Shadowrun Play > Character creation and critique

[6E] Excel Character Generator

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Thanks, I’ll sort that out ASAP

Edit: I’ve updated the version on the link with the correction and some of the pre-genned equipment lists are now in 6... I’ve hidden the ones that are still 5 to avoid any confusion!


--- Quote from: Aria on ---Thanks, I’ll sort that out ASAP

Edit: I’ve updated the version on the link with the correction and some of the pre-genned equipment lists are now in 6... I’ve hidden the ones that are still 5 to avoid any confusion!

--- End quote ---

Awesome contributions, Aria. I will let you know if I spot anything else! Thank you again for your modifications!

On a roll today and I’ve already uploaded another draft...(realised I’d managed to miss off exceptional attribute somehow)

Link should be the same!

Another bug. On Qualities page, the formula for counting the # of Qualities taken should be =SUM(C11:C123), to capture Positive Qualities as well.

Starting to feel like an overly optimistic first draft lol

Thanks for all the help snagging this, I’ve credited those helping on the sheet!

Should have a much improved version up in a couple of hours - not the finished beast but it has a load more detail in it


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