I prepared to give an answer and got slipped. I nuked my response to give this one instead:
Something I've noticed since getting involved in rules arguments: Xenon is usually right

he quoted what I'd say is the "mic drop" bit of text:
"[attribute boost] only affects your dice pools"
So, bear in mind that boosting your Strength has no effect on Strength-derived values, such as Unarmed DV. If you boost Reaction, the benefit only manifests when you're rolling a test that has Reaction as a contributing attribute. Ergo, since Initiative is its own attribute derived from Reaction, Boosting Reaction has no impact on Initiative.
If that's not enough, Improved Reflexes (as Xenon quoted for you) explicitly does not stack with any other increases to Initiative. So even if Boosting Reaction did modify your Initiative, it still wouldn't stack.