[6E] PbP Recruitment & OoC

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« Reply #75 on: <10-18-19/1546:17> »
I realized that I'd missed copying Tipperman's drones into his Obsidian Portal sheet, and then I realized that drones need autosofts and that autosofts get expensive quickly .... dropped a knowledge skill, wiggled things around a little bit, and ended up adding a few sensors and tags as well as the drones.

ETA: I also found a pic on the web that doesn't quite resemble how I imagine Tipperman (not a properly dwarvish nose and cheekbones) but at least it is something.  If anyone has art or photoshop skills and feels like helping out with character images please let me know!
« Last Edit: <10-18-19/1605:28> by Beta »


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« Reply #76 on: <10-19-19/1829:33> »
Welcome to recycle any of my dwarf pics, although admittedly I haven’t done many... could see what I have lurking on my hard drive??
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #77 on: <10-21-19/0748:13> »
Paused the conversation at this point to allow anyone to interject, introduce themselves, ask questions, whatever... and then I'll pick up the rest of the briefing
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« Reply #78 on: <10-21-19/1142:57> »
I'm playing around with Tipperman's voice.  If the affectation starts bugging anyone, let me know and I can tune it down.

He's basically starting the negotiation process here, framing all future demands and limitations as making things harder.


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« Reply #79 on: <10-23-19/1026:35> »
Quick explanation of rolls.
*1Matrix Search: Reapers, Redmond, Gang: 15d6t5 4
I figured I would get the Matrix legwork on these two gangs started; each interval is 10 minutes, and the GM determines the extent of information that is available on the public Matrix. Just as a refresher, legwork basics are covered on page 50 and looks like this:
0No useful information
1Basic, broadly available background information
2A few nuggets of information gleaned from casual study
3Information from previous coursework or loose professional knowledge
4More esoteric knowledge, some whispers of gossip
5Deep academic familiarity, strong professional knowledge, behind-the-scenes familiarity
6Knowledge of secrets and hidden information
7High-level information, solid understanding of history
8Almost encyclopedic knowledge, including some deep secrets
9Rare knowledge only available to a select few
10Deep secrets others actively try to hide

*2Memory Test: Street Gangs: 13d6t5 3
3 hits on a memory test probably wouldn't be more than type and size of the gangs, so whatever Watcher already told us covers this.

*3Matrix Perception: Watcher: 15d6t5 4
Assuming he runs silent, as long as I get at least 1 net hit I would be able to look for a commcode to send him a message.

I'm just going to roll the rest of the legwork now so you can incorporate any information I am able to dig up at your leisure; I'm assuming that the higher levels of the legwork table would not be publicly accessible on the Matrix, so I'll set aside 2 search intervals for each gang. This will take 20 minutes for each search, so we'll be well on our way to the next scene by the time this is collected.

Matrix Search Pt 2: Reapers, Redmond, Gang: 14d6t5 4
Matrix Search: Slaughterhowzers, Redmond, Gang: 15d6t5 4
Matrix Search Pt 2: Slaughterhowzers, Redmond, Gang: 14d6t5 6

So that's 8 potential hits on Reapers, and 10 potential hits on Slaughterhowzers. Basically, whatever is on the Matrix :)


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« Reply #80 on: <10-23-19/1158:01> »
You can probably go ahead and roll negotiation too, if you have it. 0day definitely does not :)


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« Reply #81 on: <10-23-19/1232:19> »
I was waiting for him to make an offer -- I like to at least IC a counter-offer or request, then make the negotiate roll and let the GM figure out where it all lands. 

My reasoning for that is that there are various parameters that can be pushed on in negotiations.  It is not always just more money; sometimes it makes more sense to ask for favors, gear, discounts, etc.


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« Reply #82 on: <10-24-19/1017:30> »
Then again, to keep things moving along let's make that negotiate roll, and I'll let Aria figure out what the final offer looks like.

- Charisma 6 + 1 for tailored pheromones + Influence 5 =12d. 
- I don't see anything that would earn edge on either side?  Won't spend edge before the roll.
negotiate: 12d6t5 4
Will use 2 edge after the roll to add 1 to one of the 4s, raising it to a success. 
Final result: 5 successes

Current edge: 3


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« Reply #83 on: <10-24-19/1023:35> »
Doh, had written the IC offline before I saw the rolls... he got 2 hits on his counter but rather than IC that straight away you might want to ask for something other than cash, or more upfront or fewer weekly payments??
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« Reply #84 on: <10-24-19/1024:39> »
@ZeroSum, I will start to drip feed you the matrix intel soon, it will come in post meeting anyway...
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« Reply #85 on: <10-24-19/1126:38> »
- I don't see anything that would earn edge on either side?
For the purposes of a brief discussion, would it make sense to go through the General and Negotiation edge cases?

Talker is introduced by a trusted person/listener has been warned about the talker
I'd say this applies seeing as how we all got introduced by Feather, someone Watcher trusts.

Listener is disposed to listen to people like the talker/Talker belongs to a group listener has significant prejudices about
From my reading of Watcher, he is not comfortable around runners but he's also not prejudiced against them. Neither side has edge?

Talker's appearance is perfectly suited for their role/Talker does not look like their claimed role at all
Tipperman may or may not look like a negotiator, but he definitely looks like a runner. Definitely a GM call; Social edge can be quite tricky, that's for sure

Listener has romantic attraction to talker/Listener has strong personal dislike of talker
Neither probably applies, most certainly a GM call :)

Listener sees clear gain from what the talker is saying/Listener sees steep risk in what talker is saying
I could see this one going either way. One member of our team started talking about massacres, which is definitely a high risk subject for Watcher. But at least two members have expressed a willingness to be discreet and surgical. So, possible either way.

Listener's thoughts and/or emotions are being controlled by magic
Finally, a clear cut one. Nope.

Listener is desperate/Talker lacks experience or expertise for the job
Again, could go either way. Watcher isn't exceptionally familiar with our capabilities, but is he desperate? Only Aria knows.

Talker shares critical information listener did not know about/talker shares information that is useless or detrimental to listener
I was hoping 0day's memory test would come up with something to potentially give you an edge here, but alas. So, probably not for either side.

I think it's worth remembering that Edge gain and spend should be a lot more fluid in 6th than in 5th, so getting used to thinking about this from all angles is going to benefit everyone.


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« Reply #86 on: <10-24-19/1520:47> »
I have a rant from Tipperman about that offer which has grown rather long ... but I've yet to come up with what he would ask for other than more cash.  But that pay isn't enough for anyone on even low lifestyle to be enthusiastic about (not even accounting for the staggered pay).  No matter how much value you assign to his network, there are bills to pay ...

I'd thought about seeing if he could arrange a shared house for the month (save on lifestyle costs) but there are no shared lifestyle rules in the 6th edition CRB.

Other thoughts on what to ask for? 


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« Reply #87 on: <10-24-19/1527:28> »
Lifestyle costs are definitely an issue - especially since this mission could take longer than a few days.
talk think matrix

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« Reply #88 on: <10-24-19/1614:23> »
I've had him make suggestions about lifestyle and patching/repair costs.  If anyone has more ideas they can have their characters bring them up (even without any mechanical benefit there is nothing wrong with "And another thing, xxxx"


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« Reply #89 on: <10-24-19/1619:37> »
Looks good to me; while 0day has his place and won't need a shared lifestyle (too much stuff to move), I really like the shift in Tipperman's personality. Real visceral, I like it!