[Tuesday November 14th, 2079; Reaper turf, Northern Redmond, Seattle Metroplex]
Conscious that the gangers seemed to be mobilising their gun wagons only a few hundred meters away certainly added a certain impetus to the quick search of the fire station ambush site. It was clear from the amount of detritus, Stuffer Shack wrappers, cheap synthol containers and the odd bit of drug paraphernalia that this was a long established stake out position rather than a hastily put together ambush site. It would be reasonable to assume that there would be another one on the far side of Reaper turf and possibly along 162nd Avenue too as the principle approaches to their lair. There was little of intrinsic value apart from the rocket launcher and the two spare rockets they had there, something the team were only too happy to relieve them of… and then it was time to high tail it or face the ganger’s wrath as the sound of souped up engines filled the bleak Redmond afternoon air…