I am pretty neutral about. Ideal situation would be nothing needs banned because authors have an understanding how to print balanced things.In lieu of that, I prefer to see as little as possible banned or altered. Fairly on track with that currently.
RPG mechanics exist to give structure and consistency to the game world, true, but at the end of the day, you’re fighting dragons with algebra and random number generators.
ArmTech MGL-12: Nothing says love like a 3 round burst of HE Grenade to hit something for 32PNuff said.
Soom(tm) No worries.
Initiation and Submersion (and Foci Binding) are allowed in chargen in SRM! The toolbox is completely opened up.
Quote from: tequila on <05-18-21/1844:04>Soom(tm) No worries. Very soon... as in 5 minutes ago click here to get it!
Real quickWhere is the online grimoire? I liked to know what player created spells are mission legalThank you