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Genesis Character Generator - Release Thread

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Hi chummers,

I will use this thread to publish release notes of new plugin releases for Shadowrun 6 in Genesis (instead of opening new topics, like I did in the past)

Let me start with version 1.3.1
Though it is mainly bugfixes, a few things stand out:
* My wife contributed a half-page PDF export (inspired by the way NPCs are represented in the books)
* More editable fields on the regular character sheet (again - a contribution by my wife)
* You can use autosofts in vehicles (not restricted to drones anymore, like before)New Feature
* [SR6-34] - Half-Page / A5 NPC sheet
* [SR6-434] - EditableFields: Notes for drones, activated programs Task
* [SR6-416] - Move accessories from INTERNAL to better slot (to make them visible)
* [SR6-437] - Add useas VEHICLE_BODY to weapons placed directly into vehicles Improvement
* [SR6-424] - Add multi to accessories which user may want to have multiple
* [SR6-435] - Allow vehicles to use autosofts Bug
* [SR6-130] - PDF: Astral combat elements repeats relevant effects
* [SR6-248] - Cannot add two things (e.g. standard weapon mounts) in one slot (e.g. a vehicle)
* [SR6-292] - Exception while generating PDF (ConditionStunElement)
* [SR6-313] - Weapon focus does not hold accessories and modifications added
* [SR6-321] - No karma cost for initiation during character generation
* [SR6-369] - Show level of cyberware modifications on PDF printout
* [SR6-403] - Multi="yes" no longer seems to work (datasofts)
* [SR6-417] - Add camera and vision_magnification to imaging_scope
* [SR6-419] - Add personalized_grip_melee to all weapons of Zoe Heritage line
* [SR6-421] - Add missing slots to weapons with accessorymods in those slots
* [SR6-423] - Show correct number of programs slots on rigger page
* [SR6-425] - Make mods visible for "full body armor with helmet"
* [SR6-427] - Add missing exotic ammunition from FF
* [SR6-444] - Failed to Save Character during creation
* [SR6-446] - Mystic adept: Prevent automatic Powerpoint on Magic increase (Catalyst rules) and inverse for Pegasus Rules
* [SR6-447] - Machine guns as accessories not sorted correctly
* [SR6-448] - Correct Kickboxing signature technique
* [SR6-449] - Factory autosofts should block slotsLately we found a larger problem in our gear management, that is relevant if you want to put accessories in to gear pieces that have been automatically added (like a weapin mount that is a built-in accessory of a drone or a accessories for foci) - that simply doesn't work right now.

Thanks for all of your hard work! I've stickied the thread so it's easy to find.

Stainless Steel Devil Rat:
I <3 your work!

Sir Ludwig:

I too appreciate all the work you and your family and friends are doing.


It's probably not a priority, but is there any way to determine that the installation is not (automatically) to C:\ ? Because I have drive space issues . . . .


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