As we can see, this is not really meant to be an attack power, as there are many steps involved to start with.
Also, this power doesn't create said element out of thin air, it must be there for the spell to affect. So shape "Fire" is useless unless there is a fire nearby for the spell to affect...
Shape "Concrete" needs to overcome the OR of concrete, THEN break down the structure of the object before it can be used for anything (including shaping a door in a wall, like the spell is for), so this is going to take time....
BUT, if you are dead set on using this as an attack, then I would propose the following:
treat as an indirect attack for determining hits. Use force for base damage code (AFTER object resistance is factored in. The object resistance is going to determine just "how much" of the element is being manipulated... a raging fire in a trash can is all well and good, but if the amount being manipulated is equal to a match...)
Consult elemental damage in the CRB (page 170-171) for any additional effects (if any... bashing a guy with a slab of rock isn't going to magically melt armor for example)
Gah, so much for saving my poor GM's sanity!! Do you have a page number for indirect attacks?? All I keep finding are rules for indirect spells, might be bad at this shadowrun thing but I'm pretty sure thats not it
No, that is what you are looking for, Indirect spell attacks.
Really, what you are trying to do (attack wise) is no different then the already existing elemental attack spells... but with a different flavor/twist...
Shape "fire", is really not going to be much different then the Flamethrower spell... The only difference is, with flamethrower, you
create the fire you are projecting.
With Shape "Fire" you are shaping an exisiting fire into a column of fire (or a bolt, or vorpal bunny of fire) to attack the target.
But,, like I said before, Shape isn't
really meant to be an attack spell, its meant to be an environmental manipulation spell... (Need a way into that bank? Shape "concrete" will make you your own door in just a minute!).
when you sit down that think about it the shape "element" spells... some might be useful, some are almost useless... Shape "Fire" may sound like a cool attack option.. but again, requires a fire to be present before the spell works... and where are you going to find fire readily available in the 2080s? You could say " a book of matches or a lighter", but as a GM, would you allow a match fueled flame to melt someone's face off??
So yea.... issues...