No, this wouldn't do -- giving a quick summary at the edge of the territory, where Tom could just deny entry to some anonymous visitors? He needed to make this more personal.
"You'd be Tom then? People call me Tipperman, that would be Dynamyt on the other bike over there, Omen and 0day are in the van. And these are?" He pointedly looked at Tom's broad-shouldered companions, and then to the sentries, and gave Tom time to answer, or not.
With that out of the way, Tipperman continued -- falling into the short burst of words pattern again.
"Well then, as to why we are here,
It is to help you, not to ask help of you
We were called together by a Fixer
-- I'm sure you know how that goes --
But were told that Beth's concern is the root,
The reason we were offered a wiff of cash.
That you have neighbors losing respect;
respect of old boundaries, of The Tribe."
Drek, he was doing it again! Tipperman paused for a moment, took a long breath, gave his head a touch of a shake, and then continued "In short, even if we are not Karl Kombatmage and his team, we pack enough punch and talent to adjust the direction of events onto a more favorable vector. We could just go start busting heads among your neighbors," Tipperman emphasized that remark by smacking one hand into his other palm.
"But the view from ... wherever ... is never the same as down in the trenches. So we came to you first, to gather field intelligence and refine our approach. There is always the possibility that the solution here could be more constructive than destructive."
Tipperman looked fairly dubious of that last thought, but he let it hang in the air anyway. If The Tribe was running greenhouses they were composting most likely, had salvaged enough material to make the structures, maybe had enough electricity generation to add light and heat at times. He approved of this, but more importantly anyone leading a group like this was not apt to leap at the violent solution; hopefully making it clear that if they were turned away they would start the bloody dance would encourage the man to talk to them in more detail.