The Rocky Dino Danger Hour (Greatest Show On Earth Recruiting, Again)

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« Reply #450 on: <06-05-11/1956:49> »
Char Sheet:
Name: John Doe
Nickname: D'jed
Metatype : Dwarf (25BP)

Background: Background: D'jed was born and lived in northern Seatle fro almost all his live. Poor family, violent neighborhood and in the end he ended up in one of the street gangs very early. Usualy staying behind and dealing with surveillanc cameras and this stuff when his gang is in a fight with some other gangers or when they work as enforcers or thieves. Not much a heroic and adventures life but D'jed never know something else. Of course he dreamed about making big money and start living in a higher lifestyle, but he never find the right time to break up with his gang friends and move into the real shadow biz. He definitly has a problem with his self-confidence.
That he is a Technomancer didn't make it better. His gang was also into the hype hunting Technomancers but since D'jed always had good quality hacking gear with him they never suspect anything.
His current situation is a little more complex and confusing. On night after his gang was hired to steal some data from an old warehouse D'jed woke up in a hospital.
He can't remember the night after they left the warehouse and also the Doctor tells him, that almost two weeks are gone since then. Quit even more shooking points, he wasn't in Seatle anymore and when he was unconscious the hospital gave him a SIN. Both things he tried to avoid.
Now he is in Honululu, without any of his gear, only wearing some hospital clothes, and tries to find out what happend at that night. He can't reach his gang or his fixer in Seatle somehow and don't know if he should go back or not. He need info but as far as nobody knows him in this streets he can't trust anybody and also he don't thing that anybody will help a nobody. He need some money and some street rep., former a little more quicker so he can pay back his money to this slimy moneylender. He didn't like to be in debt with this guy, but after leaving the hospital without any money, he at least need some clothes, a commlink and enough money left to pay for a coffin hotel and something to eat.
Fortunatly he still knows some chat rooms where usually some johnsons hang around, maybe he find a well-paid run to solve both his money and his street rep. problems. Hey, he even would take a not-well-paid run just to find out what happen in Seatle.

Dislikes: Heat and humid weather, which reminds him of the ocean and sea voyages, which he dislikes because he gets seasick very easily. A seconds thing he dislikes are  insects, bees of course, but also any other insect.
Likes: The Matrix of course, but specially nodes with medival looks. He also has some accounts in the MMORPG 'Magus 2070' and 'DarkAge 3'. Two other things he likes are classic medival Fantasy-Film and Medival Rock.

Hobby's: Icon-Moding and Blogging in Conspirisy Theory Forums, current topic are e.g. "War in Amazonia, the next Geistertanz", "Dunkelzahn still alive" (a never ending story), "AI's in Renraku", "the Mars colony is a lie". He has serveral false acounts in different forums and had a big collection of avatars on his now stolen commlink.

--Attributes (140BP)
Body: 2
Agility: 2
Reaction: 2
Strength: 3
Charisma: 3
Intuition: 5
Logic: 5
Willpower: 4

--Special Att (60BP)
Edge: 3
Resonance: 5
Initiative: 7
Essence: 6

--Livin Persona:
Firewall: 4 (Wil)
Response: 5 (Int, +1 in full VR)
Signal: 3 (Reso/2)
System: 5 (Log)
Biofeedback Filter: 3 (Cha)
VR Matrix Initiative: 11 (Int*2 +1)
VR Matrix IniPasses: 3

--Knowledge Skills (30BP free)
English: N
Japanese: 4
Chat Rooms: 4
Matrix Security: 5
Medival History: 2
Conspirisy Theory: 2
Computer Background: 3
Magical Background: 2
Matrix Games: 2
Gangs in Seatle: 5

--Active Skills (158BP)
Cracking (Group): 4
Electronics (Group): 4
Tasking (Group): 4

Forgery: 3
Perception : 3
Dodge : 2
Pistols (Semi-Auto) : 1

--Positive Qualities (10BP)
(+2 to all full-VR Matrix tests)
(+2 to Matrix Perception)
Sprite Bond: Network Bond with Browse

--Negative Qualities (35BP)
In Debt 2
Hung Out to Dry
Allgery mild uncommon: Bees
Incompetend (Swimming)

--Comment to the negativ qualities:
In Debt with a slimy moneylender in Honululu

---Gear: (2GB free cause of InDebt)
\\Since he hasn't a fixer to buy him anything he olny could buy himself non-restricted gear.
Cavalier SafeGuard
2xTaser Dart (10 shots)

Clothing (Regular)
Armor Clothing
Industrious Line Hard Hat

Dodge Scoot (Scooter)

Commlink : Sony Emperor
Satellite Link
Subvocal Microphone
Mapsoft (Rating 2)
Analyse 2
OS : Renraku Ichi

+Low Light Vision
+Image Link
+Flare Compensation
+Vision Magnification
+Vision Enhancement (Rating 3)
+ Audio Enhancement (Rating 3)
FakeSIN (Rating 3): Garry Maytime, Security Hacker in Seatle
Money left: 65$ + StartMoney: 140$

--Complex forms (42BP)
Analyze (5): Assensing
Scan (4): Search Spell (Wide)
Stealth (5): Invisibility Spell
Armor (5): Magical Armor (Body)
Attack (5): Mana Bolt
+Option: Targeting
Exploit (5): Swarm Spell (A swarm of little fairies examine the firewall)
Spoof (3): Mask Spell
Edit (3): Change Spell
Shield (4): Magical Armor (Shield)
Command (2): Mind Control Spell

Browse (6): via Sprite Bond
Story: D'jed found a Data-Sprite when he surfed through the Seatle Mainlibary in the Matrix. Without any reason he started following D'jed and demand search querrys. Since then the Spirit, D'jed call him Ferret, is always there when D'jed goes into the Matrix, helping him to search and find data. Sometime Ferret wants to search around for anything and moving around D'jed until he gives him a new querry to hunt for.

--Stream: Awakening Stream
Concept: The Crash 2.o was the same as the Awakening. After that event the astral plane  and the mundane plain were connected. Magicans and Adepts were able to move into the astral plain and take get their power from there. The Crash 2.o opend another connection to a meta plane, through the matrix. Like awakened people who can use their astral perception, Technomancer are able to the the astral plain through the matrix perception. Since that plain is some no mortal beeing can understand, that what a persons see through their perception can differ very much.
Like magicians can call spirits which will be seen by mundane people as normal natural forces, Technomancer can call sprites, powerfull matrix spirits, which well too be seen als normal programms for the mundane matrix user. The same holds with spells. Whereas mundane people us primitve weapons the awakened take power from the astral plain by canalizing the power through their bodys into the normal plain. It's the same for Technomancer in the Matrix, while normal user have simple programms a Technomancer canalizes the power of the astral plain through his body into the matrix and creates spells.
Sprites: Crack(Human-Spirit), Code(Beast-Spirit), Machine(Water-Spirit), Sleuth(Air-Spirit), Paladin(Earth-Spirit)
Fading: Intuition + Resonance

Lifestyle in Honululu: After he left the hospital he looked for the next Coffin Hotel, made some mental preparations (Threading Spoof: +3) and hacked into the hotel system to get himself a reservation there for the next two weeks (Spoof Life: Squarter ).
« Last Edit: <06-05-11/2355:15> by Larzarus »


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« Reply #451 on: <06-05-11/2019:07> »

--Complex forms (42BP)
Analyze (5): Assensing
Scan (4): Search Spell (Wide)
Stealth (5): Invisibility Spell
Armor (5): Magical Armor (Body)
Attack (5): Mana Bolt
+Option: Targeting
Exploit (5): Swarm Spell (A swarm of little fairies examine the firewall)
Spoof (3): Mask Spell
Edit (3): Change Spell
Shield (4): Magical Armor (Shield)
Command (2): Mind Control Spell

--Stream: Awakening Stream
Sprites: Crack(Human-Spirit), Code(Beast-Spirit), Machine(Water-Spirit), Sleuth(Air-Spirit), Paladin(Earth-Spirit)

What.... just... What??

« Last Edit: <06-05-11/2027:50> by Chrona »


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« Reply #452 on: <06-05-11/2021:27> »
He views Resonance as the new Magic, I believe.
Reminded me of one of my crazy ass theories that the Matrix is its own metaplane.
Shadowrunners are reminded that the Fashion Police are a real organization and will they will be deployed at the first sign of defiance.
Mossy the Mentat Looking for a game.


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« Reply #453 on: <06-05-11/2027:57> »
Concept: The Crash 2.o was the same as the Awakening. After that event the astral plain and the mundane plain were connected. Magicans and Adepts were able to move into the astral plain and take get their power from their. The Crash 2.o opend another connection to the astral plain, through the matrix. Like awakened people who can use their astral perception, Technomancer are able to the the astral plain through the matrix perception. Since that plain is some no mortal beeing can understand, that what a persons see through their perception can differ very much.
Like magicians can call spirits which will be seen by mundane people as normal natural forces, Technomancer can call sprites, powerfull matrix spirits, which well too be seen als normal programms for the mundane matrix user. The same holds with spells. Whereas mundane people us primitve weapons the awakened take power from the astral plain by canalizing the power through their bodys into the normal plain. It's the same for Technomancer in the Matrix, while normal user have simple programms a Technomancer canalizes the power of the astral plain through his body into the matrix and creates spells.

If thats his belief, then okay but that is not how technomancers work, they especially cant see the astral plain just by being technomancers and sprites are not astral beings

99% of all mages and technomancers will also think he's stupid or crazy
« Last Edit: <06-05-11/2030:03> by Chrona »


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« Reply #454 on: <06-05-11/2048:35> »
Then how do you call Technoshamans? I didn't found any informations how technomancy realy works.

Like Rock said, Matrix as a new metaplane. My char don't think that the Matrix is the Astralplane itself. It's more like the Matrix, as Technomancer can see it, is another side of the same medal.
There are many connections between Technomancers and Magicans. The Magicans will call it crazy, most of all because they want the atral plane as their own playground, but the other Technomancer streams didn't sound any less crazy.

Edit: But I don't think that D'jed won't find any technomancer or even mage who will discuss his spiritual opinion with him in the nearer future.
« Last Edit: <06-05-11/2110:34> by Larzarus »


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« Reply #455 on: <06-05-11/2131:24> »
Then how do you call Technoshamans? I didn't found any informations how technomancy realy works.

Like Rock said, Matrix as a new metaplane. My char don't think that the Matrix is the Astralplane itself. It's more like the Matrix, as Technomancer can see it, is another side of the same medal.
There are many connections between Technomancers and Magicans. The Magicans will call it crazy, most of all because they want the atral plane as their own playground, but the other Technomancer streams didn't sound any less crazy.

Edit: But I don't think that D'jed won't find any technomancer or even mage who will discuss his spiritual opinion with him in the nearer future.
From Unwired P.140
Fading: Charisma + Resonance
Sprites: Crack, Data, Machine, Paladin, and Sleuth
Technoshamanism is a spiritual view of the Matrix. Members of this stream think of the Matrix as something bigger, something alive, a higher being they can communicate with. While some technoshamans are former otaku who believe that Resonance was created by some sort of higher beings or spirits of the machine, many newly Emerged technomancers are attracted to this digital spirituality based on a connection they feel with the virtual world. Technoshamans have a sympathetic, nearly religious relationship with the Matrix, and often ally themselves with the strange beings that reside within, including new AIs. Wandering the Matrix as digital pilgrims, preachers, and prophets of the living Resonance, their practice of technomancer skills is ritualized, comparable to arcane shamans in the real world. Their methods of compiling and registering sprites often bear similarities with arcane conjurations, and they treat sprites with respect, as natural denizens of the Matrix. Sprites compiled by technoshamans frequently display ethereal or ghost-like features that reflect their otherworldly nature.
Technoshamans usually have a paragon (p. 149).

Technoshmans have a spiritualistic, almost religious, relationship with the matrix but Spiritualism does not equal magical beliefs.
Technomancers work by being able to effect the matrix with their mind using the Resonance, it is the resonance that we do not know the workings to.

I don't mind it being his belief, I just wanted to be sure you didn't think that was fact.

Also I don't think there are many connections between magicians and technomancers outside of occasionally similar dice mechanics


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« Reply #456 on: <06-05-11/2353:44> »
I don't mind it being his belief, I just wanted to be sure you didn't think that was fact.

thanks for your concern, of course the streams are no fact, otherwise the Unwired wouldn't has multple of them plus the option to create your own. I may make some modification to the concept so the difference between astral and matrix is more clear.

Edit: At the request of Rock I copied the background story here.

« Last Edit: <06-06-11/0019:50> by Larzarus »


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« Reply #457 on: <06-06-11/0037:32> »
I don't mind it being his belief, I just wanted to be sure you didn't think that was fact.

thanks for your concern, of course the streams are no fact, otherwise the Unwired wouldn't has multple of them plus the option to create your own. I may make some modification to the concept so the difference between astral and matrix is more clear.

Edit: At the request of Rock I copied the background story here.

Well...the difference between Resonance and Magic is very clear...for the most of us :)

Otherwise, its your problem. Looking forward to see some procreative approach :)


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« Reply #458 on: <06-06-11/0154:54> »

Well...the difference between Resonance and Magic is very clear...for the most of us :)

So what is the difference? As far as I understod Chrona, no one really knows what Resonance is, only what it do. I assume (haven't read Street Magic so far) nearly the same holds for Magic.
So, Resonance messures capability to access and manipulate the
Matrix with their minds alone. Producing complex forms and sprites, creatures of pure Resonance. To get a even powerfull understanding of the Resonance, the Matrix and all this nerdy stuff, Technomancer can undergo a Submersion.
Magic Power messures the capability to access and manipule mana. Producing spells and spirits, creatures of pure mana. To get an even powerfull understanding of the Magic, the Astral Plane and all this freaky stuff, Magicans can undergo a Initiation.

This doesn't mean that Resonance and Magic are the same, but they follow the same rules and therefor share the same underlying structur. Two sides of the same medal.

By the way: I will start reading "Topic: On the nature of Resonace" tomorrow, it seems there are more than just 1% having similar theores about Magic and Resonance. I may find my answers there,so we can use this topic for Hawaii-5-O Honululu the Dinopark-Mission when the mission is back running.


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« Reply #459 on: <06-06-11/0236:56> »
Ohh. my topic :) I need to update it a bit.


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« Reply #460 on: <06-06-11/1715:09> »
Who wants their contact to get this one?
Of course, D'jed is fresh out of the hospital...
So all we need is one of your contacts and we can start, right!


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« Reply #462 on: <06-09-11/1109:02> »
This run is still going on or am I just looking at the wrong IC-topic:

If we still running, what are you waiting for? Please tell me if I forgot to post something.
« Last Edit: <06-09-11/1112:15> by Larzarus »


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« Reply #463 on: <06-09-11/1117:07> »
This run is still going on or am I just looking at the wrong IC-topic:

If we still running, what are you waiting for? Please tell me if I forgot to post something.

Im waiting for the GM


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« Reply #464 on: <06-09-11/2028:15> »
For the Paladin sprite: I send the rolls in a PM to the GM.