Is ShadowRun Missions dead?

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« on: <01-20-20/1234:28> »
Two months since the last post here.
If its not fun, then why are you doing it?

Michael Chandra

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« Reply #1 on: <01-20-20/1250:47> »
If it is, nobody told me. But it's currently winter, and Con-season starts in june.
How am I not part of the forum?? O_O I am both active and angry!


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« Reply #2 on: <01-20-20/1308:39> »
Not by a long shot, but as MC said this is the "off season". The writers are busy converting the last season to 6E and writing the new season to debut at Origins.
Robert "Banshee" Volbrecht
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« Reply #3 on: <01-20-20/1321:41> »
and, as there's a new edition, a new set of campaign rules for organized play IN that new edition also have to be worked up.

Lots going on behind the scenes.
RPG mechanics exist to give structure and consistency to the game world, true, but at the end of the day, you’re fighting dragons with algebra and random number generators.


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« Reply #4 on: <01-20-20/1358:25> »
Good to know.
But for those of us who aren't behind the curtain, months of nothing but crickets makes us wonder where things are.

and, as there's a new edition, a new set of campaign rules for organized play IN that new edition also have to be worked up.

Lots going on behind the scenes.
If its not fun, then why are you doing it?


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« Reply #5 on: <01-20-20/1410:57> »
Wherever you're getting your regular Missions fix should still be active.  Local GMs are still running games, there are Mission sign ups at Cons, the Shadowcaster's Network online Missions is running games every month... 

Shadowrun Missions is a volunteer effort, everyone has day jobs.  And NDRs prevent us from speaking about the tiny bit we do know that the general playerbase doesn't know.  Which is actually very little to none, as it turns out for most Missions GMs. 

New Missions have been dropping at Origins every year for several years, and the stated goal is to continue that.  So you should get a bunch of new Missions in June, and should be a 6th Edition Missions FAQ along with that.

So until your Missions GM hangs up their screen, you're good to go!