Updated SRM FAQ 1.4

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  • Catalyst Demo Team
  • Chummer
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  • Posts: 245
« on: <06-15-21/2004:21> »
Hey chummers,

We have an updated SRM FAQ which is renamed Shadowrun Sixth World Missions Guide. There are a couple of big changes that probably will affect you. The first one is that Seasons 9 and 10 are removed from the missions legal list. This was done to add in the ability to carry your characters from SRM 2081 into SRM 2082 when it comes out. No more creating new characters for every city if you don't want to. We also have introduced the concept of allowing tables to ask for harder difficulties for bigger rewards. This comes with a couple of other limitations such as limits to initiation and submersion at character creation and a change in limits to "Working for the Man" and "Working for the People".

Stay safe in the shadows!

Shadowrun Sixth World Missions Guide 1.4:
Character Journal: