Conversion to SRA.

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« on: <08-16-20/2049:10> »
I am.a returning players. Been away from Shadowrun since Third Edition. Bought fourth but never tried it out.
My question is is in regarding converting cybernetics to shadow amps. I had played an infiltrator type character who took advantage of skill jacks and using knowsofts, linguasofts, and data softs. This allowed my character to 'blend in' or help with the myriad of etiquette skills.
What shadowamp can I use to mimic this. I understand this system trying to limit and streamline skills etc. Would this "break" character balance? I know "we can run 'our way'". If it is possible what is a good essence shadow amp cost.
Just looking for community opinion.


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« Reply #1 on: <08-19-20/0208:31> »
You could easily design an Amp for this. Social Skilljack (Amp Level 2): Cyberware. +1 die to Con Tests. -1 Essence.

When you buy up the Amp Level, you could add dice, or add a knowledge skill (maybe that you can alter between Scenes).

There is almost no way to break character balance in Anarchy. The only thing that comes close are spirits, which are OP in the book. But many players use an nerfed set of spirit stats.

Look at for more resources.
Shadowrun: Anarchy Resources (GM Screens, Character Sheets, New NPCs, House Rules) at:

