49> »
stages his own death during a mission in the south pacific.  From there he travels to Seattle, settles in a small apartment and gather's gear to do more work for the mirror man.
Now for his stats:

Name: Ernesto Garcia aka Juan "el trampa" Castro
metatype: dwarf (25bp)
Nationality: Columbian

body: 5
Agility: 5 (7)
Reaction: 4(6)
strength:4 (6)
Charisma: 2
Intuition: 4
Logic: 5 (6)
Willpower: 3
Edge: 1
Initiative 8(10)
passes 3
Essence 0,85

Active Skills (136bp)
Athletics group 2
Blades 3
Pistols (semi automatics) 2+2
Automatics (smg) 3+2
Demolitions 5
Computer (edit) 1+2
Survival 3
Infiltration 3
perception 2
Etiquette 3
Disguise (camouflage) 2+2

knowledge and language skills (only free bp spend)
Spanish and English native languages (billingual)
Physics 5
Architecture 5
Mercenary hangouts 4
Guerilla tactics 4
Structural engineering 3
Fine Cuisine 3
Radical groups 3

Contacts (9bp)
The mirror man (fixer) loy4 con5

Quality's (+15bp -35bp)
Bilingual *
Erased (24hours)*
prejudiced against Aztech personel (specific outspoken)*
Wanted (by Aztech)*
Incompetent pilot ground craft
Weak immune system
Thrill seeker*
*runners companion quality's

Resources 50 bp
I'll fill in his gear later as my wife is nagging me to get away from the computer
Hermes Ikon ith response upgrade to 5
Custom os firewall 6 system 5
hardening 6
Optimization for Analyze
nanopaste trodes, skinlink and subvocal microphone
analyze 5 with crashguard, optimization3and viral resistance 6
edit 5 with crashguard, optimization3 and viral resistance 6

Attention coprocessor rat3 (perception +3)
image link alpha ware
smartlink alpha ware
Flare comp alpha ware
skillwire rat3 alpha ware
Wired reflexes rat 2 alpha ware (+2rea, +2INI pass)
Plastic bone lacing Alpha ware (+1 resist damage, str/2+1P unarmed
Muscle Toner rat 2 used (+2agility)
Muscle Augmentation rat2 used (+2strength)
Synthacardium rat2 used (+2 athletics)
Enhanced articulation rat2 used (+1 to physical skills)
Cerebral booster rat1 (+1logic)
Obvious lower right arm with gyromount, commlink, datajack and internal airtank

Survival knive with personalised grip
Ares predator IV with personalised grip and skinlink
Ingram smartgun X with barrel reduction, electronic firing, skinlink, sling and underbarrel foregrip (standard gas vent 2, sound suppressor  and detachable folding stock)
3clips gel and 3 clips ex-ex rounds for Ares predator
3clips gel and 3 clips ex-ex rounds for Ingram smartgun

armor and clothing
3 different sets of street clothing
form fitting mask
form fitting full body suit with thermal damping 6
lined coat with fire resistance 3, nonconductivity 3 and concealed holster
Securetech leg and arm casings with FR3 NC3
securetech upper leg casings with FR3 NC3
Securetehc upper arm casings with FR3, NC3

3 kilo's commercial explosives
2 kilo's TNT
2m detonating cord
2 radio detonators
2 timer detonators
2 pull detonators
2 push detonators
4 electrical detonators
1 electrical exploder
1m safety fuse
demolitions toolkit

misc gear
4 small nanopaste disguise containers
hand held jammer
tag eraser
knight errant self defence skillsoft cluster
mitsuhama home mechanic skillsoft cluster
glasses with vision enhancement rat3 and vision magnification
camera neutralizer sensor rat6
gecko tape gloves

Fake ID's
Fake sin rat4 Juan Castro with 6 fake licenses rat4 (ares pred, ingram smart, wired reflexes, bonelacing and concealed carry permit)
fake sin rat1 Antonio Gomes with 2 fake licenses rat1 (ares pred and concealed carry)
fake sin rat1 Fidel Banderos with 2 fake licenses rat1 (ares pred and concealed carry)

« Last Edit: <04-07-11/0305:27> by mdp »


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« Reply #35 on: <04-06-11/1110:12> »
Interesting... I think I'm gonna cut off additional signups now.


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« Reply #36 on: <04-06-11/1227:10> »
Guess I finished selecting Kraken's gear:

Gear  5 BP - 25000¥
Shock Gloves200¥
Morpheus (modified Defiance Protector)1000¥
           Smartgun System
           Smartgun Camera Vision Enhancement 3
           Smartgun Camera Thermographic Vision
Hypnos (modified Yamaha Pulsar)700¥
           Smartgun System
           Smartgun Camera Vision Enhancement 3
           Smartgun Camera Thermographic Vision
Ammo: 36 Taser Darts 180¥
2 Concealable Holsters 150¥
Armored Vest600¥
Urban Explorer Jumpsuit500¥
Hermes Ikon3000¥
OS Iris Orb1000¥
      Programs 1650¥
Analyze 3
Browse 3
Command 3
Edit 3
Encrypt 3
Purge 6
Reality Filter 3
Scan 3
       Other Softwares
Datasoft 660¥
Datasoft 660¥
Seattle Mapsoft 6 60¥
15 Datachips15¥
Eletronic Paper20¥
15 Standard RFID Tags15¥
6 Stealth RFID Tags30¥
Googles 6 300¥
         Low-Light Vision100¥
         Thermographic Vision 100¥
         Ultrasound Vision1000¥
         Flare Compensation50¥
         Vision Enhancement 3300¥
Glasses 4 100¥
         Low-Light Vision100¥
         Thermographic Vision 100¥
         Vision Enhancement 4300¥
         Vision Magnification100¥
Earbuds 3 30¥
         Audio Enhancement 3300¥
         Select Sound Filter 3600¥
         Spatial Recognizer 100¥
Tag Eraser 150¥
Biofabrics 100¥
Cyberspace Designs Dragonfly 2500¥
MCT Fly-Spy 2000¥
Fake SIN 4 - "Ada Lovelace" 4000¥
Trance (Awakened Drug) - 3 doses 360¥
Medikit Rating 6 600¥
Low - 1 month 2000¥
Total Amount of Nuyen Spent25000¥

Notes: She wear her datachips as jewelry - some of them form a bracelet, other is worn as a ring, etc...
Her two Datasofts are collections of "ancient" sci-fi movies and novels, with references and commentaries. It's her research and leisure material.
« Last Edit: <04-07-11/0833:14> by Netzgeist »


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« Reply #37 on: <04-06-11/1859:30> »
Here are the numbers
Henry O`Tool - Face

Story follows.


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« Reply #38 on: <04-06-11/1923:50> »
Here's Enigma.  I'll post his 20 questions later when I get the chance.  I left his contacts out as I was hoping to be able to use the rules for a few matrix based group contacts.  I can give him some traditional contacts if you'd like but I just see Enigmaas being more likly to hit up a large underground forum for info then say a local bar tender or the like. 

Name: James Whitthorn
Alias: Enigma, BugMan14
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Nationality: UCAS Former Ares
Lifestyle: Low
Karma Spent: 0
Physical Description: While not many are alive today who have seen Enigma out of a disguise If they for some reason did he would appear to be a middle age man with a shaved head and green eyes about 5'9". 
Personality/background to be posted later



Positive Qualities
Born Rich 10 (300,000 is new cap for resources)
Erased (7days) 5 (personalized software designed to erase all traces of the character)
Restricted Gear 5 (Response 6 chip)
Negative Qualities
In Debt -25 ( I owe 37,500 and need to pay 10% every month until paid off)
Paranoia -10  (-3 dice pool when around people he suspects might be insect spirits n disguise and has to move around every so often)

Active Skills
Cracking Skill Group3
Electronics Skill Group3
Influence Skill Group1
Stealth Skill Group3
Pilot Aircraft2
Pilot Ground Craft2
Knowledge Skills ( [Logic + Intuition] x 3 free points)
Seattle Gangs1
Matrix Hangouts1
Navigation (Smuggling)1
Matrix Security Procedures1
Astral Research1
Parazoology (Bug Spirits)1/3
Street Drugs1
Consipiracy Theories (Bug Spirit Infestation)1/3
Language Skills

Used Rating 1 Muscle Augmentation0.243,500¥+1 Strength
Used Rating 2 Muscle Toner0.488,000¥+2 Agility
Used Data Jack0.12250¥Hard line plug in and some data storage
Used Control Rig0.65,000¥+2 dice when jumped into vehicles
Used Encephalon I0.915,000¥+1 on all logic based active skill test
Used Math SPU0.182,250¥+2 dice to mathamatics and electronic warefare tests
Used Rating 4 Radar Sensor0.366,000¥Ultrasound Visibility Modifiers, see through ratingx5 barrier structure
Hot Sim Module0.242,500¥Hot Sim
2 Used Auto-Injectors (1 dose each)0.24500¥injects drug directly into blood stream
Used rating 2 Reaction Enhancers0.7210,000¥+2 Reaction
Rating 2 Cerebral Boosters0.420,000¥+2 Logic
PuSHeD0.115,000¥+1 to logic based skill tests
Used Rating 2 Nanohive1.210,000¥Mantains the two brain boosting nanosystems

Gear (156,390¥)
Rating 5 Armor Program5,000¥
Rating 6 Biofeedback Filter Program6,000¥
Rating 6 Black Hammer Program6,000¥
Rating 3 Corrupt Program1,500¥
Rating 6 Data Bomb Program6,000¥
Rating 6 Decrypt Program6,000¥
Rating 6 Defuse Program6,000¥
Rating 5 Muted Exploit Program5,300¥
Rating 3 Medic Program1,500¥
Rating 6 Nuke Program6,000¥
Rating 6 Sniffer Program6,000¥
Rating 6 Spoof Program6,000¥
Rating 6 Stealth Program6,000¥
Rating 6 Track Program6,000¥
Rating 4 ECCM Program4,000¥
Rating 6 Analyze Program600¥
Rating 6 Browse Program600¥
Rating 6 Command Program600¥
Rating 6 Edit Program600¥
Rating 6 Encrypt Program600¥
Rating 6 Purge Program with Virus Resistence 6 1,200¥
Rating 6 Reality Filter Program600¥
Rating 6 Scan Program600¥
Hermes Ikon Respnse 6 Signal 5, Biometric Lock Customized Interface, Optimized for Exploit10,750¥
Novatech Navi OS Firewall 6 System 64,900¥
5 Flash Bang grenades150¥
5 High Explosive Grenades225¥
250 EX-explosive rounds 50/50/150 Predator/Desert/HVAR250¥
500 Regular Ammo 50/100/100/250 Streetline/Predator/Desert/HVAR100¥
300 rounds of Stick-n-Shock 50/50/200 Streetline/Predator/HVAR240¥
100 Taser Darts50¥
Lock Pick Set300¥
Wire Clippers25¥
5 hits of Cram50¥
3 hits of Long Haul150¥
5 hits of Jazz375¥
AR Gloves250¥
Subvocal Microphone50¥
4 Small Nanopaste Disguises2,000¥
Rating 3 Ear Buds With Rating 3 Audio Enhancement Select Sound Filter and Spatial Recognizers630¥
Rating 3 Contact lenses With Rating 3 Vision Enhancements, Ultrasound and smartlink 1,950¥
Rating 4 Fake Sin "Jorge  Del Rosa"4,000¥
Rating 3 Limbic Amplifiers15,000¥
Rating 3 Neocortical Amplifiers15,000¥
100 Plastic Security Restraints10¥
Rating 6 Empathy Software for Sensors3,000¥
Disguise Kit500¥
Hardware Kit500¥
Morphing Liscence Plate1,000¥
Spoof Chip500¥
Concealable Holster75¥
Quick Draw Holster100¥
Voice Mask500¥
12 Spare Clips 8 for Predator 4 for Streetline60¥
Rating 3 Facial Recognition Software600¥
2 Silencers Streetline/Predator400¥
Tag Eraser150¥
50 doses of KE IV500¥
Rating 3 Unrestricted Agent3,600¥
Meta Link Commlink Response 1 Signal 2100¥
1 Month of Low Lifestyle2,000¥
Defiance EX Shocker 8S(e) SA 4MPaid for in Done
StreetLine Special 4P SS 6c100¥
Ares Predator IV %p -1 SA 15c350¥
Ares Desert Strike 8P -3 SA (RC)1 14cPaid for in Done
Ares HVAR 5P SA/BF/FA RC 3/4 50(c)Paid for in Done
Half Body Suit of Form Fitting Body Armor for Self B4/I1900¥
Half Body Suit of Form Fitting Body Armor for Manservant B4/I1900¥
Lined Coat B6/I4700¥
Bike Racing Armor B4/I7500¥

Chrysler-Nissan Jackrabbit
GridLink Override, Rigger Adaptation
Micro Tapper Bug
Sensor rating upgrade to 6 Clearsight 3, Covert Ops 3, Response Upgrade to 4, Chameleon Coating, Gecko Tips and Improved sensor Array with Ultra Wideband radar added

Cyberspace Designs Dragonfly
Sensor rating upgrade to 6 Targeting 3, Defense 3, Covert Ops 3, response upgrade of 4, Chameleon coating, internal fixed Remote turret with defiance EX shocker

Renraku Manservant-3
Sensor rating upgrade to 6 and response upgrade to 4

Renraku Stormcloud
Sensor upgrade to 6 Covert Ops 3, Clearsight 3,Chameleon Coating and internal fixed remote turret with Ares Desert Strike

Ford LEBD-1
Sensor rating upgrade to 6, Targeting 3, defense 3 Upgraded Armor to 9, Engine Speed Customization for Acceleration, External Fixed Remote turrent for Ares HVAR with ammo bin.


Build Point totals: 400 = 170 (stats) + 168 (active skills) + 60 (Resources) + 17 (contacts) + 20 (positive qualities) - 35 (negative qualities)


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« Reply #39 on: <04-06-11/2150:10> »
Just to inform, I've just updated Kraken's gear list.

I think tomorrow I will come with the twenty questions (I liked the idea) and a profile of my fixer contact.


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« Reply #40 on: <04-07-11/0046:48> »
Aside from the question concerning contacts (I am awaiting a response on my question before I flesh it out) heres Enigmas 20 questions.

We are shaped by our heritage. Facial features, skin tone, height,
build, metatype, even aptitudes are influenced by the genes
passed from parent to child. Attitude, too, is taught by parents,
informed by their own lives and their cultural heritage. Where
does your character come from, what is her lineage, who were
her parents, and what did she inherit from them?

James was born to two upper class executives for a small mining company that was a subsidiary of Ares.  He grew up in a very traditional UCAS home.   He found at a young age he had a knack for computers and ended up in a school program for corperate spiders.  James life seemed to be all in order for him.  He had a beautiful wife who adored him and a child on the way.  the company moved him to a small town in north dakota.  Ares had apparently found copper deposits in the area and purchased the land to be mined.  The entire town was built almost overnight and employees moved in to fullfill the new positions.  This was a promising move for James in the company and ment he would have a higher position out of school then he would otherwise get.  Things went well for several months until one day he was home working on some unusual security reports he'd been looking over his "wife"  drugged his coffee he was drinking.  He woke up earlier then expected only to find himself bound while his wife talked to some other man.  upon hearing him awaken his "wife" turned around and checked his bindings to make sure they were still holding and he saw the face of the man she was talking to.  Where his eyes should have been he had two compound eyes bulging from his head and two pincers protruding from his mouth.  Before losing conciousness again he heard gunfire and men shouting.  He awoke sometime later and was able to pull free of his bindings.  He took his car and drive from there as fast as he could. 
Unbeknownst to him Ares was using the small subsidary to pull employees from to test several hypothesis about the bug spirits they had locked up in complex 68G.  Soon after James left the town and the extraction team had pulled the queens and insect shamans from the town for further experiamentation the town was sanitized from orbit.
This singular event has shapped James life more so then any of his other experiences combined.  While on the run from the invading insect spirits he thought were out to get him he honed his skills  as a  hacker and rigger.  His hacking became a safe way for him to re-establish a semblance control over his life again and not only provide for himself but added another layer of protection between him and the bugs.  They could be anybody and anywhere if he missed it in his wife who else might be infected by them and he wouldnt even know.  Well he made it his life to know.  Like the spider he used to be he checks security and attendence reports from companies hes never worked for in the hopes that he can find any new sources of infestation and wipe them out before they become more of a threat.   Hes worked the shadows and even johnsoned now and again when he needed to in order accomplish his goals gather resources and hit targets he had confirmed.  He makes sure no one can track him down by staying on the move and uses a special program he wrote to hack into several online databases and erase his presence from them.   

Parents can be proud of their children or regret ever bringing
them into the world. Some are loving, and some are indifferent.
All of them are only metahuman and have their own opinions
of their children. Assuming they could speak, what would each
of your character’s parents say about her?

He hasn't seen them since the day he left the company.  He was presumed dead when ares firebombed the town and told everyone there had been an accident at the town.  IF they did see him there would probably be a mixture of pity for there boy who has fallen so far from where they remember him and horrer at the inocent lifes that have been taken in his quest.  He feels its better to kill a few to make sure the infestation is really gone then to let one of them escape and potentially infect a thousand more.  He'd be a number one most wanted terrorist in the UCAS by now if the reports weren't deleted of any information that could potentially point to him by now

Many people remember certain historical events for the rest of
their lives. For those alive in the first decade of the 21st cen-
tury, it could be the assassination of John F. Kennedy, or the
Tiananmen Square protests, or the fall of the Berlin Wall, or
the attacks of 11 September 2001. People remember where they
were, and what they were doing when they first heard of these
events. Shadowrun history has significant events as well, such as
the assassination of President Dunkelzahn, the Crash 2.0, and
the emergence of technomancers and artificial intelligences.
Pick a few events from recent Shadowrun history and ask where
the character was at the time, what does he remember about the
event, and what was he doing at the time?

He spends most of his time jacked in and online, planning his next fundraiser or moving to keep his trail cold.  The crash 2.0 wiped out most of the records of him even having existed.  hes studied most of the other major events looking to see what new threats may present themselves and what secret goings on he could benefit from. 

Very few people choose to become shadowrunners. More
likely, they are thrown into the life by a chaotic and uncar-
ing world. Even if he made a conscious decision to enter the
shadows, his decision is influenced by the world around him.
How did your character get into shadowrunning, and why did
he take that path?

Most of the time, if he didn't anonymously hire the group himself, its a way for him to raise money to fund his other operations.  Daddy needs a new reconasance drone since the last mission kind of thing.

People have control over their own living arrangements. From
the child young enough to use crayons and tape all the way up
to the elderly shut-in who plasters her walls with family photos
and cat pictures, everyone makes their living spaces more per-
sonally pleasing. What is your character’s living space like, and
what has he added or changed to make it his own?

As he moves alot he has very little in the way of furnature or decorations that follow him from place to place.  In AR though he generally has at least one of his rooms with "sliding walls"  that he can post ideas connections and conspiracies on.  Yes, Enigma has a crazy AR theme to his house that he puts his crazy news paper (digital of course) cut outs with red marker and strong connecting them apparently randomly.

Everyone has beliefs, and many have beliefs strong enough to
be convictions. Some are religious, some are political, some are
social, and some are just about why people are here. What does
your character believe in, what are her convictions (if any), and
why does she hold them?

His fear has forged him into a fanatic.  He will do anything to stop the bug spirits from infecting more and will go to any lengths to make sure they are stopped.

Everyone has aspects of their personality that grate on someone.
Even the best of friends annoy one another from time to time.
The flaws in a person’s character are as important as the qualities.
What do you dislike most about your character’s personality?

Generally speaking if you are one of the few who can get close to him and are on a freindly level with him he will require you to answer some security verification questions or hes likely to ether ignore you for the time being, attack you with insecticide or something inbetween.  Just make sure you mouth isnt open when he does.  its only harmful to humans if ingested. 

The Sixth World is considered by many to be spinning out of
control. If anyone could exert control over it, it would be the
“Big Ten” triple-A megacorps. These transnationals exert a lot of
influence on everyday life in the 2070s. Which of the Big Ten
does your character hold in the highest (or least low) regard,
which does he like the least, and why?

He hasn't learned yet that the infestation that changed his life was perpatrated by Ares.  He's still holds them in fairly high reguard but like all megacorps due to the mich higher security on there main nodes he is unable to run diagnostics on there employee records to see if they have been infected.  So far at best hes been able to get into some of the larger subsidaries of Ares and the other megacorps.   

People make acquaintances and friends; we’re hardwired for it.
Humans are social animals. This is especially true in the shad-
ows, where often it is not the power you have, but the power you
can borrow, and not who you, are but who you know. There’s a
story behind each and every one of these relationships. What is
the story with your character and her contacts?


It’s Sunday morning, and your character has no commitments
until tomorrow afternoon. What does she do for the day?

Probably going over local attendance records of a warehouse distribution center,  the food court at the local mall and a security company for a local law firm.  looking for patterns in the chaos that scream bug spirit infestation. 

Your character has a specific skill set, a list of Active and
Knowledge skills that define what she knows and her areas of
expertise. How did she come to learn those skills, and how did
she develop them to those levels?

The many hard years on the streets hes lived fighting his guerella war against an opponent that probably doesnt know he exists

Everyone has their limits. People can be dark, but most people’s
instinct is to draw the line at certain actions and thoughts, and
they keep to their own moral convictions. Is there a moral limit
that your character enforces on the jobs she takes, and in what
shadow work would she refuse to engage?

He avoids wetwork whenever possible except in situations where he can confirm a bug spirit infestation.  Hes done quite a bit in the shadows otherwise to find his guerilla war.

While acceptance and bias vary from place to place, augmenta-
tions—be they bio-, cyber-, gene-, or nanoware—are increasingly
common and available in the Sixth World. However, personal
technological enhancement is rarely cheap, and many implants
that runners possess are restricted. How did your character
come to have the enhancements she has, how were they paid
for, and what motivated the choices she made (if she did make
the choices)?

He found fairly early on that in order to wage war he would need funding and started working out several fund raising missions. Generally planned and executed on his own.  He'd find something he could sell to a fixer that wasnt guarded as well as it should have and take it.  he's doen everything from car electronic jacking to cat burglery.  He would then reinvest the money gather in these operations to improve himself and his ability to wage his holy war against the spirits.  He'd go to a different street doc everytime and pay in cash all the while watching the surgery from a drone of his unde rlocalized anesthesia. 

Life as a shadowrunner is by definition outside the bounds of
“normal” life. Shadowrunners do not truly fit into the lives of
ordinary people, whether they live in slums or mansions. What
does your character think of ordinary life, mainstream culture,
and those who abide by it?

Sheep waiting to be slaughtered by horrers they can't even imagine.

Everyone has nightmares. Sometimes, we forget the dream
completely on waking. Sometimes, the nightmare haunts us or
even recurs. If your character had a lingering nightmare or a
deep-rooted fear, what would it be, and why does he find it so

Since that day Enigma has had a long hard battle with insomnia.  He's walked the edge of drug and stimulant abuse many times but fortunately isn't addicted. When he sleeps he dreams of his wife,  only shes not his wife any more, she just looks like his wife.  Sometimes it will be someone else in the dream instead of his "wife".  but like his "wife" it wont really be them eather.  I cant really explain how he knows its not them but its not them.  and there coming to get him. 

People tend to attach sentimental value to items in their pos-
session or people they are close to. They make an effort to
keep these close by and safe. What is your character’s “sacred
object” or “close one,” and how did they come to be so impor-
tant to him?

Much of his old life was "sterilized" in the fire bombs when Ares destroyed his town.  He's been very careful not to get too attached to anything since then. 

One of metahumanity’s greatest assets is its ability to look to-
ward the future and imagine a better life. Even small children
have dreams about what they want to be when they grow up.
What did your character want to become when he was a child,
and what are his goals now?

When he was younger he kind of wanted to be a mage when he grew up not realizing that it didn't work like that.  Now his goals in life are all towards the one singular goal hes had since that day. Make them pay for every life they have taken till they no longer come to our plane. 

A person’s appearance can say volumes about him. From fashion
sense, to the colors he prefers, to the way he walks and speaks.
Sometimes, his personality determines his appearance, and,
sometimes, the appearance he chooses to present the world ef-
fects his personality. What does your character look like, and
what inspired his choices?

Despite the fact that it simply isnt true he fully believes that the insect spirits know of him and are actively trying to hunt him.  This means he changes appearance on a regular basis making sure all his social contact with the outerwild is as someone he really isnt.  Hes gotten very good at this and can mimic many different walks of life, ethnicities and nationalities.

Everyone has a name, but a runner’s street name is a represen-
tation of his connection to the shadows. Sometimes runners
choose their own moniker, but more often it is given to them as
a nickname or earned through some (mis)adventure. How did
your character come to be known by his street name?

While reading a police report about to be deleted by his program an overly poetic officer reffered to him as an Enigma.  He liked the name and he's used it himself eversince. 


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  • Chummer
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  • Posts: 149
« Reply #41 on: <04-07-11/0306:38> »
modified earlyer post and added Ernesto's gear


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  • Ace Runner
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  • Serpens, nisi serpentem comederit, non fit draco
« Reply #42 on: <04-07-11/0928:59> »
Made the last update at the character sheet. The last version is in the post in which I presented the character.


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« Reply #43 on: <04-07-11/1359:49> »
OK. Done and done.

Henry O`Tool - Face


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« Reply #44 on: <04-09-11/1128:37> »
Hey guys, I'm sorry I've been out of contact for a little while. Unfortunately, I will only be able to post sporadically, if at all, for the next week and a half or so. Rest assured I have been reading your posts and sketching out the first run, and I'll keep doing so until I can be back in contact more regularly.