Just wanted to make this build sharable. Just a way to make a vehicle focused technomancer pilot that can become a rigger after their first submersion. Please let me know thoughts! Especially on attribute spread, as there is room to play with it and I went a squishier route. Can trade the secondary car for a doberman drone or two with SMGs.
Karma Spent: 15 on PQs, 10 on Body, 15 on Logic, 10 on Charisma, -25 on PQs = 0 karma remaining
Nuyen remaining: ~4800, needs to be spent on a lot of ammo.
== Personal Data ==
Name: Unnamed Character Alias:
Movement:6/12 (2m/hit)
Swim:2 (1m/hit)
Composure: 5
Street Cred: 0 Judge Intentions: 7
Notoriety: 2 Lift/Carry: 3(15 kg/10 kg)
Public Awareness: 0 Memory: 8
Karma: 0 Nuyen:4,860¥
Age: Skin:
Eyes: Hair:
Primary Arm: Right
== Priorities ==
Metatype: D,1
Attributes: E,0
Special: C,2
Skills: B,3
Resources: A,4
== Attributes ==
Current Form:
BOD: 2 CHA: 2
AGI: 1(3) INT: 5
REA: 6 LOG: 3(5)
STR: 1 WIL: 3
EDG: 2 RES: 4
== Derived Attributes
Essence: 4.01 Initiative: 11 +1d6
Physical Damage Track: 9 Rigger Initiative: 11 +1d6
Stun Damage Track: 10 Astral Initiative:
Physical: 4 Matrix AR: 11 +1d6
Mental: 6 Matrix Cold: 10 +3d6
Attention Coprocessor [+1] (Only for Perception)
Math SPU [+1] (Only for Scientific or Technical Knowledge Skills)
Medkit [+6] (Only for First Aid and Medicine)
Orientation System [+2] (Only for Navigation)
Social: 4 Matrix Hot: 10 +4d6
Ballistic Mask [+1] (Only for Intimidation, Must be visible)
Vashon Island: Ace of Cups [+1] (Must be visible)
Astral: 6
== Active Skills ==
Automatics (Submachine Guns) Base:1 + Karma:0 =1 Pool:4(6)
Automotive Mechanic (Wheeled) Base:1 + Karma:0 =1 Pool:6(
Compiling (Machine) Base:2 + Karma:0 =2 Pool:6(
Computer Base:5 + Karma:0 =5 Pool:10
Con (Fast Talk) Base:1 + Karma:0 =1 Pool:3(5)
Electronic Warfare Base:6 + Karma:0 =6 Pool:11
Gunnery Base:6 + Karma:0 =6 Pool:9
Hardware Base:5 + Karma:0 =5 Pool:11
Navigation (GPS) Base:1 + Karma:0 =1 Pool:6(
Pilot Ground Craft Base:6 + Karma:0 =6 Pool:12
Registering (Machine) Base:6 + Karma:0 =6 Pool:10(12)
Sneaking Base:6 + Karma:0 =6 Pool:9
Software Base:5 + Karma:0 =5 Pool:10
== Knowledge Skills ==
Area Knowledge: Seattle Base:3 + Karma:0 =3 Pool:8
Law Enforcement Procedures (Street) (Physical) Base:1 + Karma:0 =1 Pool:6(
Mathematics Base:4 + Karma:0 =4 Pool:13
Military Vehicles (Army) Base:1 + Karma:0 =1 Pool:6(
Sports (Racing) Base:2 + Karma:0 =2 Pool:7(9)
Street Drugs (Cram) Base:1 + Karma:0 =1 Pool:6(
== Qualities ==
Addiction (Mild) (Cram)
Addiction (Mild) (Psyche)
Albinism II
Jack of All Trades Master of None
Night Blindness
Otaku to Technomancer
Paragon (Daedalus (The Inventor))
Prejudiced (Specific, Biased) (Go-Gangers)
Quick Healer
== Complex Forms ==
(Tradition: Default,Resist Fading with WIL + RES = 9)
Resonance Veil
Static Veil
== Lifestyle ==
Med(Medium)1 Month
+ Grid Subscription (Local Grid)
+ Grid Subscription (Public Grid)
== Cyberware/Bioware ==
Cerebral Booster Rating 2
Cyberears Rating 1
+ Sound Link
+ Antennae
+ Antennae
+ Antennae
Muscle Toner Rating 2
Nephritic screen Rating 3
Obvious Lower Leg (AGI 3, STR 3, Physical 5) (Left)
+ Bulk Modification (Lower Arm/Lower Leg/Skull)Rating 2
+ Math SPU
+ Orientation System
+ Attention Coprocessor
+ Radar SensorRating 4
+ Magnetic System
+ Fingertip Compartment
+ Biowaste StorageRating 2
+ Nutrition Storage SystemRating 2
Tetrachromatic Vision
== Armor ==
Armor Jacket 14
+ Auto-Injector
+ Concealed Pocket
+ Drag Handle
+ Fire Resistance 3
+ Gel Packs
+ Insulation 2
+ Nonconductivity 3
Ballistic Mask +2
+ Gas Mask
+ Sensor ArrayRating 6
+ CameraRating 1
+ Omni-directional MicrophoneRating 1
+ Olfactory Scanner
+ Vision Magnification
+ MAD Scanner
+ Motion Sensor
Vashon Island: Ace of Cups 9
+ Drag Handle
+ Electrochromic Clothing
== Weapons ==
Ares Crusader II
+ Concealed Quick-Draw Holster
+ Gas-Vent 2 System
+ Personalized Grip
+ Smartgun System, Internal
Pool: 4 Accuracy: 5 (
DV: 7P AP: - RC: 4
Ingram Smartgun X
+ Gas-Vent 2 System
+ Personalized Grip
+ Sling
+ Smartgun System, Internal
+ Sound Suppressor
Pool: 4 (6) Accuracy: 4 (7) DV: 8P AP: - RC: 4
Knife (Survival Kit)
Pool: 2 Accuracy: 5 DV: 2P AP: -1 RC: 2
Survival Knife
+ Concealable Holster
+ Survival Knife Bonuses
+ Survival Knife Wireless Bonuses
Pool: 2 Accuracy: 5 DV: 3P AP: -1 RC: 2
Unarmed Attack
Pool: 2 Accuracy: 4 DV: 1S AP: - RC: 2
== Commlink ==
Essy Motors DroneMaster(ATT: 0,SLZ: 0,DP: 4,FWL: 4)
+ Commlink Functionality [Camera, Micro, Chip Player, Credstick Reader, Earbuds 1, GPS Guidance System, Micro Trid-Projector, Music Player, RFID Tag Scanner, Shock- and Water-Resistant Case, Touchscreen Display]
+ [Model] Stealth Autosoft (Fly Spy)Rating 3
+ [Model] Maneuvering Autosoft (Fly Spy)Rating 3
+ [Model] Evasion Autosoft (Fly Spy)Rating 3
Living Persona(ATT: 2,SLZ: 5,DP: 5,FWL: 3)Rating 1
Meta Link(ATT: 0,SLZ: 0,DP: 1,FWL: 1)
+ Commlink Functionality [Camera, Micro, Chip Player, Credstick Reader, Earbuds 1, GPS Guidance System, Micro Trid-Projector, Music Player, RFID Tag Scanner, Shock- and Water-Resistant Case, Touchscreen Display]
Transys Avalon(ATT: 0,SLZ: 0,DP: 6,FWL: 6)
+ Commlink Functionality [Camera, Micro, Chip Player, Credstick Reader, Earbuds 1, GPS Guidance System, Micro Trid-Projector, Music Player, RFID Tag Scanner, Shock- and Water-Resistant Case, Touchscreen Display]
+ Subvocal Mic
+ Micro-Transceiver
== Gear: Equipped ==
Backpack (Good)
Cram ×10
Fake SIN Rating 4
+ Fake License (Driver's License) Rating 4
+ Fake License (Drone License) Rating 4
+ Fake License (Weapon License) Rating 4
+ Fake License (Restricted Augmentation License) Rating 4
Long Haul ×3
Medkit Rating 6
Miniwelder Fuel Canister "Flame Thrower?" ×2
Psyche ×10
Slap Patch, Stim Patch Rating 3 ×4
Survival Kit
+ Lighter
+ Compass
+ Matches
+ Lightweight Thermal Blanket
+ Several Days' Worth of Ration Bars
+ Water Purification Unit
Tool Kit (Hardware)
Tool Kit (Automotive Mechanic)
== Vehicles ==
GMC Endurance (Van)
+ Amenities (Middle)
+ Anti-Theft System Rating 3
+ Chameleon Coating
+ GridLink
+ GridLink Override
+ Light (Fixed, Internal, Remote)
Ares Sigma 3 [SMG]
+ Mechanical Arm (Articulated)
+ Morphing License Plate
+ Removed Manual Controls
+ Rigger Cocoon
+ Rigger Interface
+ Satellite Link
+ Searchlight
+ Secondary Propulsion (Amphibious, Surface)
+ Sensor Enhancement Rating 3
+ Smuggling Compartment
+ Special Armor Modification (Chemical) Rating 6
+ Special Armor Modification (Fire) Rating 6
+ Special Armor Modification (Insulation) Rating 6
+ Special Armor Modification (Nonconductivity) Rating 6
+ Special Armor Modification (Radiation) Rating 6
+ Speed Enhancement Rating 1
+ Standard (Fixed, Internal, Remote)
Ares Alpha [Assault Rifle, Grenade Launcher]
+ Standard (Fixed, Internal, Remote)
Shiawese Arms Incinerator [Flamethrower!!]
+ Valkyrie Module
+ Winch (Enhanced)
+ Sensor ArrayRating 3
+ CameraRating 1
+ Atmosphere Sensor
+ Olfactory Scanner
+ Omni-directional MicrophoneRating 1
+ Radio Signal Scanner
+ Directional MicrophoneRating 1
+ Nanoscanner
+ X-Ray
MCT Fly-Spy (Minidrone)
+ Realistic Features Rating 2
+ Sensor ArrayRating 3
MCT Fly-Spy (Minidrone)
+ Realistic Features Rating 2
+ Sensor ArrayRating 3
MCT Fly-Spy (Minidrone)
+ Realistic Features Rating 2
+ Sensor ArrayRating 3
Renault-Fiat Funone
+ Light (Fixed, Internal, Remote)
Ingram Smartgun X [SMG]
+ Metahuman Adjustment Rating 2
+ Morphing License Plate
+ Rigger Interface
+ Sensor ArrayRating 2
== Contacts ==
(Fixer/Mechanic),(Connection: 4,Loyalty: 2)