- I don't see anything that would earn edge on either side?
For the purposes of a brief discussion, would it make sense to go through the General and Negotiation edge cases?
GeneralTalker is introduced by a trusted person/listener has been warned about the talkerI'd say this applies seeing as how we all got introduced by Feather, someone Watcher trusts.
Listener is disposed to listen to people like the talker/Talker belongs to a group listener has significant prejudices aboutFrom my reading of Watcher, he is not comfortable around runners but he's also not prejudiced against them. Neither side has edge?
Talker's appearance is perfectly suited for their role/Talker does not look like their claimed role at allTipperman may or may not look like a negotiator, but he definitely looks like a runner. Definitely a GM call; Social edge can be quite tricky, that's for sure
Listener has romantic attraction to talker/Listener has strong personal dislike of talkerNeither probably applies, most certainly a GM call
Listener sees clear gain from what the talker is saying/Listener sees steep risk in what talker is sayingI could see this one going either way. One member of our team started talking about massacres, which is definitely a high risk subject for Watcher. But at least two members have expressed a willingness to be discreet and surgical. So, possible either way.
Listener's thoughts and/or emotions are being controlled by magicFinally, a clear cut one. Nope.
NegotiationListener is desperate/Talker lacks experience or expertise for the jobAgain, could go either way. Watcher isn't exceptionally familiar with our capabilities, but is he desperate? Only Aria knows.
Talker shares critical information listener did not know about/talker shares information that is useless or detrimental to listenerI was hoping 0day's memory test would come up with something to potentially give you an edge here, but alas. So, probably not for either side.
I think it's worth remembering that Edge gain and spend should be a lot more fluid in 6th than in 5th, so getting used to thinking about this from all angles is going to benefit everyone.