Online Games at SRM Online

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  • Catalyst Demo Team
  • Omae
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  • Posts: 427
  • CDT "Special" Agent
« on: <03-27-20/1716:52> »
Hello all! Ive been seeing a lot more traffic recently asking about online SR games via Roll20 or on Discord or etc.

Just wanted to inform you that over at the we have a system setup to offer games to you! We have Catalyst Demo Team agents offering up their time and energy to run Shadowrun Missions events. If your interested stop on by our discord server and ask about how it works:

Our event offerings can be found here:
Events are offered whenever the GM has time to run games, so check back often to see whats available!

If your wanting to sign up, here's a special discount code for you! 50% off any event signup until 3-29-2020 at 11:59pm Use the code " SRUnion " at checkout!