Catalyst Game Labs > Errata
[SR6] Double Clutch
Errors I noticed on quick browse:
- Pop-Out Concealment: Section detailing this weapon mount modification is incorrectly in the Mechanical Arms chapter instead of the Weapon Mount Concealment chapter.
- None of the drones/vehicles appear to have legality ratings.
- [p11] Horizon-Flynn Pilum has two statblock entries but no mention of what the second statblock is for.
- Gun Ports have a "Rating" of 0.5. Is this intended to mean a Mod Slot cost of 0.5? Or maybe a CF cost of 0.5 would make more sense, as gun ports really wouldn't have that much effect on the structure but definitely would affect passenger space.
- [p38] Ferrari Appaloosa is noted as having 5 turreted heavy weapon hardpoints, but the statblock has only 1 heavy weapon turret and 2 standard weapon hardpoints.
- [p42] Thundercloud Morgan noted as having a heavy weapon turret, but statblock lists only a standard.
- [p44] BMW Super Bug is described as driving up walls and even across ceilings, but statblock does not include Gecko Grip mod.
- [p75] Goodyear Commuter-47 LTA is noted as being difficult to mod, but this is not reflected in the statblock.
- Inconsistant use of "VTOL" and "Rotorcraft". Some rotorcraft are labeled Rotorcraft. Some described as using rotors are labeled VTOL. Others are labeled VTOL but do not otherwise indicate what sort of drive system they use.
- [p95] Vulcan Systems Utility-One drone has no price.
- [96] First Responder mentions hardpoints for winch and manipulator arms, but this is not reflected in statblock.
- [p98] Vend-X lists two turreted mounts, but the statblock indicates two standard mounts.
- [p106] Hawker-Siddley Bat mentions secondary propulsion landing claws but this is not reflected in the statblock.
- [p106] Federated-Boeing Sky Commander lists satlink and retrans unit in the description, but this is not reflected in the statblock.
- [p108] Aerodesign Systems LDSD-64 Condor lists satlink and retrans unit in the description, but this is not reflected in the statblock.
- [p109] Hawker Siddley Harrier lists two weapon hardpoints but the statblock only mentions one.
- [p111] Hawker-Siddley Rescue Harrier is noted as being a Medevac unit for recovering injured metahumans, but statblock does not mention any Medevac mods. Additionally, the listed Medium drone rack is missing from the statblock.
- [p117] "Prize" should be "price" in the sentence, "A servant for everyone? Not at that prize. This is just another rich person’s toy."
- [p125] What is a "Core Mod Slot"? (p124, Additional Hardpoints) Is this intended to be "Chassis Mod Slot"?
- [p123,124,127] Trailer hitches and fifth wheel trailer attachment points are noted as taking up a Standard and Large Hardpoint, respectively, but do not have an actual equipment entry or nuyen cost.
- [p134] The math in the example in the Improved Acceleration modification seems off. It correctly calculates that one rank will boost the acceleration by 5, but then it states this "takes the Acceleration from 16 to 26".
- [p138-139] SunCell missing stat block.
- [p145] "Electronic Warfare Programs" paragraph should probably come before the "Crash and Burn" paragraph. All the E-soft programs should probably be sub-headings under Electronic Warfare Programs.
- [p147] Expanded Ammo Bins dialogue is in the chapter for Drones, rather than the Weapon Mount chapter preceding.
- [p172] Specialist: sentence ending with "less good at other things," ends with a comma instead of a period.
Will update post as I find more.
Michael Chandra:
--- Quote from: KarmaInferno on ---- None of the drones/vehicles appear to have legality ratings.
--- End quote ---
To be fair, that's consistent with CRB also having them all as legal.
Table of Contents:
Attribute Mastery is a subheading when it should be a line item
pg 167 Affinity for Transit (Source) - What is a "Persuasion" test?
Oh, also, Chase Combat handwaves what your actual Speed is. However, in order to calculate a Crash, you need to know it in m/ct. Didn't see any special rules on picking what that speed is in Chase Combat, leaving another rules gap for the GM to wing and negotiate on the fly. Not hard to work out, just establish at the outset "about how fast" the chase speeds are in KPH/MPH. Just something else that's not present even in the form of advice.
Does the ‘rides’ deck that has just come out have more pics or just reproducing those in the core and Double Clutch? Don’t mind paying a bit for flavour art but won’t bother if it’s all the same!!
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