[6E] PbP Recruitment & OoC

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« Reply #90 on: <10-24-19/1716:38> »
I haven't got it totally figured out, and I'm no expert on the subject, but he has some brain damage (why he is a former company man).  Some years back he had his headware fried from deliberate electrical overloads, not incidentally cooking adjacent brain tissue.  (modern 'ware wouldn't allow that, but his datajack was from the 50s ... )

Mechanically I've modeled that as his logic only being 2, the impaired logic quality, and his more technical skills all being at just 1 (for someone who used to be a fairly high level operative these are all low), and a lack of knowledge skills based on his current situation (he hasn't always done the best at learning new things lately).  I probably had him make his objections in too logical and mathematical a way, but chalk it up to remembered ways to argue things rather than a fresh analysis.

Role-playing wise, his code of honor is constant, but other facets may vary.


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« Reply #91 on: <10-25-19/1024:21> »
I finally read the rewards section of SR6, and while it is very hand-wavy about numbers, I think we can safely say that even by SR6 standards this one is on the very low end of cash payment, so characters are probably justified in pushing back a bit.


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« Reply #92 on: <10-25-19/1115:12> »
- I don't see anything that would earn edge on either side?
For the purposes of a brief discussion, would it make sense to go through the General and Negotiation edge cases?
Talker is introduced by a trusted person/listener has been warned about the talker
I'd say this applies seeing as how we all got introduced by Feather, someone Watcher trusts. yes
Listener is disposed to listen to people like the talker/Talker belongs to a group listener has significant prejudices about
From my reading of Watcher, he is not comfortable around runners but he's also not prejudiced against them. Neither side has edge?  agreed
Talker's appearance is perfectly suited for their role/Talker does not look like their claimed role at all
Tipperman may or may not look like a negotiator, but he definitely looks like a runner. Definitely a GM call; Social edge can be quite tricky, that's for sure  agreed, I’d say this is in your favour, that’s two
Listener has romantic attraction to talker/Listener has strong personal dislike of talker
Neither probably applies, most certainly a GM call :) I don’t think Watcher finds Tipperman all that attractive, sorry ::)
Listener sees clear gain from what the talker is saying/Listener sees steep risk in what talker is saying
I could see this one going either way. One member of our team started talking about massacres, which is definitely a high risk subject for Watcher. But at least two members have expressed a willingness to be discreet and surgical. So, possible either way.  neutral probably
Listener's thoughts and/or emotions are being controlled by magic
Finally, a clear cut one. Nope.
Listener is desperate/Talker lacks experience or expertise for the job
Again, could go either way. Watcher isn't exceptionally familiar with our capabilities, but is he desperate? Only Aria knows. well he’s desperate in that he knows he’s not got enough cash for this and he needs some runners, one more to you
Talker shares critical information listener did not know about/talker shares information that is useless or detrimental to listener
I was hoping 0day's memory test would come up with something to potentially give you an edge here, but alas. So, probably not for either side.  nothing yet, the matrix searches will be more helpful.  These are/were pretty minor gangs
I think it's worth remembering that Edge gain and spend should be a lot more fluid in 6th than in 5th, so getting used to thinking about this from all angles is going to benefit everyone.
So Tipperman gets 3 Edge, of which he’s spent 2… it won’t carry over to a new scene but at least he’s at his max to start with.  I’ll ignore the cap of 2 for this one as a social scene is far more drawn out than a combat one!
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #93 on: <10-25-19/1127:50> »
I’ll ignore the cap of 2 for this one as a social scene is far more drawn out than a combat one!
Good call; the cap of 2 is per combat round, so only applies in situations where you are not measuring time by initiative phases.

Thanks for going through the edge cases with your input, especially for a learning game I think it's interesting to go through potential rules to see how they might apply, even if they don't actually.


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« Reply #94 on: <10-25-19/1223:21> »
@Aria:  " I can certainly organise you a discount rate on various hardware and even IDs if that’s what you need?"  would that translate as "this is in game justification to use 'marks' to buy these items"?

Also can marks be used to pay lifestyle costs?


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« Reply #95 on: <10-25-19/1230:37> »
Yes and yes  ;D
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« Reply #96 on: <10-25-19/1421:55> »
Got it.  So from a character point of view we are limited in 'spending money', but the big expenses are practically already covered from these initial posts :D   I like this new twist on your system -- it makes nuyen matter, but also lets advancement happen and takes out some of the conflict between good story elements and 'getting cool stuff'


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« Reply #97 on: <10-25-19/1459:03> »
Oh, I completely forgot about your mark system. That'll help with lifestyles for sure!


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« Reply #98 on: <10-28-19/0852:10> »
Map has been updated with the two gang turf areas... <Map>  I'll add this link to the front post of this thread and it's also on OP if you need to find it again...

Matrix searches aren’t wildly conclusive, these are definitely tier 3 gangs, not hugely interesting and in no way able to compete with the ‘names’ of the Redmond gang scene.  The info is primarily gleaned from chat groups and the gangs’ own matrix propaganda.  KE have very sparse files on them as they are in an unpoliced area but occasionally impact on the fringes of Touristville.  So, basics are below, I am happy for you to fill in more details or ask more detailed questions

Reapers mixed meta turf gang 20-30 gangers
Used to be called Greystone Crew
Old Boss: Absolution, has been ousted and disappeared off the scene
Rat Shaman: Riddle
Techno: Recall
Principle income from drug pushing and ‘community support’ (it’s not a full blown protection racket, yet)
Since their name change they have acquired a boost of tech and resources but nobody is saying where from

Slaughterhowzers orc gang 40-50 gangers
Boss: Flint
Second: Red Shadow (Troll), so called as his shadow is often red with the spilt blood of his foes…
No prominent magic or matrix skills (there will be some it’s just not something they brag about)
Principle income from drugs and prostitution and the odd toll on anyone passing through their turf
They ‘support’ a chop shop that is known to do reasonable work
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #99 on: <10-30-19/1740:15> »
Aria, is there more you were looking for from us in this scene, or should we move on to planning/investigations/drinking-the-bar-dry/whatever?


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« Reply #100 on: <10-31-19/0342:35> »
Move it along is fine... you all seem to have been suckered in to Watcher’s pitch against your better judgement (ah the joys of RP suspension of disbelief) ;D
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #101 on: <10-31-19/0926:20> »
Eh, I prefer to trust that the GM has a plan not to screw the characters over, and move on with things.  Negotiations really are not all that interesting for me, so you know, a quick back and forth, some dice, and move on with things.


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« Reply #102 on: <10-31-19/2200:11> »
I have to look at the rules, but I think 0day might be able to drive using Control Device in Hot-Sim VR as that would use his Logic or Intuition instead of Reaction or Agility. If no one else has any piloting ability, I can pick up a rank or two.

Looks like Omen has Reaction 5 (9) and Piloting 1, so he's our driver :)

0day can default on Control Device using untrained Piloting + Intuition for 6 dice, same as Tipperman's Reaction 5 + Piloting 1. Dynamyt should stay FAR away from driving with her 1 die (defaulting on Reaction 2) :).

The data bomb was just an exercise in rules, not really useful for much except if anyone tries to access my research notes.
I messed up when first making the roll since I forgot a few things: 1. the Overclock program and it's funky wild die system, and 2. that you can only use Edge once "per action". So I just rerolled the whole thing correctly this time.

Here are the original rolls:
Set Data Bomb (illegal) Electronics 6 + Logic 7 vs. Device Rating 5 x 2: 13d6t5 5 10d6t5 3
Bonus Edge re-roll: 1d6t5 0
Overclock extra dice; wild dice: 1d6t5 1 1d6t5 0

Basically, the lesson learned is that whenever I end up using Overclock I have to save Edge expenditures for after a post-roll action like re-roll or increase; in the initial roll I would have rolled a 1 on the Wild Die, which would have nullified all 5s rolled along with the Wild Die.

Regarding Edge gain when setting a Data Bomb; it is an opposed test so theoretically you should compare Attack Rating vs Defense Rating, but in my own case my AR is 19 and my DR is 18 so it would have been a wash. Analytical Mind does still apply, though, but would have been wasted as there is no current ongoing confrontation, hence why I just ended up using it.
« Last Edit: <11-01-19/0018:54> by ZeroSum »


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« Reply #103 on: <11-04-19/1315:07> »
I think it makes sense for a bit of free-form contact checking, matrix searching, and such-like, along with people deciding on the gear to bring into the conflict zone.  But hopefully we can get through this fairly quickly and get the characters back together.


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« Reply #104 on: <11-04-19/1952:18> »
If you want to handle contact Q&A OoC I can give you more bullet points to add in to your IC, or we can play it out, don’t mind either, or even both!
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36

