(6th)New GM to Shadowrun_Shaman advice and some random questions.

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« on: <01-12-22/1346:40> »
Hello :)

I am a new GM to Shadowrun (sixth world). After many years of running Dungeons, Cthulhu and Warhammer it was time to try something new. And what a blast to read all this epic Shadowrun lore for the first time. Ran a single run the other day and got my first player into the basic rules, combat and such. He plays as a CovertOps. The next player is joining soon a would like to play an Orc Street Shaman. I need some advice on how to build the character.

1: As I understand (did play some 2nd edition 20 years ago) he have to pick a Totem Animal? We talked about either the Bear, Wolf, Shark or maybe Snake as they seems fitting for an orc.
2: Should he make Magic Priority A and go full Mage/Shaman? Or maybe a Mystical Adept, so he can use some spells, powers and other skills?
3: What skills is essential to make the Shaman work? Guess sorcery and Conjuring should do it ...
4: What Qualities? Mentor Spirit is a "must".
5. Let's say the player picks the Bear. If he conjures a Bear Spirit will it look like a real bear or is more of a transparent ghostly form?
6: Traditions: He will ofc pick the Shamanism tradtion. But is there a rule about that?

--- Random stuff ---

6. Is it important to get a Decker Character included for Matrix stuff? Was planning to run a official campaign once we got the rules/feel about the game. Guess they will included Decker and Rigger content.
7: Will EDGE only reset once a new gamming session starts? We thought a nights rest (in-game) would do the trick.
8: Thrown hand grenades: Do we rolled Opposed Tests here?

Ps. We had a blast throw D6's and using the EDGE system. But the best part was the roleplaying using the new lore and epic setting.

Hope some of you guys out there can help an inspired new Shadowrun GM ;)

Michael Chandra

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« Reply #1 on: <01-12-22/1807:59> »
1: In newer editions, you don't need a Totem persé, but taking a Mentor Spirit does give you boosts.
2: Since you're playing SR6, don't do Mystic Adepts, they're nerfed. Magic Prio you should only do as high as you want free spells to start with. I'd try to go C or D myself, and get a few extra spells later on with normal karma.
3: If you're going CovertOps, Stealth, Perception, Conjuring, Sorcery, and Astral, I'd say.
4: Focused Concentration works well with buff spells.
5: Spirits are obvious Spirits, except for special ones that have Realistic Form.
6: How do you mean, a rule about tradition?

7: Matrix stuff you can just have a hired NPC take care of, and handwave it.
8: You have the final say over Edge as a GM. 'Good night rest, everyone restored Edge' or 'Mediocre night rest, everyone regains up to 2 points' is perfectly allowed.
9: No opposed tests on grenades. See page 114: "Defending against Blast Attacks is a little different. Characters targeted by an attack—basically anyone in the blast radius of the attack—can use an Avoid Incoming Minor Action (if they have one available) to attempt to get away from the blast. Without this action damage is resisted as normal, though a Hit the Dirt action can also be used to decrease the Damage Value by 2."
How am I not part of the forum?? O_O I am both active and angry!


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« Reply #2 on: <01-13-22/1405:05> »
I think Michael Chandra answered your questions well.  I'm just going to let you know about a couple of very specific 6e balance things, to be aware of ahead of time:

- explosives are very powerful, a lot of people feel that their damage codes were set too high compared to everything else.  One group I'm part literally drops the damage code for all explosives in half.  You don't have to do that, but you do need to be aware of how deadly they can be.

- spirits are also very powerful in 6e.  Spells give a lot of flexibility but it is hard not to take drain if doing much casting under 6e magic rules, especially if trying to do serious damage with combat spells.  Larger spirits, however, can be very hard to damage as they shrug off all damage from non-magical, non-allergy related, attacks with modified DV less than their force, and most have attacks with a base DV of their force.  With edge, starting PCs can usually summon a force 6 spirit to fight for them (as can equivalent opponents), and that spirit will be a handful.


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« Reply #3 on: <01-13-22/1634:24> »
Thanks for your excellent answers, Michael and Beta - helps a lot! Theres is quite some rules to learn but I am getting there slowly :)

(I am using the, Seattle Edition rulebook. Just so you know). And another thing came up.

10: If we are use a machine gun in Full Auto mode (p. 108-109) is it allowed to use a Minor Action and use, "Multiple Attacks?

Why split the Dice Pool between the targets in the 2-3-4 etc. meter radius area(from the Full Auto rule). I guess we could shoot 3x10 bullet at three different areas if they are in reach (no problem there), got ammo (no problem; 100 bullets in belt) and the three groups is in a 2 meter radius area and we make sure to keep the Attack rating above 0. I am a bit confused by this, Minor; Mutiple Attack option even though it's not required for SA, BF and FA. I can see this is a hot topic online along with FA+Anticipation.

« Last Edit: <01-13-22/1636:14> by Tnirb »


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« Reply #4 on: <01-20-22/1450:10> »
10: If we are use a machine gun in Full Auto mode (p. 108-109) is it allowed to use a Minor Action and use, "Multiple Attacks?

Why split the Dice Pool between the targets in the 2-3-4 etc. meter radius area(from the Full Auto rule). I guess we could shoot 3x10 bullet at three different areas if they are in reach (no problem there), got ammo (no problem; 100 bullets in belt) and the three groups is in a 2 meter radius area and we make sure to keep the Attack rating above 0. I am a bit confused by this, Minor; Mutiple Attack option even though it's not required for SA, BF and FA. I can see this is a hot topic online along with FA+Anticipation.

No, full auto doesn't combine with multiple attacks, or anticipation.  The only firing mode that can use the multiple attacks mechanic, as well as the only mode you can use anticipation on, is burst fire - and that doesn't use the multiple attacks minor action, it's mentioned as an exception in the firing modes section of the book.

Any other use of multiple attacks and anticipation has to be in single shot mode.


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« Reply #5 on: <01-20-22/1453:40> »
Excellent, MercilessMing. Thanks for the clarification :)

