[SR5] Attribute boost

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« on: <02-06-21/1148:40> »
Does Attribute Boost (Reaction) stack with the Adept Power Increased Reflexes the same way Reaction Enhancers stack with Wired Reflexes?


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« Reply #1 on: <02-06-21/1223:57> »
Reaction from Improved Reflexes and Attribute Boost stack up to augmented maximum of +4 for the purpose of calculating dice pools. Improved Reflexes and Attribute Boost does not to stack for the purpose of calculating initiative.


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« Reply #2 on: <02-06-21/1450:30> »
Are there any rules that reference this? And why would it not stack for Initiative? R.E.+W.R. stack for initiative.


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« Reply #3 on: <02-06-21/1508:10> »
Are there any rules that reference this?
Yes there are. And they are also right where you would expect them to be ;-)

SR5 p. 309 Attribute Boost
Each hit on this test boosts your attribute rating by 1, up to your augmented Attribute maximum. This only affects your dice pools; your Physical limit and Initiative ratings don’t change with Attribute Boost.

SR5 p. 310 Improved Reflexes
The maximum rating of Improved Reflexes is 3, and the increase cannot be combined with other technological or magical increases to Initiative.

R.E.+W.R. stack for initiative.
Only via their wireless bonus......
Without the wireless bonus they are incompatible.

SR5 p. 455 Reaction Enhancers
Reaction enhancers are incompatible with all other enhancements to Reaction, including wired reflexes.

SR5 p. 455 Wired Reflexes
Wired reflexes are incompatible with augmentations that affect Reaction or Initiative.
« Last Edit: <02-06-21/1513:29> by Xenon »

Stainless Steel Devil Rat

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« Reply #4 on: <02-06-21/1522:55> »
I prepared to give an answer and got slipped.  I nuked my response to give this one instead:

Something I've noticed since getting involved in rules arguments: Xenon is usually right ;)

he quoted what I'd say is the "mic drop" bit of text:

"[attribute boost] only affects your dice pools"

So, bear in mind that boosting your Strength has no effect on Strength-derived values, such as Unarmed DV.  If you boost Reaction, the benefit only manifests when you're rolling a test that has Reaction as a contributing attribute.  Ergo, since Initiative is its own attribute derived from Reaction, Boosting Reaction has no impact on Initiative.

If that's not enough, Improved Reflexes (as Xenon quoted for you) explicitly does not stack with any other increases to Initiative. So even if Boosting Reaction did modify your Initiative, it still wouldn't stack.
« Last Edit: <02-06-21/1534:50> by Stainless Steel Devil Rat »
RPG mechanics exist to give structure and consistency to the game world, true, but at the end of the day, you’re fighting dragons with algebra and random number generators.


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« Reply #5 on: <02-07-21/0622:49> »
Yup, that nailed it lol. I must have read that so many times I stared myself blind.

In our game STR boost does apply to Unarmed DV. Nothing else makes sense. It's not a derived stat, it's the direct DV.

Stainless Steel Devil Rat

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« Reply #6 on: <02-07-21/0942:48> »
Yup, that nailed it lol. I must have read that so many times I stared myself blind.

I've been there.  I've so been there.

In our game STR boost does apply to Unarmed DV. Nothing else makes sense. It's not a derived stat, it's the direct DV.

Well there is no dice pool in a DV... so I'd argue with you that it absolutely does make sense that DV gets no benefit from boosting Strength when the boost only applies to dice pools ;)

However: your game, your rules!  Certainly can't argue with you about how to run your game.  Rule Zero trumps them all!
RPG mechanics exist to give structure and consistency to the game world, true, but at the end of the day, you’re fighting dragons with algebra and random number generators.


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« Reply #7 on: <02-07-21/1348:37> »
Yup, that nailed it lol. I must have read that so many times I stared myself blind.

I've been there.  I've so been there.

In our game STR boost does apply to Unarmed DV. Nothing else makes sense. It's not a derived stat, it's the direct DV.

Well there is no dice pool in a DV... so I'd argue with you that it absolutely does make sense that DV gets no benefit from boosting Strength when the boost only applies to dice pools ;)

However: your game, your rules!  Certainly can't argue with you about how to run your game.  Rule Zero trumps them all!

It never even occurred to me that STR wouldn't apply to your melee/unarmed DV. Logically nothing else makes sense. So you're stronger, but you just don't hit harder even though dmg code is literally (str)s...nah

Shinobi Killfist

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« Reply #8 on: <02-07-21/1844:56> »
That is a pretty common house rule given how sparse strength based skills are so it at least gives it something.


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« Reply #9 on: <02-08-21/0436:57> »
That is a pretty common house rule given how sparse strength based skills are so it at least gives it something.

Yeah, I couldn't think of any other reason to take Attribute Boost (STR)