wait...so stolen gear:
1) Gives you karma
2) allows you to spend upto 15 karma to get 150k worth of gear
3) Taking all 20 points of karma nets you 150k Nguyen gear + 5karma to spend?
Is that correct?
By my understanding, yes. As explained above, my understanding is hardly the only way to interpret the rules as-is. It's still an imperfect interpretation, because under that reading, it's impossible to spend 16-20 karma and qualify for the last category of bounty hunting victimhood. So clearly something is off.
What does that do to normal karma to nuyen conversion after that 15? is it 1 to 2k or 1 to 5k?
By my understanding, the existence of the cap means there is no more karma to nuyen conversion after 150,000.
God that quality is a mess...
Agreed. It needs something to fix it, whether you read it my way or any other way. Balance-wise, I have my hopes that the karma imbalance between this and In Debt (which gives 0 karma...) can also be addressed.

Waving the hands and doing a bit of thread necromancy...
Coming back to the topic of "stolen gear" quality. I think we all had the wrong interpretation. Because it is a negative quality, we assumed that it would give Karma. However the text states otherwise: "The player and gamemaster must decide on the exact details, but the benefit is that for each point of Karma (up to 20)
spent on Stolen Gear, the character gets 10,000 nuyen (see below) to spend on gear, cyberware, and/or bioware during character creation."
Also the table at the bottom shows "Karma Spend" (and not "Karma gained").
In addition consider the statement " These points are spent instead of the normal Karma for extra cash (not in addition to)". This means the normal "karma for extra cash" rule cannot be used and that also means the quality "indebt" cannot be used, as that depends on the same "karma for extra cash".
Nowhere in the description text it says that selecting a certain level of "stolen gear" results in Karma generated.
So my new interpretation of "Stolen Gear" would simply be: It is the "next up" version of "karma for extra cash" or "in debt".
- Normal Karma for extra cash: 2,000 Nuyen per Karma spend
- Quality in debt: 5,000 Nuyen per Karma spend, but you have debts and need to pay interests. If you pay back the principals, the negative quality is gone.
- Quality Stolen Gear: 10,000 Nuyen per Karma spend, but you have stolen and someone hunts you down. If you pay back the value of the stolen stuff, the negative quality is gone.
To me this sounds like the way, the quality was intended.
There are two confusing things.
1) That strange limit to 150k. I believe this is a "left over" from SR5. In SR5 you were only allowed to spend 10 Karma on "Karma for extra cash" or "in debt", meaning your maximum extra cash was 50,000. The quality "stolen gear" allows you to increase that limit by 150,000. Thus in my view "extend the possible additional funds to 150,000¥" should have read "extend the possible additional funds
by 150,000¥"
2) That strange box at the top that says "Bonus: 1 to 20 Karma". My guess is that this a formatting thing, putting "Cost" on top of all positive qualities and "Bonus" on top of all negative qualities, without reading the complicated text.
@SSDR, what do you think of this interpretation?