I don't believe such a thing exists... but if it did, it'd only apply to a certain edition at best. Matrix rules are something that change every edition, and usually it's not a minor change.
In SR6, we keep the wireless paradigm that started in 4th. Everything from your commlink to your car to your can of Dragon Piss energy drink all are Devices and communicate on the Matrix and can therefore be hacked. Naturally, the business/industrial-grade computer networks run by the corps can also be hacked.
What's new to SR6 is the process is basically boiled down to 2 steps: 1) Gain the access you need in order to do the hack, and then 2) do the hack. Much of the time it's no more complicated than 2 rolls. 9+/10 if you want to do an illegal matrix action, it's: compare AR to DR, then roll Cracking + Logic and if you want to do a legal matrix action it's compare AR to DR, then roll Electronics + Logic. Note that doing illegal matrix actions results in Overwatch Score (see pg. 176)
Example: Let's say you want to destroy a Sec Guard's gun so he can't shoot you with it.
1) Gain the access you need: Data Spike (pg. 181) is possible when you only have Outsider status, so you don't even need to hack you way "in" to the gun. This step isn't even necessary.
2) Fire away with the Data Spikes (see the Step-By-Step on pg 175). First compare your Matrix Attack Rating to the defender's Matrix Defense Rating. If one is 4+ higher than the other, that side gets a point of Edge. Next you roll Cracking + Logic, the Sec guard rolls Data Processing + Firewall of the device protecting his gun. If you get more successes, you do damage. If you fill the gun's Matrix Condition Monitor, you "brick" the gun and it's a useless beyond being a paperweight now. And note that new to SR6, even if you do damage but don't brick it, the damage imposes penalties just like wound modifiers on a physical CM (see pg. 174). Finally, you gain Overwatch Score because Data Spike is an illegal action. You gain +1 OS for every hit on the roll to resist your Data Spike, +1 more OS for any illegal cyberprogram you used to augment your Data Spike (see pg. 184)
Example: Let's say you want to tap the comms network and listen to the Sec Guard's radio chatter to see if they realize your team has broken into the building.
1) Gain the access you need: the Matrix Action you plan to execute is the Snoop command, which requires Admin access. Much like in 4e/5e, you can gain the access you need via brute force or via stealth. Presumably this is a case where you want to not tip off the Sec Guard that "something is happening" to his commlink, so let's assume stealth. That means Probe, and then Backdoor Entry.
Probe (See pg 183): Compare AR to DR, and distribute Edge. Then you roll Cracking + Logic vs the Sec Guard's Willpower + Firewall. You gain OS equal to the hits rolled against you. You gain net hits as a bonus to the next step.
Backdoor Entry (see pg. 180): Compare AR to DR, and distribute Edge (whoever got one before should be getting one again). Then you roll Cracking + Logic + your net hits from Probe vs Sec Guard's Willpower + Firewall. If you are successful you now have Admin access to his commlink, and you gain OS equal to his total hits on this test, too.
2) Do the hack: To listen to his radio chatter, you need to Snoop (see pg. 184). Again compare AR to DR and distribute Edge, then roll Cracking + Logic vs Sec Guard's Logic + Firewall. If you're successful, you can listen in or even record the radio chatter.
Example: Let's say you want to hack a maglock so it opens the door barring entry into a restricted area:
1) Gain the access: What you want is Spoof Command (see pg. 184), and it can be done as an Outsider so no hacking is required to get "in". (although note that it is possible for a Maglock's matrix signal to be hidden inside a Host, and you might have had to hacked you way into THAT to even target the maglock...)
2) Hack the lock: To send a fraudulent order to the lock commanding it to "unlock", compare AR to the defending host's DR and distribute edge as necessary. Then you roll Cracking + Logic vs Logic + Data Processing. Note that an undefended lock will have 0s in both stats, and is a pretty easy hack! So, the lock "should" at least be defended by the host even if it's not hidden inside it. Also note that Hosts don't have Logic, and will still have a 0 in that stat unless there's a Spider in the host! If you're successful, the lock pops. Whether you're successful or not, you gain OS since Spoof Command is an illegal action.
Example: Let's say you want to get into a host so you can look around for a piece of information that's not being publicly shared to the matrix at large (Mr Johnson's Paydata, the home address of the branch manager, the secret ingredient that makes NERPS so addictive, etc)
This is a more complex procedure than the prior examples, as they were all basically 1 task "hacks", not including gaining the access necessary beforehand. For something like this you need to a) get into the host, then b) find the data, and then c) steal the data.
a1) Get the access to get into the host: The Enter Host (see pg. 181) action can be done on certain hosts as outsiders, but not always. Virtual Storefronts, Libraries, etc are happy to let the public in so they can do business, but presumably the paydata you seek is secured on a private host. Let's say that only authorized Users can get in, so that's the level you need to illegitimately gain. Probe/Backdoor is covered upthread, so let's presume this is something you want fast, and don't particularly care if they know you were there because you plan to be out before they can do anything about it! This calls for Brute Force (see pg 180). Compare AR to DR and distribute edge. You roll Cracking + Logic and the host rolls Willpower + Firewall. Again, Hosts don't have mental attributes, so Will is 0 unless there's a defending Spider, in which case that's subbed in. If you're successful, you now have User Access to the host. Either way, your OS score is increased by however many total hits the defense test had.
a2) Do the thing! You have User Access, so you can execute the Enter Host action. There's no test required, so this is automatically successful without a roll. Note that your kicking the door in probably put the IC and spider on alert, so act fast!
b1) To find the data, you're going to execute a Hash Check (see pg. 182) matrix action. Note that it requires User access, but you already have that. You already have the access you need to start sniffing around!
b2) Do the hack! To find the file you need, roll Electronics + Logic as a basic Success Test (i.e. nothing rolls against you, and there's no AR to DR comparison). If Mr Johnson (or your prior legwork) gave you technical information about the file you need, the threshold is (1). OTOH, if you know the file "must be here" but that's all you have to go on, then instead the threshold is (4). If you meet the threshold, you have identified 32 potential files that could be the one you seek. For every net hit ABOVE the threshold, you halve that number. 1 net hit reduces 32 to 16, 2 net hits down to 8, and etc. To narrow it down to 1 possible file means you had to have had 5 net hits over the threshold. Note that you can perform successive Hash Check actions if the number of possible files is unreasonably high; net hits accumulate across multiple Hash Checks!
c1) get access to hack the file. This require the Edit File matrix action (see pg. 181). Depending on the file in question (i.e. GM whim) a given file might require either User OR Admin access, depending on how tightly restricted it might be. Since you already have User Access in this example, you're good there. If the file is restricted to Admin access, another Brute Force is in order to raise the access level.
c2) Do the hack! Compare AR to DR and allocate edge. Edit File is Electronics + Intuition vs Host's Firewall + Sleaze. If you are successful, you can copy, change, or even delete the file in question. Also note that as a legal action, no OS accrues.
Note: Important files will probably have encryption and/or data bombs, and if so those will have to be dealt with before the Edit File action can be taken.
Also note: in this example where you kicked the digital door in, you may have spiders and/or IC trying to fight you in cybercombat. You may ALSO be interested in finding the host's security logs (repeating the Hash Check action described above) and then editing them to erase the recordings of your hacking actions before you leave!