OK, I've lurked these posts for long enough. Time to chime in.
As for working hard on something...you can spend hundreds of hours polishing a turd (it IS possible BTW) and looking at the shiny brown results think "Who wouldn't buy this? We've slaved for hours over this, of course people will want it!"....in the end, people will only see a shiny turd someone wasted hours polishing and scratching their heads wondering why the polisher is so upset people don't like it..."
As for Toxicity. Very true there are some very bitter and vocal haters, however the venom drips both ways as been seen. Most of what has been turning me off the the forums in general is all of the "toxic supporters" of 6E. Like mentioned before the "if you don't like it and don't appreciate what we went through to do it....you're wrong!" crowd.
Personally, from what has been presented so far, I'm not likely to purchase straight away. I will see what the core rules have to offer, but I don't like what I see so far. Which, for the record, no one has to jusrify WHY. I don't like shell fish, don't have to explain why, just don't. I also hate paisley. Won't buy it. It may be the most comfortable perfect fit piece of wear in the world, but I'll never even consider it based on what I SEE at the moment.
6th Edition might be a perfectly playable and enjoyable system. And for those that think so, beautiful. ENJOY, the world needs more gamers. I think many are upset because of the perceived "star peg into round hole" feel the rules have as presented so far. Heck, even a square peg would have preferred, though was hoping for a few more sides myself (better fit/less drastic a change)
To me, I like mostly crunchy systems, but not Grape Nuts crunchy (there have been systems I have stayed away from because of that..ChartMaster RoleMaster for one, Stalking the Night Fantastic for another (the ability to die from hydro-static shock from a graze to your pinkey after 3 different charts to deal with damage...nope) and a few others. I also stay away from FATE and the like, not for me or mine. Tried all of the above plus over a hundred others over the years.
I feel that rules (yes, I said the "R" word) should provide the skeletal framework for the world. Set certain parameters and benchmarks that the players (and GM) can glance at for levels of expectation, whether or not the game goes beyond those if irrelevant They still provide a reference to show what is expected and normally available in the world as a whole. 6E to me, again from what has been given light so far, to be building it's framework from Ooblech, really firm and solid during some key points and way to runny fluid otherwise. Not a solid framework IMHO.
Now to my biggest complaint about this whole discussion... the defense of "Now the GM can just....." That has been a thing since the beginnings of tabletop role-playing. The GM has ALWAYS had that option, ALWAYS will. That is NO defense. To me it's about as intelligent as "am too, am not, am too, am not, am too........"
As for the "if we don't buy it, it might go away" thing. If (and I do mean IF, since I don't have the core rules I don't know, but the QSR have NOT impressed me) it sucks for my table, should I still support the company that is producing it so they can put out more of something I don't think is worth it? Never going to happen. If sales are down and they don't try to analyze why and try and find a solution (whatever that may be) then why bother at all?
Personally, I'm going to try and stay away from the coulda/shoulda/woulda conversations. What's been done is done. Now, the only thing to do will be how to fix what is perceived to be broken on an individual level and let the company know we are dissatisfied, how we are dissatisfied and why we are dissatisfied in a way that they will hopefully listen, NOT crankily bitch and moan nonconstructively. For those trying to be constructive, kudos. For those defending 6E with the understanding that others may not see what you do, double kudo's. For all of the others on both sides, well.......Not trying to get myself banned, so "have a nice life"
End result, I'll post more when I have read the core rules, until then good luck trying to convince the internet you are right.