[SR6] Sixth World Core Book Errata File

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If Tom Brady’s a Spike Baby, what does that make Brees and Rodgers?

Shinobi Killfist

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« Reply #1 on: <08-01-19/1743:24> »
The actual core rulebook though is yet to appear.


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« Reply #2 on: <08-01-19/1756:16> »
Sadly I cannot help you there as I have as much access as you do currently.
I just didn’t see the link to the file anywhere so I posted it.
If Tom Brady’s a Spike Baby, what does that make Brees and Rodgers?


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« Reply #3 on: <08-10-19/1240:27> »
Good place to post errata items?  Assuming so, here are some of the things I've found that I don't believe I've seen answers for as of posting.  I'll update as I find more.

Posted 8/10/2019
(p.64 Priority Table vs. Priority Selection Examples) In the examples, we have the text "To be honest, she's a little concerned that the 14 attribute points from Priority C will be a little thin..."  This should either be 12 to match the table or the table should be 14 to match the text.  Given the random dropoffs in the table, it seems like the table might be at issue.

(p.66 Spend Customization Karma) Limited to attributes, skills, qualities, and resources.  Characters are unable to bind foci, buy additiontal spells, buy power points, buy magic, or initiate.  Some or all of that might be intentional.  Also, no restrictions on karma carryover.  We can carry up to 70 (50 base + 20 bonus from negative qualities) karma to be used for any of those things immediately after chargen.

(p.66 vs. p.156 PhysAds) As written, PhysAds gain a power point whenever they gain a point of magic, except during chargen.

(p.81, Adept) Too many power points per RAW.

(p.82 Combat Mage) Too many spells per RAW.

(p.88 Street Shaman) Too many spells per RAW.

(p.89 Technomancer) Too many complex forms per RAW.

(p.135 vs. p.156 Combat Sense) The spell Combat Sense adds to DR and surprise test die pools.  The power Combat Sense adds to any defensive tests and always allows a Perception check to avoid surprise.  The PhysAd power is also inconsistent with the spell and inconsistent with the move to "ARvsDR for Edge" system.

(p.185 Host Security and Architecture) Formatting error put the graphic for host structure before the sentence speaking to it, which appears awkwardly on p.186.

Posted 8/15/2019
(p.64 Priority Table) The values for attributes seem really low.  Did the writers really intend for stats of 3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 for any Shadowrunner, given E Attributes?  You need D Attributes to even match a PR0 Humanis Goon.
« Last Edit: <08-15-19/1308:01> by topcat »


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« Reply #4 on: <08-11-19/1329:52> »
The Qualities section also doesn't explain you are buying them with Karma.  You can figure it out, but it's not explicitly said "you buy Qualities with Karma" in the description of what Qualities are.  The text issues are:

p.39 Qualities text does not explain how you acquire them, only what they are.

p. 66 tells you this about costs:
"Once you have the list, tally up the costs, positive and negative. The limit on qualities at character
creation is this: You can’t select more than six total qualities at character creation, and the net
bonus Karma cannot be more than 20."

It never says in that part where you get this Karma.

Skip down to the Karma text below:
"Each character receives 50 Karma to make a little move forward. The points are spent on skill or attribute advancement, as well as additional funds to get those last gear pieces you might have missed or an additional quality"

"Additional" implies there was some other way to get Qualities.  It's never said how you buy them, so as written, it creates some amount of confusion.  I've seen other editions, so I can intuit it, but you need one more sentence in the Qualities section.  That sentence should be

"Once you have the list, tally up the Karma costs, positive and negative. If the total is positive, you pay this cost with your Customization Karma (see below).  If the amount is negative, you gain that amount in additional Customization Karma.  The limit on qualities at character
creation is this:
You can’t select more than six total qualities at character creation, and the net
bonus Karma cannot be more than 20."


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« Reply #5 on: <08-11-19/1336:02> »
Drek, even that's unclear.

"Once you have the list, tally up the Karma costs, positive and negative. If the total cost of positive qualities is higher, subtract the negative quality costs from that number, and pay this cost with your Customization Karma (see below).  If the total cost of negative qualities is higher than the positive amount, reduce the negative amount by positive amount. You gain that amount in additional Customization Karma.  The limit on qualities at character creation is this: You can’t select more than six total qualities at character creation, and the net bonus Karma cannot be more than 20."


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« Reply #6 on: <08-11-19/1441:13> »
page 292. Enhanced Articulation:

"Enhanced articulation provides you with a +1 Agility and a bonus Edge when trying to move through cramped or confining spaces."

Unclear: Do I always get the +1 Agility, or only when moving through cramped spaces? 

Assuming the Edge only applies on cramped spaces, reword as follows:

"Enhanced articulation provides you with a +1 Agility.  You also gain a bonus Edge when trying to move through cramped or confining spaces."

If you for some reason were not supposed to get a +1 Agility all the time, the reword this way:

"When trying to move through cramped or confining spaces, Enhanced Articulation provides you with a +1 Agility and a bonus Edge when making tests while in these conditions."


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« Reply #7 on: <08-11-19/1449:04> »
page 291, Adrenal Pump:
"The pump works for (rating x 1D6) combat rounds, and it can’t be switched off early."

Am I rolling "(Rating)d6 and add the results together" or "roll 1d6 and multiply the result by the Rating"?  Very different possible outcomes.  Needs to be reworded to express intended outcome clearly.


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« Reply #8 on: <08-11-19/1515:57> »
Related note, given the consequences for using the pump, a rating 3 pump could easily be fatal.

"When time’s up, you crash and take Stun damage equal to the number of combat rounds the pump was active (use unaugmented Body to resist the damage)." 

So up to 18 damage, on top of what I already racked up.  This is straight up a bad rule.  Slapping a character with an absurd amount of damage is completely imbalanced and needlessly debilitating on a rules level.  This edition has conditions.  Use them instead.  Maybe apply Stun Damage equal to 2 x the rating also, but the conditions are a better consequence here.  Those can last for (Rating)d6 increments, and maybe be relieved with a medkit use.

Also, maybe read up on how massive shots of adrenalin work out.  It's pretty bad.

Another rules issue here too:

"While the pump is active, you ignore injury modifiers, don’t fall unconscious even if your Stun Condition Monitor is filled, you can’t rest, and the adrenaline pump’s rating is added to your Strength, Agility, Reaction, and Willpower attributes."

Now I need to know if this applies against my +4 maximum attribute boost limit or not.  If it shouldn't stack, specify that in the text ("This boost cannot cause you to exceed the limit of +4 bonus to your attributes").  If it's supposed to stack, call it out as such, and phrase it that you additional dice equal to the pump's rating to tests involving these attributes.

Also, it should not add to Agility, given the effects adrenalin actually has.  If anything it should act as a penalty.
Easiest thing would be to drop this bioware completely, deal with it in a splat book when it's been better thought through. If this implant could provide the benefits it does, it would also render you non-functional.  This is a retro hangover from it's 1990s origins when the mythology of adrenalin was still in it's heyday.  Make it a specialized gland that secretes a new synthesized neo-adrenephrine thingee that does what you want it to (as a successor to the original bioware, made necessary by the number of stroke victims from the first generation version).


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« Reply #9 on: <08-11-19/1532:30> »
Suprathyroid, page 292.

"You get a +1 to your Agility, Body, Reaction, and Strength,"

Clarification needed: Is this a bonus to my rolls or an attribute boost?  The distinction matters.


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« Reply #10 on: <08-11-19/1553:07> »
So many problems.  I need to stop looking through this book.  There's stuff on almost every page.

Standard Weapon Mounts for Vehicles:
"Vehicles may be equipped with a number of weapon mounts equal to their unaugmented Body /
3." Do we round up or down?

By the way, the Oni appears to violate this rule heavily with a Body 5 and two "standard mounts" (that are not able to hold the same weapons that the "standard mounts" describe).  Also, there's no rule that says I can't slap a suit of armor on my Oni.  While the DR may not matter (can Drones gain Edge if no one is piloting them?), the armor mod might matter.

Also, what's considered a "Heavy Weapon"?  That's not defined in the weapons area.  It's not a classification of weapons any more in the book.  No clear way to tell if I should use 1 or 2 weapon mounts for some weapons. 

I say again, the issues in this book are not fixable as an "errata" level undertaking.  The quantity alone is proof of that.  This needs to be yanked back, reworked and republished.  Selling more copies in this state just deepens the damage already done.

Everything has a price, and that is the price of rushing things to this degree. 

Shadowrun deserves better.


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« Reply #11 on: <08-12-19/1248:54> »
Spell resistance adept power cost 0.5 PP per level

The "per level"-part should probably be removed (as I doubt we are supposed to get two edge when targeted by spells if we have two ranks of Spell Resistance)

Jayde Moon

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« Reply #12 on: <08-12-19/1306:53> »
Pixel has linked the Hot Fix Errata as the opening post.  It's helpful if you're checking there before posting here.  For example:

Spell resistance adept power cost 0.5 PP per level

The "per level"-part should probably be removed (as I doubt we are supposed to get two edge when targeted by spells if we have two ranks of Spell Resistance)

This is already corrected on the linked errata.

Some of the questions posited here are less 'Errata' and either suitable for a sort of FAQ (if the question continues to come up) or not an issue at all.

Typhus brings up several items, most of which may require at least a response.  But in some cases, there simply isn't an issue, for example:

Ratingx1d6 is pretty clear that you roll 1d6 and multiply it by the rating and I fail to see how it could be read as roll 1d6 [Rating] times and tally the result.

Just a heads up that besides errata and fixes to the text that will make it into future print runs, we are also developing an FAQ to cover questions that might not be clear for some folks, especially those coming from previous editions where it worked differently than it does now.
That's just like... your opinion, man.


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« Reply #13 on: <08-12-19/1318:14> »
Mnemonic enhancer adds its rating to your knowledge skills, too bad you don't roll those. Between this, Transcend Grid, Limit boosters in SR6 No Future, I'm not sure CGL knows what they added to or took out of this edition.

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« Reply #14 on: <08-12-19/1323:10> »
Mnemonic enhancer adds its rating to your knowledge skills, too bad you don't roll those. Between this, Transcend Grid, Limit boosters in SR6 No Future, I'm not sure CGL knows what they added to or took out of this edition.

Heh, so... Knowledge Skills now apply a benefit to Active Skill rolls... take that how you will for now... it will be addressed later.

Copypasta was definitely problematic in this run.
That's just like... your opinion, man.