Horizon-Doble Revolution [Enclosed Monocycle] – originally in SR4 ‘Arsenal’
[H3/3, A17, I20, Sp190, B5, A4, P2, S2, St1] w. Smart Tire
Bike 3BP
Wheeled 10BP
Intermediate Console 5BP
Improved Bod 1 4BP
Improved Armour 2 2BP
Decreased Seat -2BP
Improved Accel 1 5BP
Mass Produced x0.5
Smart Tire 1200 nuyen
Total cost 14700 nuyen
This one is a bit more of a reach and the build is open to interpretation so comments welcome!
Evo Stormcloud [Hover board]
[H1, A6, I45, Sp100, B3, A1, P1, S1, St1*] w. Rigger Interface, Gecko Straps
Small Drone 8BP
Hover 12BP
Basic Console 3BP
Improved Bod 1 4BP
Improved Accel 2 10BP
Drone + Mass Produced x0.25
Gecko Tips 2 3000 nuyen (this provides the ‘seat’ as the rider is ‘glued’ to the board)
Total cost 12750 nuyen
A secondary VTOL propulsion system would give limited flight time for +27000 nuyen but availability would climb to 7…