Better map for Kaur's Farm in Manhunt (Sprawl Wilds)? Also mapmaking in general.

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« on: <01-14-22/0521:22> »
I'm about to run Manhunt from Sprawl Wilds, but the map provided for Kaur's Farm makes no sense, and doesn't even remotely fit the description from the adventure.

Does anyone know/have a better map?

I'm also going to try to make my own map, but I suck at making maps, and I generally love using the official maps from Shadowrun adventures in Roll20. Making my own in Roll20 always looks terrible. My best successes are when I adapt maps from other sources on the Web, or possibly from Google Maps. That works great for a piece of street or a city block, and looking for farms on the Snowqualmie river, I actually found a place that might be somewhat suitable:,-121.9711995,423m/data=!3m1!1e3

(As far as I understand, this is practically the exact location Kaur's Farm should be. I imagine the Plastic Jungles are near the Dog Works Ranch to the west, and the Rat's Nest might be either the complex at People's Creek just north of the river, or the one a bit further north, just west of whatever Google Maps labels "High Rock".)

There's even a forest to the west, though the forest is way too close, and the farm is much closer to the river than I originally imagined. Because originally I started with just a square filled with some square buildings, just like the official map. But maybe something more organic along a river is much more interesting.

I'm still trying to figure out if I should use this farm from Google Maps, and if I do, should I try to photoshop a bit more space between the farm and the forest (which I don't know how to do)?

Any interesting ideas, maps or suggestions are welcome.
« Last Edit: <01-14-22/0526:28> by mcv »

