SR6: Inconsistency with Adept Power Points and Inferority to Mystic Adepts

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« Reply #15 on: <05-24-20/1101:42> »
In the sense of maximum scale, yes. In the sense of cheapness vs. organic, still a problem in the overall balance of awakened compared to themselves, and awakened compared to mundane.

Edit: Also, if that version of the +4 cap is going to be used, can you please work on getting a properly worded errata for it? While I agree with that interpretation for balance, I still insist that is not even remotely what the rule actually states.
« Last Edit: <05-24-20/1103:18> by Lormyr »
"TL:DR 6e's reduction of meaningful choices is akin to forcing everyone to wear training wheels. Now it's just becomes a bunch of toddlers riding around on tricycles they can't fall off of." - Adzling


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« Reply #16 on: <05-24-20/1320:51> »
In the sense of maximum scale, yes. In the sense of cheapness vs. organic, still a problem in the overall balance of awakened compared to themselves, and awakened compared to mundane.

Edit: Also, if that version of the +4 cap is going to be used, can you please work on getting a properly worded errata for it? While I agree with that interpretation for balance, I still insist that is not even remotely what the rule actually states.

Agreed that the RAW needs work and Errata is preferred. 


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« Reply #17 on: <05-24-20/2340:55> »
Foci have a lot of their power neutered under the paradigm of a cap of +4 bonus dice.

Can someone point me to the rule on this? Is it the interpretation of the Max Augment value of +4 in regards to skill dice? Are we saying that the following would not stack:
6 Magic + Sorcery 6 + 4 Combat Spells Foci +4 Power Foci = 20 for casting combat spells
OR are we saying it would equal 16, because Combat Spell Foci and Power Foci wouldn't stack? Always say Spell Foci as modifying the Sorcery portion (i.e. things you can expertise in) and Power Foci modified the mojo potion (i.e. a modifier to the Magic, without explicitly raising the Magic stats [to avoid bumping up crazy DV spells from being just stun damage, for example, or crazy summon limts])


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« Reply #18 on: <05-25-20/0511:09> »
Can someone point me to the rule on this? Is it the interpretation of the Max Augment value of +4 in regards to skill dice?

Yes. It is the way a few people interpret that rule. The debate is essentially a two part of:

1. Do we like that interpretation?
2. Is that what the rule actually says?

because Combat Spell Foci and Power Foci wouldn't stack

This is already an actual hard rule. Only one foci can add its bonus to any single test or die roll. I believe that rule is listed under the main header in the last or second to last paragraph.

One of the things the game gets right in terms of mechanic language is being very explicit about what does not stack, and it is not much. Attribute and skill augmentation past +4 and foci are pretty much it, other than specific ware instances called out in the individual descriptions.
"TL:DR 6e's reduction of meaningful choices is akin to forcing everyone to wear training wheels. Now it's just becomes a bunch of toddlers riding around on tricycles they can't fall off of." - Adzling


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« Reply #19 on: <05-25-20/1036:16> »
Can someone point me to the rule on this? Is it the interpretation of the Max Augment value of +4 in regards to skill dice?

Yes. It is the way a few people interpret that rule. The debate is essentially a two part of:

1. Do we like that interpretation?
2. Is that what the rule actually says?

because Combat Spell Foci and Power Foci wouldn't stack

This is already an actual hard rule. Only one foci can add its bonus to any single test or die roll. I believe that rule is listed under the main header in the last or second to last paragraph.

One of the things the game gets right in terms of mechanic language is being very explicit about what does not stack, and it is not much. Attribute and skill augmentation past +4 and foci are pretty much it, other than specific ware instances called out in the individual descriptions.

Ooof, yeah I read right past that on the Foci page. This kind of further reinforces Power Foci as the one Foci to rule them all. Once you have a decent Power Foci, only other Foci one would care about is Metamagic Foci, like Centering if you already Initiated for it.


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« Reply #20 on: <05-25-20/1125:19> »
Late game, yeah. In the early game though other foci can be a lot more cost efficient for just tricking out your primary focus. Either way they are all woefully under priced.
"TL:DR 6e's reduction of meaningful choices is akin to forcing everyone to wear training wheels. Now it's just becomes a bunch of toddlers riding around on tricycles they can't fall off of." - Adzling