I probably wouldn't use it, and some things confused me (like why you'd ever take a medkit/respirator at less than R6; plus I think Fake Liscences are capped at the level of the attatched Fake Sin, which if so you violated on the Exotic Hunter). Also, I'm not sure if dumping BP-money on credsticks is legal - although I know nothing saying that, it fits with the whole 'cash not crossing over' thing in the rules. Although if it is legal... a whole lot of builds would feature it, as being able to exceed Availability 12 would open up a brand new world of implants/vehicles/focus' etc.
HOWEVER. I'm am an exceedingly gear-obsessed person, and I love seeing new kind of character types and what sort of things they might be carrying (it's the Looter in me). So, I like it and thank you.