[6E] PbP Recruitment & OoC

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« on: <10-08-19/0748:07> »
Hi folks

In the spirit of exploration I am going to try an SR6 pbp here on SG (as nobody else seems to be doing so).  I don’t know how the edge system will play out in pbp but I’m hopeful that it will work ok.  I’m still getting used to the rules but at least pbp there’s plenty of time to refer to the CRB!  A couple of my ‘usual suspects’ will be joining us but there’s room for 2-4 more PCs at least.

This will loosely be connected to the ongoing campaign world we have going on but there’s no requirement for players to be involved in that (unless they subsequently want to!?).  We have an Obsidian Portal page and putting your characters there nets you a few bonus karma.  Stormy Waters Let me know your OP username and I can add you to the campaign page.

The run will probably be fairly ‘hooder’ based so please bear that in mind when thinking about characters.  In the spirit of the way SR6 seems to be written I’m not expecting huge D pools (although I’m not going to protest too hard if you have a main skill that’s 14-16 D).  Dice rolls via Orokos please (although I don’t expect you to hyperlink every roll it might help to do so…). 

With a view to helping everyone learn rules I’m going to suggest we put rolls in spoilers in the IC rather than track them in a separate OoC thread, along with rule page refs etc where appropriate.

Working Title… Dome Sweet Home… TBC

Team…so far

Jack Spade (Keith "Omen" Jones, Adept)
Gwilym (shaman)
ZeroSum (0Day, Decker)
Beta (Tipperman, Former Company Man)

House rules (subject to change & I will keep this list updated with any new additions)

  • ‘2075’ PbP rewards – see below
  • You get an additional 40 points of ‘free’ contacts at char gen but GM may abuse them a bit more than normal contacts and they may demand more from the PC.  You get my troll fixer ‘Feather’ as a freebie contact (connection level 6 rather than 4 as SR6 seems to have increased connection ratings)
  • Contacts’ connection rating is capped by Charisma+2 rather than Charisma (although I don’t expect many corp CEOs on this run…)
  • Adepts lose power points from essence/magic loss
  • Adepts can use adjustment points to buy up magic at char gen and get the resulting power points
  • Foci can be bound at character gen
  • Abilities that grant edge for a single roll don’t count towards the max 2 gained / turn
  • Grenades do half the listed damage in the CRB (still more than a Panther at point blank but no longer tac nukes!)
  • You get a minor action for every initiative D (so 6 max rather than 5)

Please feel free to point out house rules that you want considered, I get that SR6 may need a few more in its current state!

2075 Rewards

  • Obsidian Portal Input +1 karma
  • Character Sketch +1 karma
  • Character Description +1 karma
  • Character Background +2 karma
  • Runs pay out nuyen as ‘normal’ (ie very slowly in a pbp setting) and subject to the negotiating skills of the PCs
  • 1 karma and 1 Mark is given per 2 IC posts (or contacts and locations write-ups on OP). Track these yourself, I won’t!
    Every Mark is worth  approx. 2K nuyen…these are intended for big ticket items ie decks, cyber, vehicles, foci… GM approval required and it is likely that these will pay out between active runs so may not feature much in this trial but we’ll see.
Any questions please shout!

<Map Link>
« Last Edit: <10-28-19/0852:32> by Aria »
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« Reply #1 on: <10-08-19/0801:07> »

I have never participated in a Play by Post before, but as I'm sure you've noticed I am keen to get into SR6. This seems like a great medium to get used to the rules, as there will be plenty of time to look things up and consult the book.

My personal favourite has always been the decker, but as it seems we already have a Technomancer I think a Face might be more appropriate. I've already got a concept for one posted in the Character Creation section, and would just need to polish up some details and knowledge skills, as well as a background.

Speaking of which; may I ask where in the world this story is taking place?
EDIT: Looks like Seattle from the Obsidian page, is that correct?

As for rolls, I take it this would be something like this:
[spoiler]Test roll: Cast Control Thoughts, and resist Drain Value 4: 14d6t5 1 14d6t5 4[/spoiler]

Hmm, am I doing spoiler tags wrong?
« Last Edit: <10-08-19/0802:58> by ZeroSum »


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« Reply #2 on: <10-08-19/0840:58> »

I have never participated in a Play by Post before, but as I'm sure you've noticed I am keen to get into SR6. This seems like a great medium to get used to the rules, as there will be plenty of time to look things up and consult the book.

My personal favourite has always been the decker, but as it seems we already have a Technomancer I think a Face might be more appropriate. I've already got a concept for one posted in the Character Creation section, and would just need to polish up some details and knowledge skills, as well as a background.

Speaking of which; may I ask where in the world this story is taking place?
EDIT: Looks like Seattle from the Obsidian page, is that correct?

As for rolls, I take it this would be something like this:
[spoiler]Test roll: Cast Control Thoughts, and resist Drain Value 4: 14d6t5 1 14d6t5 4[/spoiler]

Hmm, am I doing spoiler tags wrong?
Unfortunately, the coding for spoiler tags was disabled a couple forum versions ago due to issues with other code items.


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« Reply #3 on: <10-08-19/0927:07> »
Not to worry, we can put the OoC at the bottom of each post non the less!

To quickly answer your other main question, yes, this will be set in Seattle (although the main campaign has taken us all over the world, and beyond!)

I’ve had a word with EM, not sure he’s wedded to playing a techno if a decker is your preferred choice! Not sure there will be much host hacking in this unless you go out of your way to make some :)

Welcome on board!
« Last Edit: <10-08-19/0937:08> by Aria »
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« Reply #4 on: <10-08-19/0943:59> »
Sounds good!

As far as archetype is concerned, I'll finalize both the Decker and the Face with the new information in hand.

I'm honestly happy to play either one; there's always going to be something that needs hacking or a good talking to!

Since we're getting extra points to spend on contacts, I'll just list the extra contacts here instead of on the sheet; if we end up posting sheets in this thread, I'll edit it down for ease of reference.

I'll provide a description and backstory for both in the sheets on the forum, and then figure out how to add them to the site. To keep things simple, I'll just use the 3 Karma to buy another Language at rank 1 (probably Corp or City Speak).

The Face goes by "Jackal" in the shadows; his Fake SIN is registered to a Chogan Soaring Eagle, while his real name is Matwau Nattawe. For his 40 points of contacts, I'll go with a bunch of mid-level corporate managers, one each from Ares, Aztechnology, Renraku, Shiawase, and Wuxing, and each with C5/L3 for a neat total of 40 points.

The Decker goes by "VoidDragon" in the shadows; his Fake SIN is registered to Nakazawa Hirotaka, while his real name is Iwasaki Terumoto. For his contacts, he'll be affiliated with a bunch of different people:
City Official (C3/L3), Corporate Hacker (C4/L4), Gang Leader (C3/L4), Street Doc (C4/L4), Taxi Driver (C2/L2), Trid Pirate (C3/L4)
« Last Edit: <10-08-19/1032:39> by ZeroSum »


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« Reply #5 on: <10-08-19/1120:44> »
I’d been uncertain, but I’m committing to fit this game in.

Tipperman is a ‘former company man’ now trying to kill his memories (and body) with drugs and radiation in Glow City.  Damned dwarven constitution is making that a slow process, and in the meantime life keeps pulling him back into the shadows.  He’s just adopted another lost soul and needs money to get them back on their feet, so he’s taking work again (and this has focused him to more than typical lucidity).

Quite a few years of such hooding type activities since his retirement have led him to develop a network of contacts who look out for him, despite or maybe because of his sometimes wavering lucidity and obsession with how metahumanity just tips all their rubbish somewhere out of the way and expects it not to cause problems in the future.

“They disposed of me with the rest of the rubbish
Another broken tool, tipped into the barrens
To rot, to fester, hopefully to disappear.
But rubbish doesn’t disappear,
It just becomes tomorrow’s problem.
Welcome to tomorrow.”

“I just want to forget my stress
While my cells fluoresce
But rubbish keeps getting tipped.
So my gun is here and so is yours
With us along to carry them around.
We could start exchanging macho rounds
Letting the light into our mortal coils.
But would anyone clean up after?
Those bullets, these shells --
Littering the ground and the AR.
If they do get picked up here
They’ll get tipped somewhere else
Someone else’s problem
Someone else’s poison
Some other day’s slow death.
I don’t care much if we both live
But maybe you can see wisdom
And agree to solve this without bullets.”


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« Reply #6 on: <10-08-19/1217:26> »
All right, Decker and Face threads updated with background info, knowledge skills, and contacts.

Again, I'm happy to play either, but leaning towards decker if possible. Will figure out how to create the Obsidian account later today.


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« Reply #7 on: <10-08-19/1234:32> »
EM has confirmed he wants to try a physad or sam so ZeroSum, that decker slot is all yours :)
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« Reply #8 on: <10-08-19/1257:23> »
EM has confirmed he wants to try a physad or sam so ZeroSum, that decker slot is all yours :)
Awesome. Deck The Planet!

Question: do we spend points for Feathers Loyalty? You noted that we get them as a contact at C6; does that include L1 or should we pay for a level of our own choosing there?


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« Reply #9 on: <10-08-19/1338:08> »
Yes, L1 for free, you can buy that up to your Charisma rtg
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« Reply #10 on: <10-08-19/1522:51> »
Alright, let's do this:

Bare bones Adept: Keith "Omen" Jones

Omen      50   
Meta:   Ork (9)   C   
Attributes   24   A   
Skills   24   B   
Magic   Mys Adept   D   
Money   8000   E   
BODY   7      
AGILITY   5      
REACTION   5      
STRENGTH   3      
CHARISMA   2   (10 Karma)   
INTUITION   6      
LOGIC   3      
WILLPOWER   5      
EDGE   3      
MAGIC   6   (25 Karma)   
ESSENCE   6      
Initiative   11      
Athletics   5      
Close Combat   3      
Stealth   5      
Firearms,    6   Assault Rifle   (5 Karma)
Perception,   3      
Piloting   1
Influence 1      
Mentor Spirit      10   
Quick Healer      8   
Honorbound (Pirate)      -10   
Sinner      -8   
Equipment   28000      
Defiance Super Shock   -340      
AK-97   -2100      
 +Smartgun   -500      
 +Shockpad   -50      
 +Imaging Scope   -350      
10x Stun Grenade   -1000      
Lined Coat   -900      
Commlink R3   -1000      
Trodes   -70      
Fake Sin 3   -7500      
Glasses   -400      
 +Ultrasound   -300      
 +Smartlink   -2000      
 +Flare Compensation   -250      
Miniwelder   -250      
Rappeling Gloves   -50      
Survival Kit   -200      
Microwire   -50      
5 Spare Clips   -25      
40 Taser Rounds   -40      
190 Explosive Rifle Rounds   -380      
Micro-Transceiver   -100      
Yamaha Growler   -8000      
Lifestyle Low   -2000      
Adept Powers:         
Attribute Boost BOD   0,25      
Attribute Boost Agi   0,25      
Combat Sense   0,5      
Improved Reflexes 4   4      
Rapid Healing (Bear)         
« Last Edit: <10-09-19/1518:06> by Jack_Spade »
talk think matrix

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« Reply #11 on: <10-08-19/1640:03> »
Well I'm in but need to get rolling dice, brb
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« Reply #12 on: <10-08-19/1740:03> »
@Jack_Spade: you appear to have too many skills at 6! Max 1 at char gen. Other than that I’m happy to add the house rule that adepts get power points from adjustment points!
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« Reply #13 on: <10-08-19/1817:41> »
Question: how do you want to handle skill specializations for Cracking (Hacking) and Electronics (Computers); most skills like firearms and close combat have simple specializations that apply in very defined ways, but Matrix ones, not so much.

I could take Devices as a specialization for both, and have the bonus apply like a firearm; anytime I target a device, which does not include hosts, files, and personas, the spec would apply.

Alternatively, we would have to specify which actions count as hacking actions and which do not, and same for Electronics.
EDIT: I did post about this previously in this topic, and got some feedback from Banshee on it, so this is an alternate approach.


EDIT: I joined Obsidian Portal with the ZeroSum user name and sent you a friend request. Couldn't find a way to ask to join the 2075: Stormy Waters campaign other than "Become a Fan", though.

EDIT 2: No idea if this is useful, but I was bored. So here's an Archetype style mockup of the character:
« Last Edit: <10-10-19/0650:08> by ZeroSum »


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« Reply #14 on: <10-09-19/1245:57> »
I've invited you to the OP page so you should just be able to follow the link from an email...

I'll look at the thread on specializations again, particularly Banshee's comments as he/she wrote the matrix chapter!  But devices would be a fairly safe bet for this run anyway if that's a simple shortcut  ::)
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