Shadowrun Missions Living Campaign > Living Campaign and Conventions

Anime Central 2011, May 20-22 Rosemont, IL


Hi guys,

I run the tabletop gaming department for Anime Central.  (  A convention with over 20,000 rabid Anime fans.  For the past 2 years we've been running Shadowrun Missions and we're hoping to continue that portion of our convention this year.

With that said, we're currently planning to run SRM03-10 thru SRM03-12 to have offered all of year 3's Missions to Anime Central.  In addition we're going to offer CMP2011-01 thru CMP2011-04 as well.

We really need some GMs though.  If you're a catalyst demo team member please email me at tabletopgaming at acen dot org.  We'll get you a badge and into the convention.

If you aren't a member of the demo team, we still need volunteer judges.  In agreeing to GMing three sessions of Missions, we'll get you a free pass to the con.  In order to get that please register (but don't actually pay for the convention here ).  Then send to the above email address the following:

Your email address
Your Badge Name
Your Full name

Even if you don't like Anime it's a good con I've heard from some former guests out at Funimation.

I think the DeJesus' met out there back in the dark days of anime known as the early 90's.


--- Quote from: nimrod_funk on ---Even if you don't like Anime it's a good con I've heard from some former guests out at Funimation.

I think the DeJesus' met out there back in the dark days of anime known as the early 90's.

--- End quote ---

Yes they did...

FWIW we've done a bit of switcheroo for Acen's lineup.

After talking to a demo team member, we're leaving 03-12 out as a typical Acen attendee is unlikely to have the rabid following knowledge necessary to enjoy 03-12. 
We're also leaving out CMP2011-03 as it wasn't in print ready format.
We've added SRM04-00 and SRM04-01 to the lineup.

So basically
Friday SRM03-10 & SRM03-11
Saturday CMP2011-01, CMP2011-02, and CMP2011-04
Sunday SRM04-00 & SRM04-01

If you're attending Acen.  You can register for events here:

Thank you to all who showed up for Anime Central!

We had 1-2 missions running in every time slot, sometimes they were older ones, but they were always running (or so it seemed to me)!


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