Summoner / Face
Metatype D Elf 4
Attributes B 16
Skills A 32
Magic C 2 Mystic Adept
Resources E 6000
S 2
A 2
R 2
B 2
I 4
L 2
C 8
W 5
Edge 1
Magic 6
Focused Concentration 3 36
Impaired Logic 3 -24
Bad Debit 0
Impared Str 3 -24
SINner -8
Skill Rank Specialization Expertise Karma
Stealth 5 Sneak 5
Influence 5 Negotiation 5
Astral 5 Combat 5
Sorcery 5 Health 5
Conjuring 6 Air 0
Con 5 Acting 5
Athletics 1 5
Logic +1 10
Str +1 10
Reaction +1 10
Nuyen 5
Bonus Karma -20
Total 45
Adept Powers
Improved Ability (Influence) +2 Or Astral Perception
Could be a full mage and skip the PP. (Edit and flip D/C Magic/Meta and pick up 5 Benefit Points/4 net stat and Edge points) Fiddle with the Karma and pick up a Mentor Spirit maybe.
The Decker would be similar. Flip Charisma and Logic. Swap out Social Skills for Matrix Skills. More Bad Debit.