As this year comes to an end, we are releasing our last update for this year (I hope so - otherwise I will have messed this up terribly).
The new version changes the way exotic weapon skills are dealt with (we now assume grouped skills like "Whips" instead of per weapon specializations like "Monofilament Whip"). We still don't support having custom weapon skills, but we introduced an "Other" specialization to help you at least buying it.
We also introduced a config option to enable or disable to rules from the errata of the third printing, With the previous version 2.0 we forced those changes on players, which lead to a lot of confusion regarding not being able to buy spells/complex forms with customization Karma. Now you can choose your way in the creation wizard.

On the extended gear pages on the PDF the
weapon element got a total redesign. It is more compact and supports having custom images for each weapon (which you need to upload yourself in Genesis). It also breaks the contributing modifications to the attack rating into a neat list, so you can control the values. As a play aid we show you ca list of modified AR ratings and dice pool per firemode.
BugSR6-771 Creation: First level or a metamagic/echo should not be free
SR6-769 Experience Journal uses current date instead of date entered
SR6-768 Defensive pool modifier (from Combat Sense) should not be capped at +4
SR6-767 NullPointerException for weapons without specialization
SR6-764 Increasing "Astral" skill not possible for adepts with power 'Astral Perception'
SR6-758 Matrix Initiatve bonus of cyberjacks is missing
SR6-756 Correct cost of cyberware ultrasonic sensor
SR6-754 Correct capacity cost of MEMS medkit carriers
SR6-750 Add levels to nimble fingers
SR6-748 Typo on character sheet PDF output
SR6-374 Correct wrong exotic weapon skills
New FeatureSR6-770 Introduce config option to enable/disable third printing errata
SR6-753 PDF: New extended weapon display
TaskSR6-761 Support deprecated skill specializations
ImprovementSR6-766 Deutsche Beschreibungen der Edge-Handlungen
SR6-765 Support "other" exotic weapon specialization
SR6-763 PDF: Range bands on weapons element
SR6-762 Warn about having deprecated skill specializations
SR6-760 Foundry Export: Created file compatible with Foundry 0.9.x
SR6-759 Support old version of the cyberjacks 5 or 6 with higher INI bonus (for DE)
SR6-757 Add magic formulas
SR6-755 Add content from DE Adventskalender
SR6-752 List both (US and DE) version of Manriki chain
SR6-373 Reduce number of specialisations for exotic weapons skill
I wish you all a happy new year and hope to have fun with you all in 2022.