AI and the brain

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« on: <09-03-10/2324:31> »
This is a random idea for a character concept.

I want to play an AI character who is currently residing in the body of a heavily cyberware'd out metahuman hacker who happens to be brain-dead. Basically using the body as a meat-puppet to interact with the world but I can still leave it and do AI-y things.

My thinking is that so long as the body has the right cyberware this shouldn't be a problem. Wired reflexes, an internal commlink, and some type of cyberware device to regulate the autonomous functions of the body at the bare minimum. I wanna know what you guys think.


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« Reply #1 on: <09-03-10/2353:44> »
Hmm... You might want to check out Augmentation, the sourcebook for all things cyber (and bio, and gene, and nano). They have rules in there for full on "brain-in-a-jar" Cyborgs that may meet your needs better than a 'wared corpse.


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« Reply #2 on: <09-04-10/2050:35> »
Sim rig and sim module along with the stuff you listed.  Plus, how would the body be kept alive? Neat idea though.  Will check back on thread.


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« Reply #3 on: <09-05-10/0329:03> »
Ooooo...this gives me an idea for a run!

My players will hate you, now.  Sorry about that.
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« Reply #4 on: <09-05-10/0502:50> »
This is a random idea for a character concept.

I want to play an AI character who is currently residing in the body of a heavily cyberware'd out metahuman hacker who happens to be brain-dead. Basically using the body as a meat-puppet to interact with the world but I can still leave it and do AI-y things.

My thinking is that so long as the body has the right cyberware this shouldn't be a problem. Wired reflexes, an internal commlink, and some type of cyberware device to regulate the autonomous functions of the body at the bare minimum. I wanna know what you guys think.

There aren't really rules for doing this, not that your GM couldn't house rule it up.

It would probably be much easier though, just to take the Piloting Origin quality, and rig an Otomo with mimic rating 3 if you're just looking for a way to blend in.


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« Reply #5 on: <09-05-10/0509:24> »
There do exist rules for such.  The Shadowrun Companion has rules for AI's, and the simrig and sim-module cyberware will let the AI walk the body around.  It is possible to do with RAW.  The character is a BP sink, however, so someone will have to really, really want to play an AI walking around in a (meta)human body.
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« Reply #6 on: <09-05-10/0518:50> »
There do exist rules for such.  The Shadowrun Companion has rules for AI's, and the simrig and sim-module cyberware will let the AI walk the body around.  It is possible to do with RAW.  The character is a BP sink, however, so someone will have to really, really want to play an AI walking around in a (meta)human body.

I don't recall where the simrig and sim module allowed control of a body - can I get a book and page for that?  But really, I was more talking about the upkeep of the body, rules for handling brain death, etc

Skillwires would probably be the key for actually controlling a body, if I were to write up rules for it, or possibly some of the biodrone implants.


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« Reply #7 on: <09-05-10/0528:22> »
The sim stuff allows for someone to emote out the behavior from behavior-mod chips, thus allowing room for an AI to move in and do its thing.  The rig runs throughout every portion of the body's nervous system.  If you wanted to get even more technical and specific about it, slap some skillwires into the body and the AI would have even more absolute control.
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« Reply #8 on: <09-05-10/0559:23> »
The sim stuff allows for someone to emote out the behavior from behavior-mod chips, thus allowing room for an AI to move in and do its thing.  The rig runs throughout every portion of the body's nervous system.  If you wanted to get even more technical and specific about it, slap some skillwires into the body and the AI would have even more absolute control.

Hmm, that's a pretty big leap to make. Behavior-mod chips operate by basically rewriting parts of the users personality, that's quite different from allowing them to take control directly.  That said, you could probably write up a link between the sim mod and a skillwire system that did allow it - probably similar to a Cyborg Control Unit.  Then you just need to write up a biocomp and associated implants to run the involuntary bodily functions, and you should be good to go.

(That said, it's a neat idea, but from a playing point of view, the rigged Otomo is probably going to be more effective)


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« Reply #9 on: <09-05-10/0959:24> »
True enough.  I was just suggesting ways it might happen.  Not ways that work especially well or make sense.  The drone option works much, much more easily.
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Ultra Violet

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« Reply #10 on: <09-05-10/1011:50> »
Don't forget the new AI are NOT better than metahumans or in fact they are much lower... because the have a lack of Body-Boosts metahumans can do. Best Example is the Ini they have 3 IP and nothing more, a metahuman hacker or TM can get 5 IP.
The best an AI can do is pushing a hacker and his Link, if the Hacker is a Cyborg they will have a great relationship together... alone without the meat-brain is the future a more descend life. ;D
« Last Edit: <09-05-10/1013:27> by Ultra Violet »


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« Reply #11 on: <09-05-10/1447:12> »
Is anybody else thinking of naming a Cyborg "Pinky" and the AI "The Brain"?


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« Reply #12 on: <09-06-10/0836:43> »
Stirrup Interface is what you're looking for.  Basically direct control requires Move by Wire tech.

It is expensive in essence and yen, and it is quite restricted.  Check p153 (and surrounding) of Augmentation for the Stirrup/MBW magic.


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« Reply #13 on: <09-06-10/0957:47> »
Is anybody else thinking of naming a Cyborg "Pinky" and the AI "The Brain"?

Totally going to use that for an insane NPC badguy now.


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« Reply #14 on: <09-13-10/2239:19> »
*Manhattan spoilers*

This is like Phrex and the Talos, granted that was just a drone.

