Two Origins Awards nominations for Shadowrun!

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« on: <04-13-11/1229:39> »
The Origins Awards nominations came out today, and I'm happy to say that Shadowrun received two mentions! The short story anthology Spells & Chrome was nominated in the best game-related publication category, and Sixth World Almanac was nominated in the (extremely competitive) best roleplaying supplement category. Catalyst products received four nominations in total. Congratulations to all the nominees!

Jason H.

EDIT: I meant to mention that anyone who contributed to these products is welcome to step forward and take a bow. Your work made this happen! You're all awesome!
« Last Edit: <04-13-11/1246:07> by JM Hardy »
Jason M. Hardy
Shadowrun Line Developer

"The thing is, I’m serious about what I do, and the people with whom I associate are serious about what they do. We’re all serious people. Look, I can even make a serious face. See?" --Quinn Bailey


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« Reply #1 on: <04-13-11/1254:42> »
Oi Chums,

Congratulations. Spells & Chrome was a good read and really got me in the mood for more campaign writing which is always a good thing! With the exception of Seattle 2072, which was freaking awesome, the 6th World Almanac has been my favorite release as of yet. Great stuff in the Almanac and something I had been wanting for a LONG time. Again congratulations and keep up the good work!!
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« Reply #2 on: <04-19-11/0245:32> »
Good for you guys.

