The CRB established a maximum of 7 edge in a character's edge pool, and that the same edge boost can be repeated.
With a pool of 7, you can repeat any 1, 2, or 3 pt. edge boost due to the nature of the cap.
Here's the list of things you can repeat:
Reroll 1 die
Add 3 to init score
+1 to a die roll
Give an ally 1 edge
Negate 1 edge of an opponent
Buy 1 hit
Heal 1 box of stun
Here's things you can't repeat:
Add Edge to your dice pool
Heal 1 box of physical
Reroll fails
Count 2s as glitches
Create special effect
Aside from heal 1 phsyical, I can see why the authors wouldn't want these repeated.
But due to the Chase Pool in Double Clutch, we can sometimes repeat these now.
The M-Toc is also a method of storing additional Edge, but it's used by spending a minor to transfer banked edge to your personal pool. It's not treated as an extension of your personal pool like the Chase Pool is.
It's a very unique situation, only allowable on Piloting/Athletics tests during Chases, but it seems like you could reroll your fails twice or add Edge to your dice pool twice in that situation.
Also, let's mention Double Down.
Add up to three wild dice to a test, one for every 2 Edge spent. . . . Cost: 2, 4, or 6 Edge
The author doesn't seem too familiar with how Edge boosts work. The RAI seems to be a simple repeatable 2pt Edge boost, but the author didn't know/didn't remember that edge boosts are inherently repeatable. There may have been a cap of 3 intended (why?) ... but because boosts are inherently repeatable, what they actually made was a boost with variable cost that can be repeated, so someone with 8 edge could do the 4pt version twice, and get around the 3x limit anyway. It's pedantic rules lawyering but people like taranion have to program systems around this stuff so it helps when the authors can get it right.
Edit: Aaaaaand I just realized you can already repeat 4pt boosts if you can get a discount that applies to the situation you're using it in. Lol.