[SR6] House Rules

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« Reply #15 on: <09-06-19/1344:52> »
Ok, house rule tweak:
1.Grenades and explosives counts all armor as hardened.
2.Anti armor explosives ignore x points of armor, where x is their adjusted DV.

-grenades are dangerous but not portable nukes anymore.
-armor is back to having a use
-anti vehicle rockets is actually usefull.
So 60ish% chance of not falling in a coma to a grenade if wearing a bomb squad suit.
Feels right. Toasty but alive if 5 m from a grenade with a military vest and helmet.
Chunky salsa if not wearing armor 3m from a grenade


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« Reply #16 on: <09-18-19/1013:24> »
Why are we still here? Only to suffer?

Ok, some miscellaneous houserules to let off some steam:

Medkits: Whoopsie, they still have a rating, but no effect tied to it ::) Why not kill two birds with one stone and use that to fix another common grievance?
Add the following Wireless Effect: When treating a patient that has has lost essence due to Augmentations, you may use the Medkit´s access to various Bodyware Databases to help with the complications. Ignore 0.5 * rating worth of Essence loss due to Augmentations to determine the effective Essence score for the healing test. (Hey, that´s even something that makes sense for a wireless effect  ;D)

Spirit Formulars: Each type of summonable Spirit has its own Formular tied to it that has to be learned for 5 Karma or from the Magic Priority Selection, just like a regular Spell/Formular/Ritual. Of course, aspected summoners can get get up to their Magic Attribute (from the Priority Table) * 2 in "Spirit Formulars" as well.

Increase Attribute (Spell): Each character can only profit from one instance of the Increase Attribute spell.

Armor (Spell): For every 2 Net hits on the Spellcasting test,you get one additional die on tests to resist physical damage. Additional Amp effect: for +1 Drain each, you may convert 1 Point of bonus Armor from this Spell to Hardened Armor. (*Gasp* A buff for a Spell? Seriously, it´s a measured response. Right now, Armor is an almost strictly worse version of Combat Sense.)
Note: I also houseruled Hardened Armor to work as a simple Dice pool bonus on the Soak test.
« Last Edit: <05-01-20/0803:30> by Finstersang »


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« Reply #17 on: <09-19-19/1702:03> »
If you think Strength doesn't matter enough in close combat, and unarmed combat damage gets crazy on the high end, try this:

Close Combat Skill
The primary linked attribute for Close Combat is Strength.  Agility is a secondary linked attribute

Unarmed Combat Test
Players may choose between either linked attribute when performing an Unarmed Combat test.

Unarmed Damage
The base DV of a unarmed attack is 2(s)
Only the highest augment applies when determining augmented unarmed DV.

Melee Weapons
Melee weapons are individually tagged as linked to Strength, Agility, or Either. Examples:

-Combat Axe

-Shock Weapons
-Hand Razors

-everything else

« Last Edit: <09-19-19/1718:51> by MercilessMing »


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« Reply #18 on: <09-20-19/1501:00> »
I couldn't find a rule for used gear in the core book so this is my proposal unless I'm missing something...

The used rule for cyberware affects everything as far as cost goes. But there is a catch. Every time you use the gear to do something any glitch causes something bad to happen to the gear. What happens is up to the GM. This is on top of whatever consequence the glitch would normally have.

Example: Lunatoon has a commlink she bought used. It has a sattelite uplink. She tries to connect to the matrix out in the desert using the uplink. She wants to research the viper she has in her snake bag to see how toxic its venom is. Unfortunately she glitches on her roll and not only gets bad information about the venom but on top of that the commlink shorts out and she can't connect at all anymore. Now she has to bother a snake spirit that isn't very happy with her at the moment. Bad day for Lunatoon.

This rule would not affect cyberware purchased used because you are already paying extra essence for that on purchase.


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« Reply #19 on: <09-20-19/1614:55> »
Good thing she didn't buy a used snake bag instead.   :o


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« Reply #20 on: <09-20-19/1719:27> »
Huh, while I already had my approach (which mainly focuses on bringing Melee Weapon damage on par with fists), I really like MercilessMings approach as well, but with a little twist:

Unarmed Damage
The base DV of a unarmed attack is Strength/4.

(and then all the other stuff as well. Good idea to give a choice on most weapons instead arbitrarily assigning them to Strength or Agility!)

My reasoning for Strength/4 here: 2S is still pretty high for a standard human with average to slightly above average strength, considering that saps and small pistols stick around these damage codes as well. And on the other hand, it feels a bit too low for a maxed out Troll. Making unarmed Damage still scale with  Strength, but at a much lower factor, works for both. True: In this case, a "supermaxed" troll with augmented Strength of 13-14 would still be able to compete with the damage of a Combat axe. But honestly, I can live with that. On that level, it´s "Hulk Smash" territory. 

Note: I´m not currently using this one.
« Last Edit: <05-01-20/0804:21> by Finstersang »


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« Reply #21 on: <09-29-19/0241:55> »
I don't know about you but I think a strong person should be able to handle the recoil on a firearm better than a little bitty person.

Recoil house rule: Compare your Strength to the DV of the weapon you are firing. For every three points your strength exceeds the DV of the weapon subtract 1 from any AR penalty imposed by a mode of fire. Yes this means you can virtually eliminate recoil penalties when using SA due to high strength. The reverse is in effect for low strength characters with a caveat that AR cannot go below 1. This adds importance to the Strength characteristic outside of melee combat.

Example: Lunatoon picks up a 6DV rifle that Biggie Blast dropped when he slipped on some grunt guts he cut out of a grunt. She tries to fire it at the scumbag ganger boy coming at her with a chainsaw. She has strength 2 and is firing a single shot. That is a four point difference so she's going to take a -1 penalty to AR. With RAW she would take no penalty at all.

Please tell me if this makes sense. I may be missing something. 


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« Reply #22 on: <10-01-19/1548:02> »
I'll chip in with my close Combat house rules as well (non-tested beta houserules).

Change AR from Strength+ reaction to Strength +weapon
Reasoning: I actually like the Strength+reaction, but this houserule uses the same logic as DR (Body+armour).

Unarmed dmg is S/2 round Up
Armed dmg is S/2 round up +weapon dmg

Change all dmg2 weapons to +0 ( bonus would be a higher AR and/or physical dmg).
Change all dmg2 weapons to +1
Change all ... You get the point. Naturally some weapons would get tweaked a big afterwards. Mono whip should stat at a static dmg, as should some shock weapons etc.

AR of weapons should be somewhat reduced to take into account that Strength is now part of the equation. Again some weapons like monowhip would be excempt from this.

Knife: dmg: S/2+0P  AR: S+ 3
Katana: dmg: S/2+2P   AR: S+7
Stock gloves: dmg 4S(e) AR: 5 (No chance from CRB)
« Last Edit: <10-03-19/1417:17> by DigitalZombie »


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« Reply #23 on: <10-08-19/0728:18> »
Simple one for me, to add to the "Step 5: Bring The Pain" section on page 106;
If the final DV of a Physical attack exceeds the Armor Value of the target the damage inflicted is Physical, otherwise it is Stun.

Minor tweak to make armor a little more impactful. Right now, it seems most gunshots will do Physical damage, and I personally prefer that tough armor is able to absorb some of the energy of an attack. This is also because we used to play 4th Edition with a house rule that stun damage would scuff up your armor but leave your body mostly intact, but physical damage meant your body got hit and you now had to deal with blood potentially being left at the scene of the firefight.


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« Reply #24 on: <10-08-19/0947:38> »
Simple one for me, to add to the "Step 5: Bring The Pain" section on page 106;
If the final DV of a Physical attack exceeds the Armor Value of the target the damage inflicted is Physical, otherwise it is Stun.

Bringing back that rule from 4th and 5th Edition to make armor more impactfull is a pretty good idea. However, in this form the Lethal-Stun-conversion also had the tendency to turn many battles into literal "snoozefests" where everyone only takes stun damage and passes out really quick because Stun monitors are often shorter than Physcial monitors. Instead, I suggest this:

If the final DV of a Physical attack doesn´t exceed the Armor Value of the target, the final damage that is inflicted (after the soak test) is split between the Stun Monitor and the Physical Monitor.

Not only keeps this some of the lethality and grittiness intact, it also adds another benefit for highly armored fighters because it takes longer to fill up one of these monitors or get wound penalties  ;)
« Last Edit: <10-08-19/1103:50> by Finstersang »


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« Reply #25 on: <10-13-19/1231:13> »
Here is another one from me. This comes from a complete dislike for how the cost structure of cyberlimbs is set up. Its pretty simple...

When you buy a cyberlimb the price listed is for a limb equal in strength and agility to whatever those attributes are after spending priority and racial points. Then you work it up from there using the normal rules.

Cyberlimbs are a staple in cyberpunk genre games and should not cost as much as they do in this system. As they stand right now they are extremely prohibitive. The current system may be more realistic but it takes away from the style of the game to much for my taste.
« Last Edit: <10-13-19/1233:21> by Shadowhack »


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« Reply #26 on: <10-14-19/1650:49> »
Houserules for vehicles. I found the current ones non-intuitive so I made a table with new a new Attribute and stats logic.

Edit: say if I wanted to Edit  My First post in This thread, with links to All the houserules people have come Up with, what would be the best way to do it? I cant Seem to use [spoilers]. Is there any other way? I dont want This thread to end Up like the 5th edition houserules thread, a billion pages in Chaos.
« Last Edit: <10-14-19/1707:22> by DigitalZombie »


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« Reply #27 on: <10-16-19/1737:12> »
Matrix Hosts house rules:
Given the disparity between host ratings and general matrix rules, I would streamline hosts and IC as follows:

Host Attributes: Rating
Host and IC Attack and Defense Ratings: Host Rating x 2
Host and IC dice pools: Host Rating x 2
IC Condition Monitor: (Host Rating / 2, rounded up) + 8
IC Initiative: Host Rating + 3D6
IC Matrix DV: (Host Rating / 2, rounded up) + Net Hits on the attack roll

This makes hosts much easier to deal with for GMs as there are less variations to remember on the core rules. No need to worry about ASDF ratings, just double or halve the Host Rating for purposes of calculations as per the normal Matrix rules.

This idea came from the discussions in this thread:


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« Reply #28 on: <10-18-19/1719:47> »
Houserules for spirits and enchanting.
Low-medium force spirits are mostly the same, while higher force spirits are tougher to summon and costs more drain too...... Oh and that stuff about force? Its gone now, just like spells.

Enchanting now has higher Dice pools for effect, and No potency.... But with the ability to sustain a preparation for more than a second.


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« Reply #29 on: <10-19-19/1425:30> »
Our local group has adopted two House Rules, one is a fairly minor tweak and the other a bit more substantial:

1) Athletics and Close Combat are now Strength-based skills.

Strength is an otherwise undervalued Attribute and Agility was overly effective. This spreads out the love a bit.

2) Physical Adepts are now only selected via Magic Priority B, C, and D. Adepts chosen at these priorities start with Magic 6, 4, and 2 respectively.

I don’t think I need to elaborate on how awkward it is to build an Adept under the current rules as written. This House Rules is intended as a simple patch that’s easy to explain and easy to remember... We haven’t done any sophisticated maths to make it perfectly efficient. We wanted to K.I.S.S.
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