Why are we still here? Only to suffer?Ok, some miscellaneous houserules to let off some steam:
Medkits: Whoopsie, they still have a rating, but no effect tied to it

Why not kill two birds with one stone and use that to fix another common grievance?
Add the following
Wireless Effect: When treating a patient that has has lost essence due to Augmentations, you may use the Medkit´s access to various Bodyware Databases to help with the complications. Ignore 0.5 * rating worth of Essence loss due to Augmentations to determine the effective Essence score for the healing test. (Hey, that´s even something that makes sense for a wireless effect

Spirit Formulars: Each type of summonable Spirit has its own Formular tied to it that has to be learned for 5 Karma or from the Magic Priority Selection, just like a regular Spell/Formular/Ritual. Of course, aspected summoners can get get up to their Magic Attribute (from the Priority Table) * 2 in "Spirit Formulars" as well.
Increase Attribute (Spell): Each character can only profit from one instance of the Increase Attribute spell.
Armor (Spell):
For every 2 Net hits on the Spellcasting test,you get one additional die on tests to resist physical damage. Additional Amp effect: for +1 Drain each, you may convert 1 Point of bonus Armor from this Spell to Hardened Armor. (*Gasp* A buff for a Spell? Seriously, it´s a measured response. Right now, Armor is an almost strictly worse version of Combat Sense.)
Note: I also houseruled Hardened Armor to work as a simple Dice pool bonus on the Soak test.