[IC] Underworld 93 - Mach 2073

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« Reply #75 on: <07-22-11/1552:03> »
Connecting Jackpoint VPN …
… Matrix Access ID Spoofed.
… Encryption Keys Generated.
… Connected to Onion Routers.
… Biometric Scan Confirmed.
Connected to
KKKZZZTTT - Anomalous Data Connection.
... Incorrect Node.
... Redirecting To Requested Node.
Connecting Virtual Underworld 93 …
… Matrix Access ID Spoofed.
… Encryption Keys Generated.
… Connected to Onion Routers.
… Biometric Scan Confirmed.
Connected to

>>>>>[Hello? Guys? MaCallister? What the hell? Did VU93 go down the last 2 Months? ]<<<<<
--Chrona (20:45:17 /7-22-73)


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« Reply #76 on: <07-22-11/1558:05> »
>>>>>[Looks like it's still here.  If there hadn't been something big brewing, the sudden silence might have seemed weird.  It can't be long before things pick up again, though.]<<<<<
--Vice (15:57:37 /7-22-73)


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« Reply #77 on: <07-22-11/1602:56> »
>>>>>[Brewing? Like what?? ]<<<<<
--Chrona (21:01:22 /7-22-73)


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« Reply #78 on: <07-23-11/0050:46> »
>>>>>[More than just my favorite beer, at least on my end. But it depends on who you talk to and where they are. Lot of people have been busy with personal and or local biz. Can't say much about anyone else, but I've been busy. Maybe I'll talk about it after making sure specific people are living-impared. So much work left to do.]<<<<<
--Bravo Six (00:46:02/7-23-73)
Why in the frag did they put ME in charge?

"Just because it's easy for you doesn't mean it can't be hard on your clients"-Rule 38, The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries, Schlock Mercenary.


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« Reply #79 on: <07-23-11/0136:58> »
>>>>>[Still working on moving to Seattle. Got hung up in Denver. Broke a wing, because I got distracted by AR spam in my goggles and bounced off a drone. Who the frag puts AR spam in mid-air?!]<<<<<
--TekDrake (1:35:11/7-23-73)
Life is short, the night is long, and we still have ammo.


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« Reply #80 on: <07-23-11/0244:06> »
>>>>>[Someone who's trying to corner the flying hacker market?]<<<<<
--Bravo Six(02:42:17/7-23-73)
Why in the frag did they put ME in charge?

"Just because it's easy for you doesn't mean it can't be hard on your clients"-Rule 38, The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries, Schlock Mercenary.


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« Reply #81 on: <07-23-11/2317:30> »
>>>>>[Ehh. I think it has to do with all of Denver's air traffic. Oh, and it turns out there was a backdoor on my Drummer GPS that opened up my firewall to that drek. Looks like I'll be here a bit longer, building up nuyen for travel expenses again. Healing isn't that expensive... unless you want to make cold-cert nobody makes a bit on the side sending ya to a research lab.]<<<<<
--TekDrake (23:16:49/7-23-73)
Life is short, the night is long, and we still have ammo.


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« Reply #82 on: <07-25-11/1740:01> »
>>>>>[Sad times when a man can't get squared away without getting sold out and has to pass on the miracles of modern medical technology.  As for what's brewing, can't rightly say.  Just feels like everything in town is coming to a head right now.  Doubly true with all the whispers about people paid to knock off the lovely ADA.

By the way, that first bit was why I stopped hitting on nurses.  I'm too old to have to deal with waking up to find out that Ratchet sold my eyes to buy herself a new car because I never called her back.]<<<<<
--Vice (17:39:22/7-25-73)


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« Reply #83 on: <07-26-11/0156:00> »
>>>>>[No drek, Vice. Still, when you yourself are a rare, valuable commodity to corporate research facilities, it pays to be paranoid. Awakened can't afford to have too many bits carved off either. Found that out the hard way, when I Woke Up.]<<<<<
--TekDrake (1:55:30/7-26-73)
Life is short, the night is long, and we still have ammo.


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« Reply #84 on: <07-28-11/0944:14> »
>>>>>[I'd always been told that as long as you replaced your missing pieces with clonals grown from your own tissue, you were probably not going to have any reductions in power throughput.  I guess the rules keep changing. 

That or someone professing to be an expert didn't know what they were talking about.]<<<<<
--Vice (09:544:11/7-28-73)


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« Reply #85 on: <07-29-11/0339:51> »
>>>>>[I've gotten a bit scalpel-shy, I admit. I also heard about some hinky stuff that sometimes happens when Awakened or such folk are cloned. Not sure I'd trust an organ to match up with the original stuff. Good inspiration to avoid flying lead, at least. Also, see above about paranoia regarding various parties getting their hands (or claws) on my favorite flesh-and-blood. Bad enough I had to shell out to get a vet specializing in large animals to set my wing, and this body takes a lot more painkillers. And food.]<<<<<
Life is short, the night is long, and we still have ammo.


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« Reply #86 on: <07-29-11/1913:39> »
>>>>>[Probably doesn't help your cause that you're telling your business to strangers on the Matrix, though.  I'm not going to sell you out, but there's probably someone reading this who's dumb enough to try.]<<<<<
--Vice (19:14:52/7-29-73)


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« Reply #87 on: <07-30-11/0018:34> »
>>>>>[if everyone were that paranoid, this place would be deader'n disco.]<<<<<
Life is short, the night is long, and we still have ammo.


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« Reply #88 on: <07-30-11/0109:30> »
>>>>>[Some people ARE that paranoid. But at the same time, we being metahumans, tend to have the odd urge to have say something about what we have done. However, if you are dumb enough to blab anything that will compromise your Op or get your backside shot off, then you get what you deserve. Now, all that being said, deciding what is chip-truth or what is total BS, that's the trick. Because we ALL know that no one here ever embellishes. *grin*]<<<<<
--Bravo Six(01:04:35/7-30-73)
Why in the frag did they put ME in charge?

"Just because it's easy for you doesn't mean it can't be hard on your clients"-Rule 38, The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries, Schlock Mercenary.

Patrick Goodman

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« Reply #89 on: <07-30-11/1101:01> »
>>>>>[No, of course not, B6. Never ever ever. Pinky swear.]<<<<<
     -- Thunder (10:01:19/07-30-73)
Former Shadowrun Errata Coordinator