I try to stay quiet about 6e since I have not even fully read the core book yet (STILL!!). But there are a few other things here that you brought up that I can comment on, especially from my perspective.
I have been an avid Shadowrun fan since 1e, and 6e is the first edition that I have not bought a book for, nor read (nor, it seems do I have an interest, as I have an the opportunity to do so). HOWEVER, I am still playing shadowrun. Just an older edition of the game (my table has reverted to 3e.) And for the most part the reason is simple, as it was hidden.
The Tone of the game has drastically changed in the last 3 editions. For those that are "old skool" fans of shadowrun and have access to the books: Go read them again, but ignore everything but the underlying Tone and Tension of the game world. Don't go too far out of your way, just read the core rule book, and any 2 expansion books of your choice. (and for those that don't want to, or don't have the books... I be summing it up next

There is a sense of both High Tech, and dirt. A sense of progress, and regressive-ism...
For example, in 1-3 edition they talk about Gridegide... (you know, the self driving car mechanism).. and how greta it is at regulating traffic and "yadda yadda yadda"... And then right under that, you get the "real facts" (as laid out by the Runners). About how GG only really works in "A" rated and above zones. How GG can get you killed in other zones (by being hijacked and taken to a "meat chop shop"... Or just flat out doesn't work.
From 4e up... well... to quote the meme: "It just works"...
A lot of effort went into describing how the Corps work to keep people in their "hamster cages of productivity" through fear, manipulation, and control, and just how people "fell off or where pushed off the Grid"... A lot of effort was put into not only setting each race apart, but actually discussing some of the hardships those races face and feel....
From 4e up... Well, best just to say "Rose colored Glasses"...
In 1 to 3e effort was put into setting up conflicting dichotomies. Magic Vs Tech, Human VS Metahuman, Magic theory VS Magic Theory, Tech VS Humanity, (and many more!)
4e up has worked to harmonize all of this.
Sadly, it feels to me and my table, that all the efforts to "modernize" and "update" and "streamline" Shadowrun, has also cut out a piece of its soul, and has gotten lost along the way. Sure, everything that was in the older editions of shadowrun is still there... but its not.
Now, for some "old timers", they have been able to keep the old feel going in their games, but it gets harder and harder to do the more and more the editions drift from their roots. And while this may not be a problem for newer players (who never knew the old Tone and Feel..) it does create issues for those like you who can feel this difference (probably because of the books you read and so quickly).
Not sure how you are going to reconcile what your feeling with 6e... But for my table it was a reversion of editions that really hit the nail on the head for us... and why we are sticking with 3e for now (who knows what will happen in the future)