Shadowrun Play > Character creation and critique
[6E] Excel Character Generator
LINK UPDATED! 6.40 with Tarnished Star and Lethal Harvest gear
Dropbox <CG6.40>
Google Drive <CG6.xx>
--- Quote from: Aria on ---Ok folks, this is very much a work in progress based on the similar SR5 character generator that I built (with lots of help). I’m putting it up here as a draft so that people can start to make use of it (it should calculate all the stats and allow you to buy gear etc), although it needs much tidying up, rules summaries, spells and CFs etc all adding to it.
Any comments / errors etc, please shout, I will continue to polish it off and get a more finished version up soon!
You should be able to download the file from this link…
<< CG6.01 DRAFT >>
It makes a few assumptions and I’m trying to pick up errata that I see, eg Adepts losing a point of powers when their magic is reduced as previous editions, that can be knocked out if needed (or left in as a house rule perhaps)
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This is a life saver. Will be using this to gen my players characters for them this following weekend. Will help simplify the book keeping for this. Ultimately waiting for HeroLabs Online, but this is a great help until then.
Glad it’ll be useful! Just a quick note, the pre-genned equipment lists on the equip summary tab are all still SR5 (why I greyed them out) so as a suggestion only... will probably work on those next as I find them useful for generating NPCs :)
--- Quote from: Aria on ---Glad it’ll be useful! Just a quick note, the pre-genned equipment lists on the equip summary tab are all still SR5 (why I greyed them out) so as a suggestion only... will probably work on those next as I find them useful for generating NPCs :)
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Yeah, already suggested to a potentially player to ignore the gear select portion and just use the nuyen resources and then reference the book for gear.
Just made another char using this. Made it so easy on me. Thank you.
FYI, slight bug. Exotic Weapons Skips on the main Sheet tab, so it throws off everything after Exotic Weapons by one under the specialization column. For example, go to Skills (Tab 3), do 1 in Specialization under Sorcery, put the text Spellcasting in the specialization description on that tab, switch to the Sheet tab and look at skills.
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