{6e] So, what's new in the corrected third printing?

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Stainless Steel Devil Rat

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« on: <09-19-21/2050:29> »
I expect that there’ll be an official errata document available at the usual place sooner rather than later, but in the meantime I felt it would be useful for players to have a list of what was changed in the corrected third printing of the core rulebook (aka: Shadowrun Sixth World: City Edition: Seattle Edition) since the corrected second printing.

p. 9: corrected some typos in Shadow Slang
p. 18: corrected a typo in the sidebar
p. 36: swapped some text in #4 and #5 of the Threshold Guidelines sidebar to make it make more sense
p. 38: sentence two of Essence now reads:
“It is a measure of how many augmentations characters can hold.”
p. 38: added new sentence at the end of Essence:
“Finally, if your Essence ever reaches 0 you die.”
p. 39: Attack Rating: replace entire entry with:
When a character goes on the offensive, their chosen weapon has a combination of traits that determine it's overall effectiveness. This combination of stopping power, accuracy, and recoil compensation (for firearms) is captured in the Attack Rating. Characters add their Strength to the Attack Rating for melee weapons and the Attack Rating for unarmed combat is Strength + Reaction.

p. 43: Banish spirit action: remove the word “with” from the sentence.
p. 43: Full Defense : lasts until the end of the combat round.
p. 47: Anticipation: completely rewritten:
Anticipation (Multiple Attacks, Ranged Attack): For you combat is like a game of chess, and you’re several moves ahead of the opposition. When performing this Multiple Attack, double your full dice pool and then split it as evenly as possible for each different target. Cost: 4 Edge
p. 52: corrected grammar and typos in Corrosive and Invisible #
p. 53: Attribtes: erratum to establish that only 1 physical or mental attribute may be at maximum as modified by metatype and qualities.
p. 65 Magic/Resonance: establish a maximum value of 6 during character generation
p. 66: Select character priorities: corrected a typo
p. 66: Step Four Spend Customization Karma: replace entire first paragraph with:
Each character receives 50 Karma to spend on character advancement, such as skills, attributes, qualities, and additional funds to get some additional pieces of gear. See Character Advancement (p. 68) for the price of buying these advances. You may begin play with no more than 5 Karma remaining unspent.
p. 66: Step Five Buy Gear: remove the word “illegal” from the last sentence.
p. 68: Advancement costs table: establish note that New Spell and new Complex Form cannot be purchased during character generation
p. 70: New Spells: replace last two sentences with:
After about a week of study, (see p. 131), the spell is ingrained into the spellcaster’s mind well enough they’ll never forget it. The astral energies can then be used both for spellcasting (see p. 131) and enchanting (see p. 150). The spell costs 5 Karma.

p. 81: Adept: remove (Low) from SINner quality
p. 82. Combat Mage: remove Fireball and Ice Spear from list of spells
p. 83. Covert-Ops Specialist: change firearms specialization to (Heavy Pistols +2)
p. 84. Decker: rename Pistols 2 as Firearms 2
p. 85. Face: Con skill has Acting specialization, Firearms has SMG specialization
p. 86. Rigger: Firearms has SMG specialization, increase cyberarm agility to 6
p. 87. Street Samurai: Firearms has Heavy Pistols specialization, remove level from Toughness
p. 88. Street Shaman: remove Animate Plastic, Burst, Increase Reflexes, Overclock, Physical Barrier spells
p. 89 Technomancer: gains Cracking 4, remove Living Network
p. 90 Weapon Specialist: complete reorganization of skills to conform with style guide
p. 94 Con: technical correction as skill rather than group
p. 95 Exotic weapons: delete 2nd time it says you cannot have expertise in this skill.
p. 105 Step 1: Grab Dice: remove assault cannon from list of examples that use Exotic Weapons.
p. 108 Firing Modes: replace entire passage:
Every ranged weapon can fire in Single Shot (SS) mode, even if that option is not explicitly listed. Many guns have additional modes available: Semi-Automatic (SA), Burst Fire (BF), and Fully Automatic (FA).  These firing modes offer tactical options at the expense of overall accuracy. They do not require use of Multiple Attacks (p. 42).
p. 109 BF firing mode: replace entire passage:
BF: You can fire four rounds in an attack. You can shoot a narrow burst, which decreases the Attack Rating by 4 and increases damage by 2, or make a wide burst and split your dice pool between two targets and count each as a SA-mode shot. You may use Anticipation (p. 47) with a wide burst without spending Multiple Attacks action (p. 42).
p. 109 FA firing mode: replace entire passage:
FA: This mode allows making an attack against every valid target within a 1 meter radius area. One attack roll is made but each defender rolls individually. This attack decreases the Attack Rating by 6 and consumes ten rounds.  The area can be expanded multiple times by 1 meter by reducing an additional 2 from the Attack Rating, but only if this modification would result in an Attack Rating above 0.

p. 111 Break Free: note that the Close Combat + Strength test is opposed
p. 111 Multiple Attacks: replace entire passage:
Whether it’s shooting a bunch of bullets at multiple people, throwing a shuriken at a marauding group, or using a sword in each hand, there may be times you want to attack more than one opponent simultaneously.  When making multiple attacks, divide your attacking dice pool by the number of attacks made as evenly as possible. If you are making two different kinds of attack (like, say, a gun in one hand, a knife in the other) divide each of your normal dice pools by the number of attack types, rounded down, before splitting again by the number of targets.
p. 113 Shooting a barrier sidebar: note that the DV equaling the DV is the same as failing to exceed.
p. 114: Blast attacks and scatter: replace entire 2nd paragraph:
Thrown grenades use unarmed Attack Rating (AR-1 for Near range, and AR-6 for Close) and launched explosives use the Attack Rating of the launch weapon. The attack is resolved with a Skill + Agility test to land the explosive device where they want, with each hit decreasing how far it scatters from the point of impact. To determine scatter, roll 2D6 and consult the Scatter at Range table. This table tells how far the explosive scatters. Roll 2D6 again to determine the scatter direction via the Scatter Direction Diagram. The orientation of the diagram is based on the direction the attack is initially traveling. Once the direction and distance of the scatter is known, the blast can be resolved using the Damage Values at the various range increments.

p. 117: Building a better boom: remove entire final paragraph, and replace it with the following reference chart:
Explosive Packages      
1–3       1(I)      Rating x 10¥
4–6       2(I)      Rating x 50¥
7–9       3(I)      Rating x 100¥
10–12       4(I)      Rating x 250¥
13–15      5(I)      Rating x 500¥
16–18       6(I)      Rating x 1,000¥
19–20       7(I)      Rating x 5,000¥
Detonator Cap   4(I)      75¥

p. 121: Overflow: delete the (unused) subheader
p. 131 Adjust the spell: establish the maximum number of adjustments is equal to Magic or Sorcery, whichever is higher.
p. 131 Spell Descriptions: establish that Touch range spells involve two tests: one close combat roll to establish a touch, and then if successful then the spell is cast and resisted.
p. 138: Trid Phantasm: fix a confusing typo (the net hits FORM the threshold)
p. 143: Vehicle Armor: the spell now grants 1 Hardened Armor per net hit (instead of the old benefit)
p. 147: Spirits of Air: gains Weakness: Allergy (Inhalation vector toxins, Severe)
p. 147: Spirits of Air: both Elemental Attack and Energy Aura may be either Cold or Electricity
p. 148: Spirits of Beasts: gain Weakness: Allergy (silver, Severe)
p. 148: Spirits of Earth: gain Weakness: Allergy (electricity, Severe)
p. 148: Spirits of Fire: gain Weaknesses: Allergy (cold, Severe), Vulnerability (fire extinguishers)
p. 148: Spirits of Kin: gain Weakness: Allergy (ferrous metal, Severe)
p. 154: Foci: in the fifth paragraph another restriction is added: no focus Force may exceed your Magic attribute.
p. 155: Qi Foci: establish that both Adepts and Mystic Adepts may use them
p. 156: Combat Sense: remove last sentence (since everyone already always has a chance to make a Perception test to avoid surprise) and replace it with:
“This bonus also applies to any surprise tests (p. 108) you make.”
p. 156: Improved Ability (Skill): change the wording “1.5 times the current level” to 1.5 times the original”
p. 168: Masking: fix typo.  Replace “or” with “of”
p. 168: Power Point: establish that both Adepts and Mystic Adepts may pick this.
p. 168: Magical goods table:  add entry for Ritual Spellcating formula (3L, 1000 ¥  )
p. 173: Matrix Access and PANs, last paragraph: establish that PANs can have any number of devices, but only a small number of devices slaved for remote operation.
p. 176: OS and Convergence example: correct the example to match the rules
p. 176: Cyberjack: establish that Matrix Init bonus is bonus dice, but only while in VR
p. 178: Host Hacking Example: correct example to match the rules
p. 179: Matrix Damage: clarify that you round up when calculating the size of a Matrix Condition Monitor
p. 182: Full Matrix Defense:  replace entry with:
This action is the Matrix equivalent of Full Defense (p. 43). Until the end of the combat round, add your Firewall to all Matrix-based defense tests.  This is an Anytime action that may be taken outside your turn.
p. 182: Hash Check: access requirements is User/Admin
p. 182: Jump Into Rigged Vehicle: replace last two sentences:
In the Matrix, the icon of the device you jumped into becomes part of your persona and it cannot be targeted by matrix actions while you are jumped in. If someone else is currently jumped into the device, you cannot attempt this action.

p. 183: Probe: rewrite entire entry:
You probe a network for weaknesses, looking to gain access. By taking your time not to alert any security to your presence you can create an exploit that may last until you are ready to use it. While not as fast as using Brute Force, Probing a network does not raise an alarm automatically. Even if your attempt initially fails, it will not trigger an
alarm unless you glitch. A successful Probe creates a backdoor in the system to exploit.
Once you create the exploit, you may then use the Backdoor Entry action at a later time. Net hits on this
test count as a dice pool bonus on your future Backdoor Entry test. The duration of these backdoors depends on the PAN or host—most systems create a changelog and will automatically correct and report differences to their configurations caused by the presence of these exploits. Generally speaking, the backdoor lasts for [10 – Host/Device Rating] hours or until you go offline.
This action is linked to the Sleaze attribute.

p. 183: Reboot Device: rewrite entire entry:
The target device, persona, or PAN goes offline and comes back online at the end of the following combat round. The target’s Overwatch Score and any access achieved on or by the target is reset. No dumpshock occurs from rebooting. You cannot reboot if you are link-locked.
p. 183: Set Data Bomb: damage is (Rating x 2)
p. 184: Armor program: correct typo
p. 188: Host Security and IC example: rewrite to conform with rules
p. 189: Technomancer functions: establish that Living Personas can use AR and Hot Sim VR (and by virtue of exclusion, NOT cold sim VR).  Also clarify that it takes 5 hits on a matrix perception test to tell the persona is a Technomancer, not to see them at all.
p. 190: Mirrored Persona: change Duration to S, and replace the last two sentences with:
When targeting the Technomancer with a Matrix Action, opponents must succeed on a Matrix Perception test with a threshold of that rating. If they fail, opponents target the proxy with their Matrix Actions and then Mirrored Persona ends.

p. 193: Types of sprites: Sprites have skill ratings and mental attributes equal to their Level.
p. 194: Diagnostics: the character gains +1 die per hit
p. 196: The (Rigging) Basics point 3: replace with:
3. A vehicle driver or remote operator rolls Piloting + Reaction to defend against attacks made on that vehicle or drone. Naturally, an immobile vehicle or drone makes no defense tests against physical attacks.
p. 196: The (Rigging) Basics point 7: correct formatting error
p. 197: Control Rigs and You: remove reference to an appropriate technomancer complex form, replace with “Machine Mind technomancer Echo.”
p. 197: Rigging through the matrix: replace 2nd sentence with:
Unless you’re jumped in (p. 182) the vehicles or drones you’re controlling can be hacked. If you are jumped in, then your persona will draw all the hostile attention from matrix opponents!
p. 198: Rigging and dumpshock: in the first sentence, replace “device” with “PAN”.
p. 201: Evasion autosoft: remove “evade being locked onto” and replace with “avoid an attack”.
p. 208 Seraphim Avening Angel adept powers: change Voice Control to Vocal Control
p. 210 Sioux Wildcat Shamanic Support: correct typo for commlink
p. 222 Confusion power: remove last sentence, add in a new sentence between 1st and 2nd:
The critter makes an Opposed test using its Magic + Willpower against the target’s Willpower + Logic.
p. 226 Movement power: critter may no longer divide target’s movement.  Instead, it inflicts the Hobbled status (p. 52) for a number of rounds equal to net hits.
p. 227 Regeneration power: use standard called shot (p. 42) or Called shot: Vitals (p. 47) instead of -10 dice pool modifier
p. 262 Ammo costs: Add entry for Shotgun ammo: 2(L), 15 ¥
p. 264 Explosive packages: add availability and line for detonator cap; same reference chart as on pg 117

p. 266 Helmets: remove mention of specific capacity values, since individual pieces have their own (that sometimes conflicted with that old value that used to be there…)
p. 268 Accessories Table: add entry for Sim Module (this was present in Feb 2020 errata, but not the corrected 2nd printing)
p. 271: Shopsofts: grant +1 dice pool bonus to Matrix Search tests, not Influence
p. 284: Cyberjacks: establish that Matrix Init bonus is bonus dice in VR only.  Correct values for rating 5 and 6 to both being +2
p. 284: Control Rig: new price is Rating x 30,000¥
p. 284 Ultrasound sensor: new price is 3,600¥
p. 288 Bodyware Smuggling compartment: delete capacity cost (for this version, which isn’t going into cyberlimbs)
p. 290 Hydraulic Jacks: replace entire entry:
For these to function properly you need one in each leg and they need to have identical ratings. When making jumping tests (Athletics + Strength) subtract the hydraulic jacks rating from the threshold (see Threshold Guidelines p. 36), with a minimum modified threshold of (1).
p. 291 Adrenaline Pump: when you crash you now take stun damage equal to one half rounded up of the number of combat rounds the pump was active.
p. 291 Bone Density Bioware gains new DV entries:  1-2 do 3P, 3-4 do 4P
p. 311 Edge Actions by cost: correct Knockout Blow to match pg. 47
p. 320 Character sheet ranged weapons field: add in the missing Medium range band
« Last Edit: <09-19-21/2134:52> by Stainless Steel Devil Rat »
RPG mechanics exist to give structure and consistency to the game world, true, but at the end of the day, you’re fighting dragons with algebra and random number generators.


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« Reply #1 on: <11-03-21/1213:25> »
I have no idea why no one has appreciate this post and the changes. I really wish these errata could be there on day one, when more people cares... :-\

Michael Chandra

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« Reply #2 on: <11-07-21/0602:39> »
I mean we've been discussing these on Discord a lot.
How am I not part of the forum?? O_O I am both active and angry!


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« Reply #3 on: <12-14-21/0851:45> »
There is still no official errata document for the third printing on the SR6 website in the Resource section. Instead there are old character sheets with incorrect weapon ranges.

This is really very slow and fan unfriendly. I need a full sheet with corrections so I can fix my book.

Or is the listing from Stainless Steel Devil Rat a complete list?
« Last Edit: <12-23-21/0325:06> by Lethrendis »


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« Reply #4 on: <01-24-22/1145:19> »
SSDR's list is probably complete or complete enough.

But for real, It's been FOUR MONTHS.  Where the hell is the errata doc?

Stainless Steel Devil Rat

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« Reply #5 on: <04-22-22/1213:04> »
SSDR's list is probably complete or complete enough.

But for real, It's been FOUR MONTHS.  Where the hell is the errata doc?

It's been almost that long again since you posted this... but I can officially confirm it *is* still coming in fancy pdf format, ala the previous two documents.  Production of documents has had a bottleneck, and unfortunately this particular document's production has been near or at the bottom of the priority list.  Something has to be, and while it's unfortunate, "at least" the errata was made available in the interim via simply being in the book, right?  Silver linings!

It's not in my hands, but I do believe this document's place in the queue has finally been un-logjammed.  Maybe this summer it'll see light of day.
RPG mechanics exist to give structure and consistency to the game world, true, but at the end of the day, you’re fighting dragons with algebra and random number generators.

