Shadowrun General > Gear

What's your favorite bit of Gear?

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We know shadowrun is memorable for all the fiddly little bits and bobs you can outfit your character with. What I'm asking for here is a bit of gear you made good use of that others may not have thought of, was super important and saved the run, or you just really enjoyed using.

I'll start with two of my favorites:

The Area Jammer is great for enabling stealthy takedowns of guards. Flip on the scanner, do your cool non-lethal takedown, the decker loops his biomonitor signal, stuff him in a closet and off you go. A momentary burst of static is much less suspicious than a suddenly offline biomonitor.VidMate  Mobdro

The Paint Grenade has loads of uses, depending on what substance you load it up with. Need an instant oil slick, make a room mostly inaccessible, or slow pursuit? Lube Grenade. Need an area locked down, doors fastened shut? Glue Grenade. Need to reveal invisible people, or blind cameras? Regular old paint grenade. Want an instant riot/crime against humanity? K10-DMSO Grenade (GM discretion advised).

Stainless Steel Devil Rat:
Never leave home without a clip of capsule rounds loaded with DMSO+Blight toxin!

Two favourites that I love to fit in and most people overlook:

-The sleep regulator. Party all day and run all night. Stay up on overwatch for 24 hours straight (thanks attention coprocessor). Spend all night studying/data searching/registering/doing rituals while the chumps in the rest of the team have to go to bed, and wake them all up disgustingly early in the morning.

-The cybernose. Track anyone in a crowd, even the day after they went to ground. Smell out gunshot residue. Find hidden explosive charges. Notice your contact is using stinky Aztechnology tailored pheremones. Choose not to smell them.


--- Quote from: greygriffin on ---Two favourites that I love to fit in and most people overlook:

-The sleep regulator. Party all day and run all night. Stay up on overwatch for 24 hours straight (thanks attention coprocessor). Spend all night studying/data searching/registering/doing rituals while the chumps in the rest of the team have to go to bed, and wake them all up disgustingly early in the morning.

-The cybernose. Track anyone in a crowd, even the day after they went to ground. Smell out gunshot residue. Find hidden explosive charges. Notice your contact is using stinky Aztechnology tailored pheremones. Choose not to smell them.

--- End quote ---

Two very overlooked pieces of ware. Nice picks

Sir Ludwig:
I'm with Grey on the Sleep Regulator, If I could buy it right now (IRW) I would.

I think good old Contacts (rating 3) or Glasses (rating 4) is with whatever add ons your want is always good.  I can always take off hacked glasses, can't take out (unless it's a drone) hacked eyes.



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