Dark Days in Denver [OOC]

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« on: <02-13-11/1302:17> »
This is the place to post your characters, their stats, and a brief background on them.

You'll be starting out waiting togehter - probably for Mr. J - in a bar in the Hub area of Denver. It's adjacent to the Sioux sector to the north and the UCAS to the west, but has access from all four sectors and serves as a governmental area, general neutral zone, and the home of nicer clubs, lounges and the like.

You may choose which sector you reside in, and describe your living arrangements. If everyone's in the UCAS, that's fine, but feel free to branch out if appropriate.

You're a team, where at least a core of you have been together for three jobs already. Once everyone has posted their characters, I would like for you to build some history together. Talk about prior interactions, talk about the jobs you've been on. We're creating Denver from slim information, so feel free to create places, clubs, people, events and the like to suit your needs. And any plot hooks are welcome. :)

One rule I've decided to implement that will impact you immediately - everyone gets 10 BP of free contacts. Please keep the loyalty and contact numbers reasonable, as too many 6/6 contacts ruins the legwork.

The team consists of:



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« Reply #1 on: <02-13-11/1948:16> »
Excellent, glad to be a part of this game.
I just bought a few splatbooks that I'm still reading through.  I must resist my munchkin urges.

Whew.  I'm terrible with names, but this is my rough draft.

As it stands, he's a rookie mage looking to make some cred and study magic.  Denver is a wretched hive of scum and villainy, but also of adventure and opportunity.
When not performing deeds of derring do or studying the arcane workings of the world, he works part time in a Talismonger's (I love that word) shop.  Changing the world is for later.

I'm considering certain attributes, but they'll change the way I look at this character.  Things like Pacifist and a Mild Addiction to Longhaul.  Day Job seems handy, but kinda cheesy, as do other Mild Addictions.

One of my alternates would be to take SINner and Trust Fund; frees me from having to worry about Lifestyle or money, which means I'm running because I want to ::), but the motivation for that would be rather murky.  I suppose I could pair it with being the child of some Aztechnology wagemage or something, refugee or otherwise, but that just seems...easy to mishandle.  Not what I'd initially planned, but it'd be a strong side hook, though, if I can avoid being crushed to dust.
If I took more Day Job, maybe Pacifist, I could boost up med skills and make him a nurse, too, I guess.
Might be able to mitigate SINner somewhat by using a fake SIN and trying to live separate Batman!

A Dwarf seems like a powerful choice, but I think my ego is too big for someone 1.2m tall.  I've always had a problem playing nonhuman characters, and while I should change that, and I don't know if now is the time to start.

Name: Glen Carter
Alias:  Max Magus!
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Nationality: Californian
Lifestyle: Low
Karma Spent: 0
Physical Description: Somewhat scrawny,
Personality/background "Changing the world would be nice, helping others would be nice, but right now I'm broke."  Good natured, somewhat naive by Shadowrunner standards, Glen is a curious, studious, and surprisingly adventurous young mage.



Positive Qualities
Magician (Mage)
Negative Qualities
Day Job

Active Skills
Athletics Skill Group1
Stealth Skill Group1
Ritual Spellcasting1
Pistols (Light)1(3)
Unarmed Combat1
Pilot Groundcraft1
Knowledge Skills ( [Logic + Intuition] x 3 free points)
Magical News3
Medical News3
Magical Security4
Awakened Drugs2
Physical Security1
Language Skills

Mind Probe

Gear (XXXXX¥)
Hermes Ikon (Novatech Navi, AR Gloves, Nanopaste Trodes, Printer, Satellite Link5355¥
Glasses (Low Light, Flare Compensation, Vision Enhancement 3, Image Link)650¥
Mage Sight Goggles2000¥
Medkit 6600¥
Gas Mask200¥
Mapsoft 6 (Denver)30¥
Gecko Tape Gloves250¥
Lined Coat700¥
Lodge 52500¥
Fake SIN 44000¥
Fake Spellcasting License400¥
Fake Driver's License400¥

Yamaha Growler

Talismonger3/3Thomas Amon.  Teacher and Employer; Max gets tips on the finer points of the theory and practice of magic, and occasionally helps out around the store.
Smuggler/Biker2/2John Carter of Denver (no relation).  Adventurer and smuggler.  Glen makes the occasional order, and enjoys listening to his stories, and John likes preening and free beer.
Shadowrunners are reminded that the Fashion Police are a real organization and will they will be deployed at the first sign of defiance.
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« Reply #2 on: <02-13-11/2143:41> »
I figure the easiest thing for the moment will be to submit the story/background I submitted for the game and go from there.  Still working on the stats, but they will be here soon.

Daniel Smiling Wolf is a full blooded Lakota Sioux.  He grew up living a charmed life of a small town sports hero in Montana.

Everything came pretty easy for him, his natural charisma and athletic ability combined with the magic that enhanced both, he was a happy and popular young man.

This came to a screeching halt for him when his parents were killed shortly after he came of age.  He was automatically granted a delayed waiver of his country’s military service obligation, but he turned it down and showed up for training as scheduled.  He seemed okay, but it was clear early on he was changed.

‘Smiley’s’ abilities caused him to gravitate towards the Wildcats, and he would have made it had it not been for an ill-advised and poorly executed dalliance with an older woman who happened to be married to his training company’s XO.  While this didn’t kill his military career, it was the first sign of what became a pattern in his life.  For the next several years, Daniel would prove himself capable and even heroic in all manner of high profile and dangerous assignments, then he would have some ill-advised situation, usually involving some combination of women, alcohol or fighting, that would derail him and then his charisma or friendships would pull him back from the brink.

His luck ran out when, while working security at STC HQ in Billings, he killed a man in self-defense, a man who happened to be married to a woman Daniel was seeing and who happened to an aide to the Salish Council representative.
He came to Denver to hide and make a life for himself, but has not bothered to try and break his pattern of subtle self-destruction, if he is even aware of it.  He has found a niche as a face and hand to hand fighter, but has also become known on the party scene and usually blows through any money he makes as a runner.
Daniel is a friendly and happy person, and a capable member of a team.  He is also an alcoholic and living on the edge is the only way he has of dealing with his demons.


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« Reply #3 on: <02-13-11/2214:20> »
Whew, nice to meet you.  Live fast, die young, eh?
I think our characters will get along well, though I suppose nagging and such could get on Danny's nerves.  Three missions as a support mage; do you suppose that's time enough to be 'team nanny'?

Still, I need to get cracking on a better backstory.

I suppose the motivation for the Trust Fund kid would be independence; making money on his own, learning magic and not being in the pocket of a corporation.
That, and slumming it.
Shadowrunners are reminded that the Fashion Police are a real organization and will they will be deployed at the first sign of defiance.
Mossy the Mentat Looking for a game.


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« Reply #4 on: <02-14-11/1230:56> »
I've been having problems with my PC randomly locking up lately. This is making it hard for me to access my character's sheet. Panjandrum, would you mind posting Aashif so that others can see it? Go ahead and post his full background, too. I'm hoping to have my computer issues fixed before we start actual play.


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« Reply #5 on: <02-14-11/2108:31> »
Seriously doubt you could get on Smiley's nerves, or know it if you did, he got the name for a reason.   8) 

You wanna play nursemaid you are more than welcome to, just don't expect to be listened to.   ;D


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« Reply #6 on: <02-14-11/2336:59> »
I posted my intro to PJ in character, but I think ill NOT do that for you guys yet.

My character is called Top.  you get to call him that if he likes you.  He is a veteran Mercenary NCO who decided too start running because the pay is better.   He is gruff, but knows his shit, which is not magic, or decking.  It is planing, and thinking things through.  Hes not bad with a rifle either.    I will post more tomorrow (the thumb drive with the character is at school [i hope])



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« Reply #7 on: <02-15-11/0842:19> »
Looks like you need a hacker/rigger/medic support guy.  I've got several builds I can adapt in an hour if that's the case.

Otherwise, I'd go for a mundane bioface who can kick ass on either side of a security checkpoint.  Should take less time.

Both characters are more or less ready.  I'll post whichever one is needed most.

Quick question for you Pan.  For the rigger, would general specializations like "urban infiltration" or "ranged dodge" transfer over to vehicles, or would I need to take vehicle-specific specializations instead like "radar infiltration" or "vehicle dodge" or the like?

Also, breaking up skillgroups at chargen, yes/no?
« Last Edit: <02-18-11/0352:11> by Kontact »


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« Reply #8 on: <02-18-11/0549:09> »
so, what up?  ???


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« Reply #9 on: <02-21-11/1024:55> »
My computer is in the repair shop. This a fair chance that I'll lose my character's sheet entirely. I can always remake it, but it'd be way easier if Panjandrum posted it for me. Has anybody heard from him lately?

Just to give you a general idea, though, my character is actually pretty similar skillwise to Rockopolis' character. He's a Middle Eastern magician following a hermetic tradition modelling himself off the alchemists of old. He's searching for a philosopher's stone, which he believes will allow him to achieve Panacea, a spell or state that can purge the world of all disease and maybe even bring immortality and other good stuff. He pursues this more out of academic interest than any true altruistic impulse.

If I remember correctly, Aashif's highest skills are Spellcasting and Assensing. I might have to tweak his skills (especially if PJ doesn't have a copy of my sheet). When I initially made him, I kind of forgot about Counterspelling, and only gave him 1 point in it, which I might want to change. I also completely neglected to pick up Ritual Spellcasting, which I might want to re-think if I'm going to be running with another mage with very similar skills. He spells, if I remember correctly, are Stunbolt, Acid Stream, Heal, Cure Disease, Increased Reflexes, and Levitate. There might be like one other that I'm forgetting.


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« Reply #10 on: <02-21-11/1048:20> »
Haven't heard from him.  I'm tweaking my character, but I think I'm cranking up Counterspelling and making him a support mage.
Shadowrunners are reminded that the Fashion Police are a real organization and will they will be deployed at the first sign of defiance.
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« Reply #11 on: <02-21-11/1810:54> »
Not that I have heard from our GM, but in an effort to move this forward, I will offer a few opinions. 

Kontact- Rigger/hacker/support/Medic, definitely some combination thereof, I got the face covered, if not much else.

Wonder mage twins- I would definitely get on the same page as far as skills go, either complimentary or opposing, some coordination should be considered.

The other thing I would suggest is skill grouping of magic skills on some level.

I will go ahead and get my character posted for critique as well.


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« Reply #12 on: <02-21-11/2022:25> »
Here we go

 :) :D ;D 8) ::)
Name: Daniel Smiling Wolf
Alias: Smiley
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Nationality: Sioux
Lifestyle: Low (1 Month paid)
Physical Description: Think Daniel Day Lewis meets Taylor Lautner



Positive Qualities
Martial Arts (1)
Negative Qualities
Addiction - Mild [Alcohol]
Compulsive - Mild [Flirting]
Thrill Seeker

Active Skills
Influence Skill Group4
Athletics Skill Group1
Unarmed Combat6
Pilot Groundcraft (Bike)1(3)
Knowledge Skills ( [Logic + Intuition] x 3 free points)
Current Trends4
Denver (Sioux Sector)3(5)
Language Skills
English (Clubspeak)3(5)

Adept Powers
Attribute Boost [Agility]
Attribute Boost [Reaction]
Attribute Boost [Strength]
Critical Strike
Improved Reflexes I
Killing Hands
Kinesics (3)

Armor Jacket
Fake ID (4)
Glasses (Flare Comp, Low-Light)
Harley Scorpion

Amerindian Tribesperson2/4
Beat Cop2/3
Club Owner2/2
Corporate Secretary2/3
Forensics Expert2/2
Political Intern2/2
Simsense Star3/3
« Last Edit: <02-21-11/2026:59> by Crossbow »


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« Reply #13 on: <02-21-11/2038:56> »
The GM made a big deal about daily posting.  So, until i hear from him again (some one asked him a question like a week ago,) I'm not working on my character.



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« Reply #14 on: <02-21-11/2114:48> »
Danny-boy seems pretty cool.

Hope the GM is still alive.  I got a bad feeling.  They sounded serious about the post every day.  Maybe they have computer trouble, or they're just freaking out.
And I hope I didn't drive them off; I swear, one time, character creation was so bad, a different GM banned me from their games, and then vanished from the internet.
Shadowrunners are reminded that the Fashion Police are a real organization and will they will be deployed at the first sign of defiance.
Mossy the Mentat Looking for a game.