[SR6] Sixth World Core Book Errata File

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Michael Chandra

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« Reply #75 on: <12-01-19/0441:07> »
((Under RAW, no, because "The points are spent on skill or attribute advancement, as well as additional funds to get those last gear pieces you might have missed or an additional quality (though the limit of six qualities still applies)."))
((And you're correct about the Adept, according to Herolab Online the archetype has 3 Magic from Priority.))
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« Reply #76 on: <12-01-19/1539:04> »
Hoping the SR6 HeroLab wasn't a preview of the (lack of) chargen errata...

Michael Chandra

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« Reply #77 on: <12-02-19/0049:10> »
Sure, let's put pressure on the character builder company and blame THEM for errata now.
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« Reply #78 on: <12-02-19/0921:38> »
Not putting any pressure on them, I love HeroLab and have bought everything for 4th and 5th (and a bunch of other games).

What I'm disheartened about is that I would expect Catalyst to say "no, it doesn't work that way" before approving the release.  In this case, the HeroLab release mirrors one (limiting) interpretation of the chaotic SR6 ruleset, meaning that it's more likely than not intended.

That means everything that follows in the book gets errata'd to match the weird chargen writing.  Or maybe Catalyst just rubberstamped it to get the fees flowing.


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« Reply #79 on: <12-02-19/0952:18> »
As an aside, I think any game company (not just Catalyst) that is a) making a game that has fairly complicated character creation rules and b) intends to have an app to do that character creation or license one (e.g. Hero Labs) should do all that app work BEFORE they released the game. 

I say this because there is nothing like trying to turn your rules into a computer program to find any weirdness or errors in your rules.  Just give the coders the text, let them go to town, and you'll have your first 10 pages of errata before you even publish the game.

I'm not blaming Catalyst for anything here, this just hadn't occurred to me before.  Probably ditto for any actual play tools.  Practically its unlikely to happen, I suppose, because of the economics of it all; you don't want to invest in the software development until you are sure that you have a game that is going to sell.  But it would be a good way to check the logic and content of your character creation rules text.


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« Reply #80 on: <12-02-19/1019:27> »
Keep in mind CGL is a small company.  Herolab is even smaller.  My guess is CGL is around 10 full timers?  Herolab is probably 4 or 5.  There isn't a small army of tireless worker drones slaving away in a corporate cube farm to keep things running smoothly.  Either company is slightly more advanced than someone selling crafts on Etsy, but not by a lot.

Coordinating to the degree of getting a character builder out when the book hits the shelf just isn't something a small company is likely to prioritize.  Much less including Errata that hasn't been approved yet.


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« Reply #81 on: <12-02-19/1111:54> »
Coordinating to the degree of getting a character builder out when the book hits the shelf just isn't something a small company is likely to prioritize.  Much less including Errata that hasn't been approved yet.
Oh, I get that it is unlikely to happen, Hobbes.

I guess my point, though, is if somehow you COULD coordinate app development in the way I describe you would not have to worry about errata approval, because the process of app development would have found a lot of stuff that you can correct in the text before publication.  That is, app development is not only adding another product for sale, it is also a quality assurance measure. 

But again, this is more of a general observation about game development, not a specific observation about Catalyst/Shadowrun/Hero Labs.  Obviously we are way past that point in that case. 


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« Reply #82 on: <12-02-19/1407:11> »
But then it wouldn't be a secret you could let out just before convention season.  You'd probably have to talk to people about what's changing and why.  Rules changes would get out to the public and they'd have opinions.  You'd have time to listen to feedback and refine your product before ever incurring the costs of releasing it.

Where's the fun if you aren't YOLOing the whole ruleset, ignoring editing, and rushing it to print?


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« Reply #83 on: <01-09-20/0529:37> »
p92. "When you have a specialization, you get a +2 dice pool bonus when rolling a skill test related to that area"

p118 "Trip-J will be using his Exotic Weapons (Flamethrower) 1 + Agility 2 for a whopping dice pool of 3 dice."

In the example, the +2 for specialization is not applied. Is the example wrong or is a rule missing where the +2 does not apply to Exotic Weapon Specialization?


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« Reply #84 on: <01-09-20/0548:38> »
p245 "Active Program Slots
This shows how many programs an electronic device can have running at a single time."

p184 "The Data Processing rating of your device limits how many programs you can have running, though more may be stored."

So if you have 6 program slots on your deck, but only 3 data processing (from a commlink), then what happens?:
a) Only run 3 programs
b) 6 from the deck + 3 more from the commlink
c) Either 6 from the deck or 3 from the commlink


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« Reply #85 on: <01-09-20/0600:03> »
I am having a little trouble understanding the section on page 267 regrading accessories.
It states that

"All peripheral accessories are wireless, and unless slaved properly, offer a sneaky ingress into a user’s PAN. Commlinks can have a maximum number of “slaves” equal to their Data Processing. All other accessories are “open” connections and can be exploited."

Does this only apply to accessories or devices in general?

Does that mean if you gain access to device/accessory owned by a persona, that is not slaved to a PAN, then you gain that access level on the PAN as well automatically?


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« Reply #86 on: <01-20-20/0355:17> »
Page 36: "Extended tests have a dice pool and a threshold like Simple tests, but the threshold does not have to be met on a single roll"

Yet Probe matrix action is defined as an extended test but opposed at the same time!

Page 183: "PROBE (illegal) Cracking + Logic vs Willpower + Firewall or Firewall x 2 (Extended, 1 Minute)"

Furthermore on page 179 the host hacking example seems to treat Probe as an opposed test, not extended.

My best guess is that P36 need as additional note saying something like. "If the extended test is opposed rather than with a threshold, treat it as a standard opposed test but taking the specified time to perform"

Michael Chandra

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« Reply #87 on: <01-20-20/0637:53> »
Most Extended Tests do not face an opposing roll, but just a threshold. With Probe, however, you are basically only adding up your NET hits, and failing once on the reducing dicepool will fail the Probe.
Actually it is part of the push your luck aspect of the probe ... if you fail at any point you lose your progress and have to start over .. if you take the time to log off and rest there is practically no fallout except for the time spent but still it is still a factor of at what point do you go for it or not
And not that it matters now but the original duration on probe was an hour so that's a lot of time to lose
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« Reply #88 on: <01-20-20/0916:24> »
And to add on to what MC said, note that the new errata does specify that when you reboot and clear your Overwatch Score, you also clear out any backdoors as well.
RPG mechanics exist to give structure and consistency to the game world, true, but at the end of the day, you’re fighting dragons with algebra and random number generators.


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« Reply #89 on: <02-04-20/0612:40> »
I've done a cursory search of this site and a quick google search, and I haven't been able to find a compiled list of the new errata. Has this been released yet and my google-fu is just weak, or are we still waiting for this?

As I have a physical copy of the GenCon book and not a digital one, I unfortunately do not have access to the updated digital file.