There are times I really, really, miss the much-less-exclusive shadowtalker days.
That could easily be solved by bringing in more guest posters. The precedent is already there: Change Agent, Zoned, and DefCon5 in Feral Cities, Nuyen Nick and Facet in Runner Havens, Khan-a-Saur in Seattle 2072...
Oh, trust me, we are. And it was at least halfway from me harping at Jason about it, I think.
What I don't want to see is a return to the unfunny "in-joke" posters that plagued 3E. Dr. Evil ("Sharks with frikkin' lasers on their heads?") and Neo ("There is no spoon.") are the worst offenders but there were others.
Yeah, none of us wants that. A little humor is a good thing (and necessary, I'd argue, just because playing games is supposed to be
fun)...but not quite to that extent.