Shadowrun Play > Character creation and critique

Panther - Physical Adept Missions build Non Lolsy.

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I've got a gnome physad face theorycrafted build that uses and abuses Edge and Knock out blow. 

No burn out, just didn't need it.  DV was 'only' 6, but with KO blow and a decent dice pool it still would still one shot most Missions opponents.  Which is fine for a Face character IMO who's primary function is to be a living MToc.

lol...that sounds fun.  No one expects the face to drop someone like that.

There's the additional advantage that the Face appears unarmed. This can be valuable during tense situations where it's important to seem non-threatening even though you are, in fact, a significant threat.

"Never disarmed" is a great card to have up your sleeve and one of my favorite reasons to play unarmed combatants.

Anyway, I'd be interested in seeing the face physad build when it's ready, Hobbes.

It's not a terribly useful build unless you've got pocket buff bots.  It's part of a six gnome team called The Lawnless, which includes two mages that buff all the attributes and initiatives. 

A Attributes, B Skills, C Meta (gnome),D Magic, E Resources

Qualities Team Player and Inspire Competence on the face and the TM are the engine.  Face does the initial negotiation then generally stays in the car with the limp noodle TM and Astral Mage and shuffles Edge and buffs around to the three gnomes doing the infiltration.  With double Edge generation and high starting Edge on each gnome pretty much every roll is pre-Edged.  'tis an incredibly Meta set up and very silly.  If my play group ever gets our sh*t together for GenCon or Origins we'll take the team for a whirl. 

I hope your group can get your sh!t together for Origins.  That group of characters would be fun to see in play and hear the exploits about all their shenanigans. :)


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