[6E] PbP Recruitment & OoC

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« Reply #165 on: <01-10-20/1732:46> »
Was the gangers smartlink slaved to his commlink? Page 173 indicates that I would have had to hack his link to get to the smartlink; trouble is, I can't find any indication if this would mean separate hacking attempts, or whether breaching the link defenses gets you access to the entire PAN.
On the user side, the Matrix is built around the Personal Area Network (PAN). These are networks composed of a commlink and/or a deck, with a small number of devices slaved behind it. Generally speaking, in order to get to a device attached to a PAN, one must frst gain access to that PAN.

Regardless, as soon as 0day saw the ganger pull out a commlink through the visual feed he would have wanted to snoop on any traffic going in and out:
Snoop: 15d6t5 3 4d6t5 1
Overwatch Score up to 3, no other change as Edge is maxed.

Once able to, he'd use Matrix Perception on the icon on the other end to find out if it is another decker or just another ganger:
Matrix Perception: 15d6t5 6

Opposed by Willpower + Sleaze; since I don't know who is on the other side I'll leave that roll to you.
A successful test gives you information about the target. With a tie, you can perceive the item’s icon. A single net hit will give you basic information, such as device rating, or whatever name the device or icon calls itself. Two net hits will give you more specific information, including individual attribute ratings, and what programs it is currently running. Additional hits will give you more information based on what the gamemaster wishes to reveal.

I'm particularly curious about the phrases the ganger muttered. 0day has Analytical Mind; is there anything I can roll to try to interpret what was being said?

I suspect that it was as follows, but would 0day be able to infer anything else?
“The fraggers did(?) it, Riddle said it'd be today, not next week like they said…”

If I remember correctly, Riddle is the Rat Shaman who's rumoured to lead (?) the Reapers. We've just destroyed a couple of their guns and maybe taken out a handful of their numbers, so that's still 20+ gangers vs the 4 of us; 0day would definitely recommend taking the kid before he reaches Reaper turf and pull back to regroup. Alternatively, try to sneak in and nab Recall; they clearly knew we were coming.

Perception test for the drones:
Drone Perception: Teamwork Assist x2: 7d6t5 1 7d6t5 2
Drone Perception: Teamwork Leader: 10d6t5 3

3 hits to find groups of armed gangers, 5 or more strong.
« Last Edit: <01-10-20/1751:06> by ZeroSum »


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« Reply #166 on: <01-11-20/0336:11> »
Omen accelerated the car to cut off the running boy - not an easy feat on those streets.
"Time for intercept in about 10 seconds. If necessary I'll wing him with the fender. Meanwhile, can you hack his link and send some disinformation to the gang?"

Driving: 10d6t5 5
talk think matrix

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Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #167 on: <01-11-20/1628:45> »
Tippperman followed the van, and messaged 0Day <<can you give me a bead on where he is if he goes off road?  I want to get in front to cut him off.>>


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« Reply #168 on: <01-13-20/0747:39> »
Hi folks… I think we have a fog of pbp situation to address… this is my interpretation of the situation, shout if you see it otherwise

1.   The fire station crew have taken considerable fire from Omen, neutralising at least 3, two saw an imaginary grenade and ran out in to the street (NE 116th) to avoid it (bad move).  Their smartguns are all bricked and there’s still a rocket launcher in there somewhere. I am thinking that the two in the road are the most viable for Omen’s road rage and he will get to them before they can escape in to cover
2.   The house on the opposite side of the road, the crossfire position, had 1 AR bricked and 1 Ingram Smartgun just damaged (the runner in my IC).  The runner is moving through the gardens/woods to the north of the road and so can’t be run over… yet.  You’ve got a bead on his position so Tipperman could intercept depending on what happens with the two others in the street…
3.   @ZeroSum… I’d say that all their smartguns were slaved to their paltry links, for all the good 1D of firewall would do :P

I'll follow up with what the drones find but I wanted to put this up now...
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« Reply #169 on: <01-15-20/1439:34> »
Ah, indeed.
I was under the impression that only one ganger was left that we could follow to the technomancers location - and I only now notice, that I posted in the wrong thread.
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #170 on: <01-15-20/1446:13> »
Not to worry, quick copy paste / edit and you’re good to go!

FYI (all) I’ve started a recruitment thread for the SR6 published adventure Free Seattle on RPGCrossing and I’d be very happy if you’d all join me there... it has various tools that make it preferable to posting in SG and potentially more SR pbpers! I’m aiming to start IC at the end of Feb, wrapping up this one about the same time so I’m not asking for much more commitment! Let me know what you think... :)

Edit: the link would be helpful!
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« Reply #171 on: <01-15-20/1959:43> »
Having read Free Seattle, I'll pass on playing (but will sign up for, and check out, that site for future game potential).


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« Reply #172 on: <01-16-20/1036:58> »
Just restrain yourself from reading 30 nights then if you can... I get that a lot of people will want to read cutting black of course...
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« Reply #173 on: <01-16-20/1334:54> »
I might just have to cede my place to others for a while?  :o  I'll see ....On avoiding 30 Nights ...Maybe ... I'm looking at using it in my home game, but I'm still working through Toxic Alleys and want to run Neo-Revolution (Paris source book with adventures), so depending on timing I might be able to hold off.  On the other hand, it is the first major book for anywhere in Canada and I live ~4 hour drive from Toronto so I'm super curious about what they have done to the place, so holding off will be hard!


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« Reply #174 on: <01-16-20/1516:43> »
Cutting black is ok... that intel you could get from shadow bulletin boards etc, but 30 nights is the associated adventure... I don’t even know if I will run that yet mind you so we can cross that bridge later, would be a pity to lose you for a length of time!!
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« Reply #175 on: <01-21-20/1459:58> »
What are the thoughts about adopting the new errata?  (may not impact some characters much?  Certainly changes how effective Tipperman's punches are, but I guess he can still grapple?)


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« Reply #176 on: <01-21-20/1517:54> »
I’m leaning towards including it but happy to hear what other’s thoughts are??
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #177 on: <01-22-20/1831:58> »
There's new errata for 5th? Where!?

DOH! Forgot this was a 6th Edition game :D

Anyone got a link, cause I can't find anything on here...
« Last Edit: <01-22-20/1837:57> by ZeroSum »


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« Reply #178 on: <01-23-20/0750:07> »
0B compiled the list that I used: ... I think there's an official one due though
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #179 on: <01-23-20/0804:55> »
Interesting. None of those changes really affect 0day, so I'd say we use it just for the help riggers get. Not that we have a rigger, but still...

I'll have 0day drop out of VR to tend to injuries on the team before everyone gets going, since First Aid has to be done within a minute of suffering injuries. I can do Medkit healing once we get everyone back to base.

Who is injured and what is their Essence?

I think Tipperman took a 5P hit, was he the only one?

First Aid 1: 11d6t5 4
I'll spend 4 edge to reroll the failures, as I have 7 edge.
Edge reroll: 7d6t5 0
Splendid. So if Tipperman has 2.05 Essence, and the Threshold is (5-2.05=3), then I can't heal any physical damage as that would require 2 net hits.

Second roll just in case someone else is hurt:
First Aid: 11d6t5 3
And 4 more edge to reroll all failures:
First Aid: 8d6t5 1
Whelp, at least I'm consistent...

So 4 hits for Tipperman, and 4 if someone else is wounded.
« Last Edit: <01-23-20/0846:47> by ZeroSum »

