So Changelings are as common as muck, then? (As their costs are calculated straight off the boni and mali.) 
I'd wondered whether the costs were supposed to reflect frequency, but the existence of Changelings made me think it couldn't be. Looks like something for house rules, then. Thanks.
Well, Changelings are a special case...and ARE more common then Metavariants....(I mean...I read more mentions of
Changelings in the newer SR stuff then I do Metavariants...) It is also probably a thematic issue. Look, for instance, at
the reputation of the different Meta Variants, and figure that is going to show up in game. In fact, I can see the 5
point cost for Oni over standard Ork in Japan because: they are at least a Japanese Metatype, not one of those barbarian
ones(still scum...but they are, at least, culturally correct scum), and in other countries, it might be possible for an Oni
to play up the knowledge of Yomi to garner some sympathy, and, of course, Japanese Johnsons might be more inclined
to "like" the Oni then a regular Ork....
Changelings, though...what unstated boni do they have through fluff?